Spirit, Divine to Spirit-Realm

A Concordance to the Collected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Compiled by Eugene F. Irey

Spirit, Divine, n. (1)

    Chr2 10.100 16 It happens now and then, in the ages, that a soul is born... which offers no impediment to the Divine Spirit...

Spirit, Eternal, n. (3)

    Art2 7.57 13 ...that Eternal Spirit whose triple face [beauty, truth and goodness] are, moulds from them forever, for his mortal child, images to remind him of the Infinite and Fair.
    Schr 10.288 23 ...[the scholar] is to hold lightly every tradition, every opinion, every person, out of his piety to that Eternal Spirit which dwells unexpressed with him.
    Milt1 12.268 14 ...the invocations of the Eternal Spirit in the commencement of [Milton's] books are not poetic forms, but are thoughts...

Spirit, Good, n. (1)

    NER 3.258 25 ...the Good Spirit never cared for the colleges...

Spirit, Great, n. (2)

    PPh 4.50 14 ...the nature of the Great Spirit is single, though its forms be manifold [said Krishna]...
    EWI 11.103 15 Very sad was the negro tradition, that the Great Spirit, in the beginning offered the black man, whom he loved better than the buckra, or white, his choice of two boxes...

spirit, n. (380)

    Nat 1.8 4 Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit.
    Nat 1.9 3 The lover of nature is he...who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.
    Nat 1.11 12 Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.
    Nat 1.25 8 Nature is the symbol of spirit.
    Nat 1.25 17 Spirit primarily means wind;...
    Nat 1.34 20 There seems to be a necessity in spirit to manifest itself in material forms;...
    Nat 1.34 25 ...day and night...are what they are by virtue of preceding affections in the world of spirit.
    Nat 1.34 26 A Fact is the end or last issue of spirit.
    Nat 1.35 12 Every scripture is to be interpreted by the same spirit which gave it forth...
    Nat 1.37 20 ...debt...which so cripples and disheartens a great spirit...is a preceptor whose lessons cannot be foregone...
    Nat 1.38 3 ...[property] is hiving, in the foresight of the spirit, experience in profounder laws.
    Nat 1.45 13 When [the human form] appears among so many that surround it, the spirit prefers it to all others.
    Nat 1.49 1 ...we resist with indignation any hint that nature is more short-lived or mutable than spirit.
    Nat 1.49 12 It is the uniform effect of culture on the human mind...to attribute necessary existence to spirit;...
    Nat 1.50 14 Nature is made to conspire with spirit to emancipate us.
    Nat 1.58 1 ...religion and ethics...have an analogous effect with all lower culture, in degrading nature and suggesting its dependence on spirit.
    Nat 1.62 10 [Nature] is the organ through which the universal spirit speaks to the individual...
    Nat 1.63 4 ...if it only deny the existence of matter, [Idealism] does not satisfy the demands of the spirit.
    Nat 1.63 27 ...spirit creates;...
    Nat 1.64 1 ...behind nature, throughout nature, spirit is present;...
    Nat 1.64 5 ...spirit, that is, the Supreme Being, does not build up nature around us...
    Nat 1.64 25 The world proceeds from the same spirit as the body of man.
    Nat 1.66 17 ...the best read naturalist who lends an entire and devout attention to truth, will see that there remains much to learn of his relation to the world, and that it...is arrived at by untaught sallies of the spirit...
    Nat 1.70 10 A wise writer will feel that the ends of study and composition are best answered by announcing undiscovered regions of thought, and so communicating, through hope, new activity to the torpid spirit.
    Nat 1.70 18 The foundations of man are not in matter, but in spirit.
    Nat 1.70 18 ...the element of spirit is eternity.
    Nat 1.71 3 ...who can set limits to the remedial force of spirit?
    Nat 1.71 14 Once [man] was permeated and dissolved by spirit.
    Nat 1.74 4 [Man] cannot be a naturalist until he satisfies all the demands of the spirit.
    Nat 1.76 2 Spirit alters, moulds, makes [nature].
    Nat 1.76 4 The immobility or bruteness of nature is the absence of spirit;...
    Nat 1.76 4 ...to pure spirit [nature] is fluid...
    Nat 1.76 5 Every spirit builds itself a house...
    Nat 1.76 21 A correspondent revolution in things will attend the influx of the spirit.
    Nat 1.77 2 As when the summer comes...the face of the earth becomes green before it, so shall the advancing spirit create its ornaments along its path...
    AmS 1.85 9 Therein [nature] resembles [the scholar's] own spirit, whose beginning, whose ending, he never can find...
    AmS 1.87 11 The next great influence into the spirit of the scholar is the mind of the Past...
    AmS 1.88 25 The writer was a just and wise spirit...
    AmS 1.98 27 ...these fits of easy transmission and reflection...are the law of nature because they are the law of spirit.
    AmS 1.114 11 The spirit of the American freeman is already suspected to be timid...
    DSA 1.120 12 What am I? and What is? asks the human spirit...
    DSA 1.120 20 These works of thought have been the entertainments of the human spirit in all ages.
    DSA 1.124 10 ...all things proceed out of this same spirit...
    DSA 1.124 14 All things proceed out of the same spirit...
    DSA 1.135 1 The spirit only can teach.
    LE 1.156 8 ...even if his results...abode in his own spirit; the intellect hath somewhat so sacred in its possessions that the fact of [the scholar's] existence and pursuits would be a happy omen.
    LE 1.165 4 ...an able man is nothing else than a good, free, vascular organization, whereinto the universal spirit freely flows;...
    LE 1.166 19 ...[the speaker] only adjusts himself to the free spirit which gladly utters itself through him;...
    LE 1.172 20 The inundation of the spirit sweeps away before it all our little architecture of wit and memory...
    LE 1.174 21 Not insulation of place, but independence of spirit is essential...
    LE 1.182 27 The student...is great only by being passive to the superincumbent spirit.
    MN 1.200 21 ...thou must behold [nature] in a spirit as grand as that by which it exists, ere thou canst know the law.
    MN 1.201 13 When we behold the landscape in a poetic spirit, we do not reckon individuals.
    MN 1.203 27 ...the spirit and peculiarity of that impression nature makes on us is this, that it does not exist to any one or to any number of particular ends...
    MN 1.209 17 As children in their play run behind each other, and seize one by the ears and make him walk before them, so is the spirit our unseen pilot.
    MN 1.212 12 ...[all things] seek to penetrate and overpower each the nature of every other creature, and itself alone in all modes and throughout space and spirit to prevail and possess.
    MN 1.219 24 ...[the Puritans' motive for settlement] was the growth and expansion of the human race, and resembled herein the sequent Revolution, which was...the overflowing of the sense of natural right in every clear and active spirit of the period.
    MN 1.222 6 ...the solicitations of this spirit...are never forborne.
    MR 1.228 26 ...not a kingdom, town, statute, rite, calling, man, or woman, but is threatened by the new spirit.
    LT 1.266 10 Now and then comes a bolder spirit...
    LT 1.274 26 Grimly the same spirit [of Reform] looks into the law of Property...
    LT 1.278 2 We...want...the spirit that sheds and showers actions...
    LT 1.281 11 By new infusions alone of the spirit by which he is made and directed, can [man] be re-made and reinforced.
    LT 1.284 4 ...we begin to doubt...whether [Reform] be not...a paper blockade, in which each party is to display the utmost resources of his spirit and belief, and no conflict occur...
    LT 1.287 24 The main interest which any aspects of the Times can have for us, is the great spirit which gazes through them...
    Con 1.320 25 Religion is taught in the same spirit.
    Tran 1.336 7 ...[the Transcendentalist] resists all attempts to palm other rules and measures on the spirit than its own.
    Tran 1.336 23 Jacobi, refusing all measure of right and wrong except the determinations of the private spirit, remarks that there is no crime but has sometimes been a virtue.
    Tran 1.342 11 [Transcendentalists] are lonely; the spirit of their writing and conversation is lonely;...
    Tran 1.343 13 ...[Transcendentalists] will own...that there are...persons whose faces are perhaps unknown to them, but whose fame and spirit have penetrated their solitude...
    Tran 1.349 26 ...[Transcendentalists] have...found that from the liberal professions to the coarsest manual labor...there is a spirit of cowardly compromise...
    Tran 1.352 6 [Transcendentalists] are exercised in their own spirit with queries which acquaint them with all adversity...
    Tran 1.354 25 [The moral movements of the time] have a liberal, even an aesthetic spirit.
    YA 1.365 5 The task of surveying, planting, and building upon this immense tract requires an education and a sentiment commensurate thereto. A consciousness of this fact is beginning to take the place of the purely trading spirit and education which sprang up whilst all the population lived on the fringe of sea-coast.
    YA 1.371 11 It seems so easy for America to inspire and express the most expansive and humane spirit;...
    YA 1.391 9 Every great and memorable community has consisted of formidable individuals, who, like the Roman or the Spartan, lent his own spirit to the State and made it great.
    YA 1.393 20 Something may be pardoned to the spirit of loyalty when it becomes fantastic;...
    Hist 2.3 16 ...the human spirit goes forth from the beginning to embody every faculty...which belongs to it, in appropriate events.
    Hist 2.4 5 ...empire, republic, democracy, are merely the application of [the first man's] manifold spirit to the manifold world.
    Hist 2.13 24 Through the bruteness and toughness of matter, a subtle spirit bends all things to its own will.
    Hist 2.17 3 In a certain state of thought is the common origin of very diverse works. It is the spirit and not the fact that is identical.
    Hist 2.32 27 In splendid variety these changes come, all putting questions to the human spirit.
    Hist 2.34 23 The preternatural prowess of the hero, the gift of perpetual youth, and the like, are alike the endeavor of the human spirit to bend the shows of things to the desires of the mind.
    SR 2.58 3 Pythagoras was misunderstood...and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh.
    SR 2.65 24 The relations of the soul to the divine spirit are so pure that it is profane to seek to interpose helps.
    SR 2.77 20 [Prayer] is the spirit of God pronouncing his works good.
    SR 2.84 9 As our Religion, our Education, our Art look abroad, so does our spirit of society.
    Comp 2.97 6 ...each thing is a half, and suggests another thing to make it whole; as, spirit, matter;...
    Comp 2.108 15 That is the best part of each writer which has nothing private in it;...that which in the study of a single artist you might not easily find, but in the study of many you would abstract as the spirit of them all.
    Comp 2.120 2 The inviolate spirit turns [the mob's] spite against the wrongdoers.
    Comp 2.125 26 We linger in the ruins of the old tent...nor believe that the spirit can feed, cover, and nerve us again.
    SL 2.156 23 When a man speaks the truth in the spirit of truth, his eye is as clear as the heavens.
    Fdsp 2.200 21 The good spirit of our life has no heaven which is the price of rashness.
    Fdsp 2.210 8 Let [my friend] be to me a spirit.
    Fdsp 2.211 24 What is so great as friendship, let us carry with what grandeur of spirit we can.
    Prd1 2.224 3 Cultivated men always feel and speak...as if a great fortune...a graceful and commanding address, had their value as proofs of the energy of the spirit.
    Hsm1 2.246 6 My Dorigen,/ Yonder, above, 'bout Ariadne's crown,/ My spirit shall hover for thee. Prithee, haste./
    Hsm1 2.247 17 By Romulus, [Sophocles] is all soul, I think;/ He hath no flesh, and spirit cannot be gyved,/ Then we have vanquished nothing; he is free,/ And Martius walks now in captivity./
    Hsm1. 2.252 17 When the spirit is not master of the world, then it is its dupe.
    OS 2.269 21 ...by yielding to the spirit of prophecy which is innate in every man, we can know what [the soul] saith.
    OS 2.272 20 The spirit sports with time...
    OS 2.275 13 This is the law of moral and of mental gain. The simple rise as by specific levity not into a particular virtue, but into the region of all the virtues. They are in the spirit which contains them all.
    OS 2.276 18 One mode of the divine teaching is the incarnation of the spirit in a form...
    OS 2.283 19 Never a moment did that sublime spirit [Jesus] speak in [men' s] patois.
    OS 2.285 6 By the same fire...which burns until it shall dissolve all things into the waves and surges of an ocean of light, we see and know each other, and what spirit each is of.
    OS 2.286 22 Neither his age...nor talents...can hinder [a man] from being deferential to a higher spirit than his own.
    Cir 2.306 6 Does the fact look crass and material, threatening to degrade thy theory of spirit?
    Cir 2.310 16 The parties [in conversation] are not to be judged by the spirit they partake and even express under this Pentecost.
    Cir 2.320 2 Nothing is secure but life, transition, the energizing spirit.
    Art1 2.351 11 The details, the prose of nature [the painter] should omit and give us only the spirit and splendor.
    Art1 2.352 12 What is a man but a finer and compacter landscape than the horizon figures...and what is...his love of painting, his love of nature, but a still finer success...the spirit or moral of it contracted into a musical word, or the most cunning stroke of the pencil?
    Art1 2.365 1 Sculpture may serve to teach the pupil...how purely the spirit can translate its meanings into that eloquent dialect [of form].
    Pt1 3.3 22 We were put into our bodies...but there is no accurate adjustment between the spirit and the organ...
    Pt1 3.9 27 ...it is not metres, but a metre-making argument that makes a poem,--a thought so passionate and alive that like the spirit of a plant or an animal it has an architecture of its own...
    Pt1 3.11 2 It is much to know that poetry has been written this very day, under this very roof, by your side. What! that wonderful spirit has not expired!
    Pt1 3.13 22 ...there is no body without its spirit or genius.
    Pt1 3.14 3 So every spirit, as it is more pure,/ And hath in it the more of heavenly light,/ So it the fairer body doth procure/ To habit in, and it more fairly dight,/ With cheerful grace and amiable sight./
    Pt1 3.28 21 The spirit of the world...comes not forth to the sorceries of opium or of wine.
    Pt1 3.29 17 That spirit which suffices quiet hearts...comes forth to the poor and hungry...
    Exp 3.45 23 Did our birth fall in some fit of indigence and frugality in nature, that...though we have health and reason, yet we have no superfluity of spirit for new creation?
    Exp 3.53 11 The physicians say they are not materialists; but they are:-- Spirit is matter reduced to an extreme thinness: O so thin!
    Exp 3.62 21 We may climb into the thin and cold realm of pure geometry and lifeless science, or sink into that of sensation. Between these extremes is the equator of life, of thought, of spirit, of poetry...
    Exp 3.74 10 The spirit is not helpless or needful of mediate organs.
    Chr1 3.93 2 ...[the natural merchant] inspires respect and the wish to deal with him...for the quiet spirit of honor which attends him...
    Chr1 3.97 5 Everything in nature...has a positive and a negative pole. There is...a spirit and a fact...
    Chr1 3.97 6 Spirit is the positive [pole], the event is the negative.
    Chr1 3.102 10 We shall still postpone our existence...whilst it is only a thought and not a spirit that incites us.
    Mrs1 3.121 26 [Good society] is made of the spirit, more than of the talent of men...
    Mrs1 3.139 3 The average spirit of the energetic class is good sense...
    Mrs1 3.141 16 The favorites of society...are able men and of more spirit than wit...
    Mrs1 3.143 4 Life owes much of its spirit to these sharp contrasts.
    Gts 3.162 25 I am sorry...when a gift comes from such as do not know my spirit...
    Nat2 3.167 7 Spirit that lurks each form within/ Beckons to spirit of its kin;/...
    Nat2 3.167 8 Spirit that lurks each form within/ Beckons to spirit of its kin;/...
    Nat2 3.167 7 Spirit that lurks each form within/ Beckons to spirit of its kin;/...
    Nat2 3.167 8 Spirit that lurks each form within/ Beckons to spirit of its kin;/...
    Nat2 3.167 7 Spirit that lurks each form within/ Beckons to spirit of its kin;/...
    Nat2 3.167 8 Spirit that lurks each form within/ Beckons to spirit of its kin;/...
    Pol1 3.207 27 ...our institutions, though in coincidence with the spirit of the age, have not any exemption from the practical defects which have discredited other forms.
    Pol1 3.210 11 The spirit of our American radicalism is destructive and aimless...
    NR 3.228 12 ...as we grow older we value total powers and effects, as the impression, the quality, the spirit of men and things.
    NR 3.230 19 We infer the spirit of the nation in great measure from the language...
    NER 3.251 21 The spirit of protest and of detachment drove the members of these [Sabbath and Bible] Conventions to bear testimony against the Church...
    NER 3.254 3 ...it was directly in the spirit and genius of the age, what happened in one instance when a church censured and threatened to excommunicate one of its members...
    NER 3.254 22 It is right and beautiful in any man to say, I will take this coat, or this book, or this measure of corn of yours,--in whom we see the act...to flow from the whole spirit and faith of him;...
    NER 3.258 10 One of the traits of the new spirit is the inquisition it fixed on our scholastic devotion to the dead languages.
    NER 3.260 13 One tendency appears alike in the philosophical speculation and in the rudest democratical movements...the wish, namely, to...arrive at short methods; urged, as I suppose, by an intuition that the human spirit is equal to all emergencies alone...
    NER 3.263 21 ...the revolt against the spirit of commerce, the spirit of aristocracy...did not appear possible to individuals;...
    NER 3.276 25 ...[those who reject us]...supply to us new powers out of the recesses of the spirit...
    NER 3.282 2 We seek to say thus and so, and over our head some spirit sits which contradicts what we say.
    NER 3.282 9 ...[our other self] holds uncontrollable communication with the enemy, and he answers civilly to us, but believes the spirit.
    UGM 4.8 14 Mind thy affair, says the spirit...
    UGM 4.33 9 This is the key to the power of the greatest men,--their spirit diffuses itself.
    PPh 4.45 3 I am struck...with the extreme modernness of [Plato's] style and spirit.
    PPh 4.50 9 The knowledge that this spirit, which is essentially one, is in one's own and in all other bodies, is the wisdom of one who knows the unity of things [said Krishna].
    PPh 4.56 15 ...The physical philosophers had sketched each his theory of the world; the theory of atoms, of fire, of flux, of spirit;...
    PPh 4.70 5 ...the Banquet [of Plato] is a teaching in the same spirit [of ascension]...that the love of the sexes is initial, and symbolizes at a distance the passion of the soul for that immense lake of beauty it exists to seek.
    PNR 4.86 3 [Plato] was born to behold the self-evolving power of spirit...
    SwM 4.115 2 A spirit may be known from only a single thought.
    SwM 4.129 18 ...I adore the greater worth in another, and so become his wife. He aspires to a higher worth in another spirit, and is wife or receiver of that influence.
    SwM 4.139 4 ...we feel the more generous spirit of the Indian Vishnu,--I am the same to all mankind.
    SwM 4.139 12 ...we feel the more generous spirit of the Indian Vishnu,--I am the same to all mankind. ... If one whose ways are altogether evil serve me alone...he soon becometh of a virtuous spirit...
    SwM 4.141 10 Melodious poets shall be hoarse as street ballads when once the penetrating key-note of nature and spirit is sounded...
    MoS 4.158 20 ...it is alleged that labor impairs the form and breaks the spirit of man...
    MoS 4.172 3 Skepticism is the attitude assumed by the student in relation to the particulars which society adores, but which he sees to be reverend only in their tendency and spirit.
    MoS 4.179 18 The young spirit pants to enter society.
    MoS 4.184 16 Each man woke in the morning with...a spirit for action and passion without bounds;...
    ShP 4.191 13 Great genial power, one would almost say, consists in... suffering the spirit of the hour to pass unobstructed through the mind.
    ShP 4.215 27 Beauty, the spirit of joy and hilarity, [the poet] sheds over the universe.
    NMW 4.224 20 [Napoleon] had [the middle classes'] virtues and their vices; above all, he had their spirit or aim.
    NMW 4.225 3 Paris and London and New York, the spirit of commerce... were also to have their prophet;...
    NMW 4.225 11 Napoleon...at the highest point of his fortunes, has the very spirit of the newspapers.
    NMW 4.241 3 [Napoleon] filled the troops with his spirit...
    NMW 4.245 18 ...in the prevalence of sense and spirit over stupidity and malversation, all reasonable men have an interest;...
    GoW 4.261 3 I find a provision in the constitution of the world for the writer, or secretary, who is to report the doings of the miraculous spirit of life that everywhere throbs and works.
    GoW 4.267 13 ...although [the Quaker and the Shaker] each prates of spirit, there is no spirit, but repetition, which is anti-spiritual.
    GoW 4.274 19 [Goethe] has explained the distinction between the antique and the modern spirit and art.
    GoW 4.277 24 Wilhelm Meister is a novel in every sense...called by its admirers the only delineation of modern society,--as if other novels...dealt with costume and condition, this with the spirit of life.
    ET1 5.18 9 ...[Carlyle] had the natural disinclination of every nimble spirit to bruise itself against walls...
    ET5 5.85 11 The spirit of system, attention to details...constitute that dispatch of business which makes the mercantile power of England.
    ET5 5.88 3 Whilst they are thus instinct with a spirit of order and of calculation, it must be owned [the English] are capable of larger views;...
    ET5 5.91 24 In the same [English] spirit, were the excavation and research by Sir Charles Followes for the Xanthian monument...
    ET5 5.92 21 [The English] have...justified their occupancy of the centre of habitable land, by their supreme ability and cosmopolitan spirit.
    ET5 5.101 23 ...whilst in some directions [the English] do not represent the modern spirit but constitute it;--this vanguard of civility and power they coldly hold...
    ET6 5.103 2 ...[the English] will let you break all the commandments, if you do it natively and with spirit.
    ET8 5.139 23 No nation was ever so rich in able men [as England];...men of such temper, that, like Baron Vere, had one seen him returning from a victory, he would by his silence have suspected that he had lost the day; and, had he beheld him in a retreat, he would have collected him a conqueror by the cheerfulness of his spirit.
    ET11 5.185 9 If one asks, in the critical spirit of the day, what service this class [English nobility] have rendered?--uses appear, or they would have perished long ago.
    ET11 5.185 26 ...when it happens that the spirit of the earl meets his rank and duties, we have the best examples of behavior.
    ET11 5.193 14 Even peers who are men of worth and public spirit [in England] are overtaken and embarrassed by their vast expense.
    ET13 5.220 8 Heats and genial periods arrive in history, or, shall we say, plenitudes of Divine Presence, by which high tides are caused in the human spirit...
    ET13 5.220 19 The spirit that dwelt in this [English] church has glided away to animate other activities...
    ET13 5.222 25 The action of the university, both in what is taught and in the spirit of the place, is directed more on producing an English gentleman, than a saint or a psychologist.
    ET14 5.248 9 It is because [Bacon] had...the leisures of the spirit...that he is impressive...
    ET14 5.254 18 ...parochial and shop-till politics, and idolatry of usage, betray the ebb of life and spirit [in English students].
    ET16 5.275 13 I told Carlyle that...I saw everywhere in the country [England] proofs of sense and spirit...
    ET18 5.302 14 We cannot go deep enough into the biography of the spirit who never throws himself entire into one hero...
    F 6.4 19 We are sure that...necessity does comport with liberty...my polarity with the spirit of the times.
    F 6.9 6 Every spirit makes its house;...
    F 6.9 8 Every spirit makes its house; but afterwards the house confines the spirit.
    F 6.22 24 On one side elemental order...and on the other part thought, the spirit which composes and decomposes nature...
    F 6.44 23 ...the great man, that is, the man most imbued with the spirit of the time, is the impressionable man;...
    Pow 6.55 14 Where [the arteries] pour [the blood] unrestrained into the veins, the spirit is low and feeble.
    Pow 6.62 11 The same energy in the Greek Demos drew the remark that the evils of popular government appear greater than they are; there is compensation for them in the spirit and energy it awakens.
    Pow 6.66 23 It is an esoteric doctrine of society...that public spirit and the ready hand are as well found among the malignants.
    Pow 6.66 26 'T is not very rare, the coincidence of sharp private and political practice with public spirit and good neighborhood.
    Pow 6.70 24 The luxury...of electricity [is], not volleys of the charged cloud, but the manageable stream on the battery-wires. So of spirit, or energy;...
    Pow 6.80 15 ...this force or spirit, being the means relied on by Nature for bringing the work of the day about,--as far as we attach importance to household life and the prizes of the world, we must respect that.
    Ctr 6.139 15 A boy, says Plato, is the most vicious of all wild beasts; and in the same spirit the old English poet Gascoigne says, A boy is better unborn than untaught.
    Bhr 6.177 14 The face and eyes reveal what the spirit is doing...
    Bhr 6.179 23 'T is remarkable too that the spirit that appears at the windows of the house [the eyes] does at once invest himself in a new form of his own to the mind of the beholder.
    Bhr 6.185 23 ...the movements of Blanche are the sallies of a spirit which is sufficient for the moment...
    Bhr 6.194 5 ...such was the contented spirit of the monk [Basle] that he found something to praise in every place and company...
    Wsp 6.201 4 Some of my friends have complained...that we...gave too much line to the evil spirit of the times;...
    Wsp 6.202 21 We may well give skepticism as much line as we can. The spirit will return and fill us.
    Wsp 6.227 13 As we grow older we value total powers and effects, as the spirit or quality of the man.
    CbW 6.264 13 The joy of the spirit indicates its strength.
    CbW 6.276 3 Few people discern that it rests with the master or the mistress what service comes from the man or the maid; that this identical hussy was a tutelar spirit in one house and a haridan in the other.
    Bty 6.286 23 Every spirit makes its house...
    Ill 6.318 9 ...[Columbus] found the illusion of arriving from the east at the Indies more composing to his lofty spirit than any tobacco.
    Ill 6.321 7 We fancy we have fallen into bad company and squalid condition...pots to buy, butcher's meat, sugar, milk and coal. Set me some great task, ye gods! and I will show my spirit.
    Art2 7.39 16 Art, universally, is the spirit creative.
    Art2 7.45 11 A very coarse imitation of the human form on canvas, or in wax-work;...these things give...to the uncultured...almost as much pleasure as a statue of Canova or a picture of Titian. And in the statue of Canova or the picture of Titian, these...are the basis on which the fine spirit rears a higher delight...
    Art2 7.48 24 [The artist] must work in the spirit in which we conceive a prophet to speak...
    DL 7.104 1 Infancy, said Coleridge, presents body and spirit in unity...
    DL 7.107 13 If a man wishes to acquaint himself...with the spirit of the age, he must not go first to the state-house or the court-room.
    DL 7.107 15 If a man wishes to acquaint himself...with the spirit of the age, he must not go first to the state-house or the court-room. The subtle spirit of life must be sought in facts nearer.
    DL 7.115 17 You are to bring with you that spirit which is understanding, health and self-help.
    Farm 7.144 19 The atmosphere, a sharp solvent, drinks the essence and spirit of every solid on the globe...
    WD 7.169 23 ...a thousand spectacles [the variable wind] brings, and each is the frame or dwelling of a new spirit.
    WD 7.171 17 The sky is...the verge or confines of matter and spirit.
    Boks 7.219 24 [The communications of the sacred books]...are living characters translatable into every tongue and form of life. I read them on lichens and bark;...I detect them in laughter and blushes and eye-sparkles of men and women. These are Scriptures which the missionary might well carry...to Siberia, Japan, Timbuctoo. Yet he will find that the spirit which is in them journeys faster than he...
    Cour 7.264 20 Courage...consists in the conviction that the agents with whom you contend are not superior in strength of resources or spirit to you.
    Cour 7.267 18 It was told of the Prince of Conde that there not being a more furious man in the world, danger in fight never disturbs him more than just to make him civil, and to command...without any the least disturbance to his judgment or spirit.
    PI 8.16 7 ...the sole question is...how many diameters are drawn quite through from matter to spirit;...
    PI 8.17 5 Poetry is the perpetual endeavor to express the spirit of the thing...
    PI 8.17 8 Poetry is the perpetual endeavor...to see that the object is always flowing away, whilst the spirit or necessity which causes it subsists.
    PI 8.71 20 The free spirit sympathizes not only with the actual form, but with the power or possible forms;...
    SA 8.82 25 An intellectual man, though of feeble spirit, is instantly reinforced by being put into the company of scholars...
    Elo2 8.131 6 [Eloquence] is...the unmistakable sign, never so casually given, in tone of voice, or manner, or word, that a greater spirit speaks from you than is spoken to in him.
    Res 8.135 3 ...Where [the wise man's] clear spirit leads him, there 's his road/ By God's own light illumined and foreshowed./
    Res 8.138 1 A low, hopeless spirit puts out the eyes;...
    Res 8.142 17 ...we have seen the most healthful revolution in the politics of the nation,--the Constitution not only amended, but construed in a new spirit.
    PC 8.209 11 The spirit [in America] is new.
    PC 8.222 24 Why [was Newton] agitated?-but because, when he saw, in the fall of an apple to the ground, the fall...of the sun and of all suns to the centre, that perception was accompanied by the spasm of delight by which the intellect greets a fact more immense still...that atom draws to atom throughout Nature, and truth to truth throughout spirit?
    PPo 8.247 5 That hardihood and self-equality of every sound nature, which result from the feeling that the spirit in him is entire and good as the world... are in Hafiz...
    PPo 8.248 20 [Hafiz] tells his mistress that not the dervish, or the monk, but the lover, has in his heart the spirit which makes the ascetic and the saint;...
    PPo 8.249 25 It is the spirit in which the song is written that imports...
    Insp 8.277 21 Jacob Behmen said: Art has not wrote here...but all was ordered according to the direction of the spirit...
    Insp 8.278 14 Herrick said: 'T is not every day that I/ Fitted am to prophesy;/ No, but when the spirit fills/ The fantastic panicles,/ Full of fire, then I write/ As the Godhead doth indite./
    Insp 8.278 23 Herrick said: 'T is not every day that I/ Fitted am to prophesy;/ No, but when the spirit fills/ The fantastic panicles,/ Full of fire, then I write/ As the Godhead doth indite./ Thus enraged, my lines are hurled,/ Like the Sibyl's, through the world;/ Look how next the holy fire/ Either slakes, or doth retire;/ So the fancy cools,-till when/ That brave spirit comes again./
    Insp 8.288 1 Did you never observe, says Gray, while rocking winds are piping loud, that pause...rising upon the ear in a shrill and plaintive note, like the swell of an Aeolian harp? I do assure you there is nothing in the world so like the voice of a spirit.
    Insp 8.291 27 When the spirit chooses you for its scribe to publish some commandment, it makes you odious to men and men odious to you...
    Insp 8.295 8 A Greek epigram out of the anthology, a verse of Herrick or Lovelace, are in harmony both with sense and spirit.
    Grts 8.311 3 Let the student...sedulously wait every morning for the news concerning the structure of the world which the spirit will give him.
    Grts 8.318 25 Abraham Lincoln is perhaps the most remarkable example of this class [of great style of hero] that we have seen,-a man...with a spirit and a practical vein in the times of terror that commanded the admiration of the wisest.
    Imtl 8.326 2 In the same spirit the modern Greeks, in their songs, ask that they may be buried where the sun can see them...
    Imtl 8.340 18 Lord Bacon said: Some of the philosophers...came to this point, that whatsoever motions the spirit of man could act and perform without the organs of the body, might remain after death;...
    Imtl 8.342 10 [Said Goethe] If I work incessantly till my death, Nature is bound to give me another form of existence, when the present can no longer sustain my spirit.
    Imtl 8.348 7 ...Plato and Cicero had both allowed themselves to overstep the stern limits of the spirit, and gratify the people with that picture [of personal immortality].
    Dem1 10.9 3 Why...should not symptoms, auguries, forebodings be, and, as one said, the moanings of the spirit?
    Dem1 10.13 21 In times most credulous of these fancies the sense was always met and the superstition rebuked by the grave spirit of reason and humanity.
    Dem1 10.23 19 ...the main ambition and genius being bestowed in one direction, the lesser spirit and involuntary aids within [a man's] sphere will follow.
    Aris 10.31 16 ...the cogent motive with the best young men who are revolving plans and forming resolutions for the future, is the spirit of honor...
    Aris 10.33 7 Room is found for all the departments of the state in the moods and faculties of each human spirit...
    Aris 10.60 11 The solitariest man who shares [a certain order of men's] spirit walks environed by them;...
    Aris 10.64 14 There are certain conditions in the highest degree favorable to the tranquillity of spirit and to that magnanimity we so prize.
    Aris 10.65 3 ...for the day that now is, a man of generous spirit will not need to administer public offices...
    PerF 10.81 15 See in a circle of school-girls one with...no special vivacity,-but she can so recite her adventures that she is never alone, but at night or at morning wherever she sits the inevitable circle gathers around her, willing prisoners of that wonderful memory and fancy and spirit of life.
    PerF 10.86 5 That band which ties [cosmical laws] together...is universal good, saturating all with one being and aim, so that each...is only the same spirit applied to new departments.
    Chr2 10.109 24 We boast the triumph of Christianity over Paganism, meaning the victory of the spirit over the senses;...
    Chr2 10.114 25 I am far from accepting the opinion that the revelations of the moral sentiment are insufficient, as if it furnished a rule only, and not the spirit by which the rule is animated.
    Chr2 10.117 24 The churches already indicate the new spirit in adding to the perennial office of teaching, beneficent activities...
    Chr2 10.122 8 Having nothing, this spirit [character] hath all.
    SovE 10.184 4 Asthis unity exists...from lower type of man to the highest yet attained, so it does not less declare itself in the spirit or intelligence of the brute.
    Prch 10.227 19 Augustine, a Kempis, Fenelon, breathe the very spirit which now fires you.
    Prch 10.233 10 The essential ground of a new book or a new sermon is a new spirit.
    Prch 10.233 23 Spirit is motive and ascending.
    MoL 10.255 1 Men over forty are no judges of a book written in a new spirit.
    Schr 10.267 22 All the best of this [busy] class, all who have any insight or generosity of spirit are frequently disgusted...
    Plu 10.318 21 The union in Alexander of sublime courage with the refinement of his pure tastes...are in the spirit of the ideal hero...
    Plu 10.322 13 ...as it was the desire of these old patriots to fill with their majestic spirit all Sparta or Rome...we hasten to offer them to the American people.
    CSC 10.376 22 ...not [the Chardon Street Convention's] least instructive lesson was the gradual but sure ascendency of [Alcott's] spirit...
    EzRy 10.393 23 An eminent skill [Ezra Ripley] had...in uncovering the bandage from a sore place, and applying the surgeon's knife with a truly surgical spirit.
    MMEm 10.408 9 [Mary Moody Emerson] is...a Bible, miscellaneous in its parts, but one in its spirit...
    MMEm 10.408 21 ...the whim and petulance in which by diseased habit [Mary Moody Emerson] had grown to indulge without suspecting it, was burned up in the glow of her pure and poetic spirit, which dearly loved the Infinite.
    MMEm 10.412 19 ...in dead of night, nearer morning, when the eastern stars glow or appear to glow with...a lustre which penetrates the spirit with wonder and curiosity,-then, however awed, who can fear?
    MMEm 10.428 5 The sickness of the last week was fine medicine; pain disintegrated the spirit, or became spiritual.
    SlHr 10.441 6 [Samuel Hoar] was a man in whom so rare a spirit of justice visibly dwelt, that if one had met him in a cabin or in a forest he must still seem a public man...
    Thor 10.480 25 ...these foibles [of Thoreau], real or apparent, were fast vanishing in the incessant growth of a spirit so robust and wise...
    GSt 10.506 21 ...the excessive toil and anxieties, into which [George Stearns's] ardent spirit led him, overtasked his strength...
    LS 11.11 2 [Jesus] closed his discourse [at Capernaum] with these explanatory expressions: The flesh profiteth nothing; the words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life.
    LS 11.16 13 On every other subject [than the Lord's Supper] succeeding times have learned to form a judgment more in accordance with the spirit of Christianity than was the practice of the early ages.
    LS 11.20 12 The importance ascribed to this particular ordinance [the Lord' s Supper] is not consistent with the spirit of Christianity.
    LS 11.20 25 ...to adhere to one form a moment after it is outgrown, is unreasonable, and it is alien to the spirit of Christ.
    HDC 11.59 16 ...what chiefly interests me, in the annals of [King Philip's] war, is the grandeur of spirit exhibited by a few of the Indian chiefs.
    HDC 11.68 1 From...1765...to the peace of 1783, the [Concord] Town Records breathe a resolute and warlike spirit...
    HDC 11.85 18 Fortunate and favored this town [Concord] has been, in having received so large an infusion of the spirit of both of those periods [the Planting and the Revolution of the colony].
    EWI 11.100 11 It has been in all men's experience a marked effect of the enterprise in behalf of the African, to generate an overbearing and defying spirit.
    EWI 11.106 7 [Granville] Sharpe instantly...gave himself to the study of English law...until he had proved that the opinions relied on, of Talbot and Yorke, were incompatible...with the whole spirit of English law.
    War 11.153 19 [Alexander's conquest of the East] had the effect of uniting into one great interest the divided commonwealths of Greece, and infusing a new and more enlarged public spirit into the councils of their statesmen.
    War 11.156 15 To men of a sedate and mature spirit...the detail of battle becomes insupportably tedious and revolting.
    War 11.168 21 A man does not come the length of the spirit of martyrdom without some active purpose...
    War 11.171 16 Everything great must be done in the spirit of greatness.
    FSLC 11.180 10 Boston, of whose fame for spirit and character we have all been so proud;...Boston...must bow its ancient honor in the dust...
    FSLC 11.214 1 ...there is sufficient margin in the statute and the law for the spirit of the Magistrate to show itself...
    FSLC 11.214 4 ...one, two, three occasions have just now occurred, and past, in either of which, if one man had felt the spirit of Coke or Mansfield or Parsons, and read the law with the eye of freedom, the dishonor of Massachusetts had been prevented...
    FSLN 11.228 3 Burke said he would pardon something to the spirit of liberty.
    FSLN 11.230 14 In Massachusetts...there has always existed a predominant conservative spirit.
    FSLN 11.234 26 The teachings of the Spirit can be apprehended only by the same spirit that gave them forth.
    FSLN 11.235 12 ...no man has a right to hope that the laws of New York will defend him from the contamination of slaves another day until he has made up his mind that he will not owe his protection to the laws of New York, but to his own sense and spirit.
    FSLN 11.239 17 The national spirit in this country is so drowsy...
    FSLN 11.243 18 Having...professed his adoration for liberty in the time of his grandfathers, [Robert Winthrop] proceeded with his work of denouncing freedom and freemen at the present day, much in the tone and spirit in which Lord Bacon prosecuted his benefactor Essex.
    FSLN 11.243 26 ...I put it to every noble and generous spirit...that not so is our learning...to be declared.
    AsSu 11.247 2 Mr. Chairman: I sympathize heartily with the spirit of the resolutions.
    AKan 11.256 3 ...all party spirit produces the incapacity to receive natural impressions from facts;...
    AKan 11.261 13 The President told the Kansas Committee that the whole difficulty grew from the factious spirit of the Kansas people...
    ACiv 11.297 5 ...it is the mark of nobleness to volunteer the lowest service, the greatest spirit only attaining to humility.
    ALin 11.336 24 ...what if it should turn out, in the unfolding of the web, that [Lincoln] had reached the term;...that...what remained to be done required...a new spirit born out of the ashes of the war;...
    SMC 11.355 6 ...armies...lift the spirit of the soldiers who compose them to the boiling point.
    FRO2 11.488 24 George Fox, the Quaker, said that, though he read of Christ and God, he knew them only from the like spirit in his own soul.
    FRep 11.519 8 The spirit of our political economy is low and degrading.
    FRep 11.519 12 The spirit of our political action, for the most part, considers nothing less than the sacredness of man.
    FRep 11.536 10 The felon is the logical extreme of the epicure and coxcomb. Selfish luxury is the end of both, though in one it is decorated with refinements, and in the other brutal. But my point now is, that this spirit is not American.
    FRep 11.538 15 ...if the spirit which years ago armed this country against rebellion...could be waked to the conserving and creating duty of making the laws just and humane, it were to enroll a great constituency of religious...obeyers of duty...
    PLT 12.50 17 The Delphian prophetess, when the spirit possesses her, is herself a victim.
    PLT 12.52 16 It is much to write sentences; it is more to add method and write out the spirit of your life symmetrically.
    PLT 12.59 11 A fact is only a fulcrum of the spirit.
    II 12.67 24 ...when the eye cannot detect the juncture of the skilful mosaic, the spirit is apprised of disunion...
    II 12.67 25 ...when the eye cannot detect the juncture of the skilful mosaic, the spirit is apprised of disunion, simply by the failure to affect the spirit.
    II 12.73 17 The mark of the spirit is to know its way...
    II 12.73 21 Power is the authentic mark of spirit.
    II 12.76 18 Is it that we are such mountains of conceit that Heaven cannot enough mortify and snub us,-I know not; but there seems a settled determination to break our spirit.
    Bost 12.194 16 This [Christian] spirit, of course, involved that of Stoicism, as, in its turn, Stoicism did this.
    Bost 12.195 2 How needful is David, Paul, Leighton, Fenelon, to our devotion. Of these writers, of this spirit which deified them, I will say with Confucius, If in the morning I hear of the right way, and in the evening die, I can be happy.
    Bost 12.197 4 ...the necessity, which always presses the Northerner, of providing fuel and many clothes and tight houses and much food against the long winter...generates in him that spirit of detail which is not grand and enlarging...
    Bost 12.197 7 As an antidote to the spirit of commerce and of economy, the religious spirit...was especially necessary to the culture of New England.
    Bost 12.197 8 As an antidote to the spirit of commerce and of economy, the religious spirit...was especially necessary to the culture of New England.
    Bost 12.197 15 In the midst of [New England's] laborious and economical and rude and awkward population...with great accuracy in details, little spirit of society or knowledge of the world, you shall not unfrequently meet that refinement which no education and no habit of society can bestow;...
    Bost 12.197 24 In the midst of [New England's] laborious and economical and rude and awkward population...you shall not unfrequently meet that refinement...which...gave a hospitality in this country to the spirit of Coleridge and Wordsworth...before yet their genius had found a hearty welcome in Great Britain.
    Bost 12.204 22 [Liberty] was to be built on Religion, the Emancipator; Religion which teaches equality of all men in view of the spirit which created man.
    Bost 12.210 9 We praised the Puritans because we did not find in ourselves the spirit to do the like.
    MAng1 12.221 3 In this spirit [of learning] [Michelangelo] devoted himself to the study of anatomy for twelve years;...
    MAng1 12.233 12 ...let no man suppose that the images which [Michelangelo's] spirit worshipped were mere transcripts of external grace...
    MAng1 12.235 22 [Michelangelo] required...that he should be absolute master of the whole design [of St. Peter's], free to depart from the plans of San Gallo and to alter what had been already done. This disinterestedness and spirit...reminds one of the reward named by the ancient Persian.
    MAng1 12.236 15 The combined desire to fulfil, in everlasting stone, the conceptions of his mind, and to complete his worthy offering to Almighty God, sustained [Michelangelo] through numberless vexations with unbroken spirit.
    MAng1 12.236 27 A natural fruit of the nobility of [Michelangelo's] spirit is his admiration for Dante...
    MAng1 12.241 17 ...[Michelangelo] knew that his spirit could only enjoy contentment after death.
    Milt1 12.251 3 ...the peroration [of Milton's Defence of the English People]...is in a just spirit.
    Milt1 12.253 8 The opposition to [a masterpiece of art]...at last ends; and a new race grows up in the taste and spirit of the work...
    Milt1 12.264 7 His mind gave him, [Milton] said, that every free and gentle spirit, without that oath of chastity, ought to be born a knight;...
    Milt1 12.264 20 In like spirit, [Milton] replies to the suspicious calumny respecting his morning haunts. Those morning haunts are where they should be, at home;...
    Milt1 12.265 11 [Milton's native honor] is the spirit of Comus...
    Milt1 12.269 13 The part [Milton] took, the zeal of his fellowship, make us acquainted with the greatness of his spirit as in tranquil times we could not have known it.
    Milt1 12.273 11 ...[Milton] frequented no church; probably from a disgust at the fierce spirit of the pulpits.
    Milt1 12.278 11 [Milton's plea for freedom of divorce] was a sally of the extravagant spirit of the time...
    MLit 12.315 26 Would you know the genius of the writer? Do not enumerate his talents or his feats, but ask thyself, What spirit is he of?
    MLit 12.318 9 [The educated and susceptible] betray this impatience [with the poverty of our dogmas of religion and philosophy] by fleeing for resource to a conversation with Nature, which is courted in a certain moody and exploring spirit...
    MLit 12.321 27 With the name of Wordsworth rises to our recollection the name of his contemporary and friend, Walter Savage Landor,-a man working in a very different and peculiar spirit...
    MLit 12.323 21 ...[Goethe] is an apology for the analytic spirit of the period...
    MLit 12.328 23 The spirit of [Goethe's] biography, of his poems, of his tales, is identical...
    MLit 12.335 13 ...the august spirit of the world looks out from [man's] eyes.
    MLit 12.335 19 [The Genius of the time] will write in a higher spirit and a wider knowledge and with a grander practical aim than ever yet guided the pen of poet.
    WSL 12.342 22 Let us not be so illiberal with our schemes for the renovation of society and Nature as to disesteem or deny the literary spirit.
    WSL 12.346 8 [Landor] exercises with a grandeur of spirit the office of writer...
    WSL 12.348 21 [Landor's] merit must rest, at last, not on the spirit of the dialogue...
    Pray 12.350 20 ...there are scattered about in the earth a few records of these devout hours [of prayer], which it would edify us to read, could they be collected in a more catholic spirit than the wretched and repulsive volumes which usurp that name.
    Pray 12.352 15 ...I thirst for thy grace and spirit.
    Pray 12.354 21 The last of the four orisons is written in a singularly calm and healthful spirit...
    AgMs 12.359 22 Toil has not broken [Edmund Hosmer's] spirit.
    AgMs 12.359 25 ...[Edmund Hosmer] is a man...of an erect good sense and independent spirit...
    EurB 12.368 18 [Wordsworth]...wrote Helvellyn and Windermere and the dim spirits which these haunts harbored. There was not the least attempt to reconcile these with the spirit of fashion and selfishness...
    EurB 12.369 1 ...with a complete satisfaction [Wordsworth]...celebrated his own [life] with the religion of a true priest. Hence the antagonism which was immediately felt between his poetry and the spirit of the age...
    EurB 12.369 3 ...the spirit of literature and the modes of living and the conventional theories of the conduct of life were called in question [by Wordsworth] on wholly new grounds...
    EurB 12.370 24 ...[modern painters] will not paint for their times, agitated by the spirit which agitates their country;...
    EurB 12.372 24 Ulysses [Tennyson] belongs to a high class of poetry, destined...to be more cultivated in the next generation. Oenone was a sketch of the same kind. One of the best specimens we have of the class is Wordsworth's Laodamia, of which no special merit it can possess equals the total merit of having selected such a subject in such a spirit.
    Let 12.400 10 ...is [a man] driven into a circumstance where the spirit must not live? Let him thrust it from him with scorn, and learn to dig and plough.
    Trag 12.405 14 ...how the spirit seems already to contract its domain...
    Trag 12.409 2 After we have enumerated...mutilation, rack, madness and loss of friends, we have not yet included the proper tragic element, which is Terror...an ominous spirit which haunts the afternoon and the night...
    Trag 12.411 13 The spirit is true to itself...

Spirit, n. (30)

    Nat 1.27 15 That which intellectually considered we call Reason, considered in relation to nature, we call Spirit.
    Nat 1.27 15 Spirit is the Creator.
    Nat 1.27 16 Spirit hath life in itself.
    Nat 1.61 13 [Nature] always speaks of Spirit.
    Nat 1.61 21 Of that ineffable essence which we call Spirit, he that thinks most, will say least.
    Nat 1.62 12 When we consider Spirit, we see that the views already presented do not include the whole circumference of man.
    DSA 1.148 6 ...[the commanders] with you are open to the influx of the all-knowing Spirit...
    Con 1.322 8 What a compliment we pay to the good SPIRIT with our superserviceable zeal!
    YA 1.395 10 If only the men are employed in conspiring with the designs of the Spirit who led us hither and is leading us still, we shall quickly enough advance out of all hearing of others' censures...
    Cir 2.307 22 O blessed Spirit, whom I forsake for [persons called high and worthy], they are not thou!
    Pt1 3.6 24 ...the Universe has three children...which reappear under different names in every system of thought, whether they be called cause, operation and effect;...or, theologically, the Father, the Spirit and the Son;...
    NER 3.279 17 If it were worth while to run into details this general doctrine of the latent but ever soliciting Spirit, it would be easy to adduce illustration in particulars of a man's equality to the Church...
    SwM 4.139 23 ...the Spirit which is holy is reserved, taciturn, and deals in laws.
    SwM 4.139 27 The teachings of the high Spirit are abstemious...
    F 6.3 6 ...four or five noted men were each reading a discourse...on the Spirit of the Times.
    Wsp 6.214 7 The Spirit saith to the man, How is it with thee? thee personally?...
    Wsp 6.235 23 When I went abroad [said Benedict], I kept company with every man on the road, for I knew that my evil and my good did not come from these, but from the Spirit, whose servant I was.
    Wsp 6.237 14 ...[The Shakers] say, the Spirit will presently manifest to the man himself and to the society what manner of person he is...
    Wsp 6.238 11 The Spirit does not love cripples and malformations.
    Art2 7.39 12 ...recognizing the Spirit which informs Nature, Plato rightly said, Those things which are said to be done by Nature are indeed done by Divine Art.
    Art2 7.39 20 ...the Spirit, in its creation, aims at use or at beauty...
    WD 7.161 12 There does not seem any limit to these new informations of the same Spirit that made the elements at first...
    Suc 7.307 26 We know the Spirit by its victorious tone.
    Chr2 10.97 2 Devout men...have used different images to suggest this latent [moral] force; as...the Spirit, the Holy Ghost...
    Edc1 10.137 5 Nature, when she sends a new mind into the world, fills it beforehand with a desire for that which she wishes it to know and do. Let us wait and see...of what new organ the great Spirit had need when it incarnated this new Will.
    SovE 10.213 4 Once men thought Spirit divine, and Matter diabolic;...
    Prch 10.220 1 Art will embody this vanishing Spirit in temples, pictures, sculptures and hymns.
    Prch 10.220 4 Art will embody this vanishing Spirit in temples, pictures, sculptures and hymns. The senses instantly transfer the reverence from the vanishing Spirit to this steadfast form.
    Thor 10.477 2 [Thoreau's] habitual thought makes all his poetry a hymn to...the Spirit which vivifies and controls his own...
    FSLN 11.234 25 The teachings of the Spirit can be apprehended only by the same spirit that gave them forth.

Spirit of God, n. (1)

    SovE 10.200 18 It seems as if, when the Spirit of God speaks so plainly to each soul, it were an impiety to be listening to one or another saint.

Spirit of the Age, n. (1)

    Schr 10.269 2 Talk frankly with [the practical men] and you learn...that the Spirit of the Age has been before you with influences impossible to parry or resist.

Spirit of the Universe, n. (1)

    GSt 10.507 22 ...there is to my mind somewhat so absolute in the action of a good man that we do not, in thinking of him, so much as make any question of the future. For the Spirit of the Universe seems to say: He has done well; is not that saying all?

Spirit, Presiding, of Autum (1)

    MMEm 10.421 9 High, solemn, entrancing noon, prophetic of the approach of the Presiding Spirit of Autumn.

Spirit, Supreme, n. (1)

    DSA 1.127 16 ...the indwelling Supreme Spirit cannot wholly be got rid of...

Spirit, Universal, n. (1)

    Nat 1.44 18 So intimate is this Unity, that...it...betrays its source in Universal Spirit.

spirited, adj. (2)

    Mrs1 3.149 20 I have seen an individual...who shook off the captivity of etiquette, with happy, spirited bearing...
    ET12 5.200 18 ...out of twelve hundred young men [at Oxford], comprising the most spirited of the aristocracy, a duel has never occurred.

Spiritism, n. (1)

    Dem1 10.13 8 For Spiritism, it shows that no man, almost, is fit to give evidence.

spirit-realm, n. (1)

    SwM 4.101 21 The genius [of Swedenborg] which was...to...venture into the dim spirit-realm...began its lessons in quarries and forges...

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