Fable for Critics to Fact-Speaker

A Concordance to the Collected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Compiled by Eugene F. Irey

Fable for Critics, A [Jame (1)

    TPar 11.284 14 ...[Theodore Parker's] periods fall on you, stroke after stroke,/ Like the blows of a lumberer felling an oak,/ You forget the man wholly, you 're thankful to meet/ With a preacher who smacks of the field and the street,/ And to hear, you 're not over-particular whence,/ Almost Taylor's profusion, quite Latimer's sense./ Lowell, A Fable for Critics.

fable, n. (51)

    Nat 1.13 21 ...by means of steam, [man] realizes the fable of Aeolus's bag...
    Nat 1.43 10 The fable of Proteus has a cordial truth.
    Nat 1.75 7 ...when the fact is seen under the light of an idea, the gaudy fable fades and shrivels.
    AmS 1.82 23 The old fable covers a doctrine ever new and sublime;...
    AmS 1.83 6 The fable implies that the individual, to possess himself, must sometimes return from his own labor to embrace all the other laborers.
    DSA 1.120 10 ...when the mind opens...then shrinks the great world at once into a mere...fable of this mind.
    LT 1.287 18 ...we think the Genius of this Age more philosophical than any other has been...with less fear, less fable, less mixture of any sort.
    Con 1.296 3 There is a fragment of old fable...which may deserve attention...
    Hist 2.9 16 What is history, said Napoleon, but a fable agreed upon?
    Hist 2.29 25 The advancing man discovers how deep a property he has...in all fable as well as all history.
    Hist 2.30 7 One after another [the advancing man] comes up in his private adventures with every fable of Aesop...
    Hist 2.32 9 The transmigration of souls is no fable.
    Hist 2.32 20 As near and proper to us is also that old fable of the Sphinx...
    SR 2.62 12 That popular fable of the sot who was picked up dead-drunk in the street...symbolizes...the state of man...
    Comp 2.106 8 The human soul is true to these facts [of Compensation] in the painting of fable...
    Comp 2.106 25 ...it would seem impossible for any fable to be invented and get any currency which was not moral.
    Comp 2.108 7 This voice of fable has in it somewhat divine.
    Comp 2.117 5 The stag in the fable admired his horns and blamed his feet...
    Pt1 3.15 9 The beauty of the fable proves the importance of the sense;...
    UGM 4.4 19 The gods of fable are the shining moments of great men.
    SwM 4.116 25 The fact [of Correspondence] thus explicitly stated [by Swedenborg] is implied...in fable...
    SwM 4.120 6 [Swedenborg] had borrowed from Plato the fine fable of a most ancient people, men better than we and dwelling nigher to the gods;...
    ShP 4.196 11 Shakspeare knew that tradition supplies a better fable than any invention can.
    GoW 4.274 8 ...[Goethe] showed...that, in actions of routine, a thread of mythology and fable spins itself...
    GoW 4.275 27 [Goethe] hates...to be made to say over again some old wife' s fable that has had possession of men's faith these thousand years.
    ET4 5.54 5 ...it is fine for us to speculate in face of unbroken traditions, though vague and losing themselves in fable.
    ET14 5.232 8 [The English]...never are surprised into a covert or witty word, such as pleased the Athenians and Italians, and was convertible into a fable not long after;...
    ET16 5.282 26 The golden fleece again, of Jason, was the compass,--a bit of loadstone, easily supposed to be the only one in the world, and therefore naturally awakening the cupidity and ambition of the young heroes of a maritime nation to join in an expedition to obtain possession of this wise stone. Hence the fable that the ship Argo was loquacious and oracular.
    F 6.45 15 If a man has a see-saw in his voice, it will run...into the structure of his fable...
    Art2 7.46 17 In poetry, It is tradition more than invention that helps the poet to a good fable.
    WD 7.184 20 It is a fine fable for the advantage of character over talent, the Greek legend of the strife of Jove and Phoebus.
    Boks 7.217 20 Every good fable, every mythology...when they proceed from an intellectual integrity...have the imaginative element.
    Cour 7.274 15 There are ever appearing in the world men who, almost as soon as they are born, take a bee-line to...the axe of the tyrant, like...Jesus and Socrates. Look...at the folios of the Brothers Bollandi, who collected the lives of twenty-five thousand martyrs, confessors, ascetics and self-tormentors. There is much of fable, but a broad basis of fact.
    OA 7.320 14 The vast inconvenience of animal immortality was told in the fable of Tithonus.
    PI 8.23 8 Your condition, your employment, is the fable of you.
    PI 8.36 11 ...there is entertainment and room for talent in the artist's selection of ancient or remote subjects; as when the poet goes to India, or to Rome, or to Persia, for his fable.
    PI 8.39 1 ...there is a third step which poetry takes...namely, creation... when the poet invents the fable, and invents the language which his heroes speak.
    PI 8.53 18 Poetry...runs into fable, personifies every fact...
    Res 8.141 26 It was thought a fable, what Guthrie...told us, that in Taurida, in any piece of ground where springs of naphtha...obtain, by merely sticking an iron tube in the earth and applying a light to the upper end, the mineral oil will burn till the tube is decomposed...
    QO 8.181 26 ...what we daily observe in regard to the bon-mots that circulate in society,-that every talker helps a story in repeating it, until, at last, from the slenderest filament of fact a good fable is constructed,-the same growth befalls mythology...
    PC 8.223 4 Nature is a fable whose moral blazes through it.
    PPo 8.263 22 In the fable [Ferideddin Attar's Bird Conversations], the birds were soon weary of the length and difficulties of the way...
    Imtl 8.339 16 The fable of the Wandering Jew is agreeable to men, because they want more time and land in which to execute their thoughts.
    Dem1 10.11 18 ...all productions of man are so anthropomorphous that not possibly can he invent any fable that shall not have a deep moral...
    Dem1 10.20 22 ...the fabled ring of Gyges...which is represented in modern fable by the telescope as used by Schlemil, is simply mischievous.
    SHC 11.434 14 What is the Earth itself but...according to the Eastern fable, a bridge full of holes, into one or other of which all passengers sink to silence?
    SHC 11.436 13 Why is the fable of the Wandering Jew agreeable to men, but because they want more time and land to execute their thoughts in?
    II 12.84 14 Men go through the world each musing on a great fable dramatically pictured and rehearsed before him.
    Mem 12.95 4 Never was truer fable than that of the Sibyl's writing on leaves which the wind scatters.
    Milt1 12.263 22 [Milton says] Nor did Ceres, according to the fable, ever seek her daughter Proserpine with such unceasing solicitude as I have sought this tou kalou idean, this perfect model of the beautiful in all forms and appearances of things.
    EurB 12.366 16 [The poet's] fable must be a good story...

fable, v. (1)

    NR 3.227 14 ...there are no such men as we fable;...

fabled, adj. (1)

    Dem1 10.20 20 ...the fabled ring of Gyges...is simply mischievous.

fabled, v. (3)

    Prd1 2.238 19 Love is fabled to be blind...
    ET4 5.67 19 This union of qualities is fabled in [the Englishmen's] national legend of Beauty and the Beast...
    Bty 6.292 2 The Greeks fabled that Venus was born of the foam of the sea.

Fables, Aesop's, n. (1)

    ShP 4.201 2 Vedas, Aesop's Fables, Pilpay, Arabian Nights, Cid, Iliad, Robin Hood, Scottish Minstrelsy, are not the work of single men.

fables, n. (28)

    Nat 1.33 26 What is true of proverbs, is true of all fables...
    Nat 1.75 3 We make fables to hide the baldness of the fact...
    Nat 1.75 10 To the wise...a fact is...the most beautiful of fables.
    AmS 1.82 17 It is one of those fables which out of an unknown antiquity convey an unlooked-for wisdom, that the gods...divided Man into men...
    Hist 2.13 22 ...a poet makes twenty fables with one moral.
    Hist 2.30 10 The beautiful fables of the Greeks...are universal verities.
    SR 2.79 10 Everywhere I am hindered of meeting God in my brother, because he...recites fables merely of his brother's...God.
    Fdsp 2.213 4 Friends such as we desire are dreams and fables.
    Art1 2.349 17 So shall the drudge in dusty frock/ Spy behind the city clock/ .../ His fathers shining in bright fables,/ His children fed at heavenly tables./
    Pt1 3.30 10 We are like persons who come out of a cave or cellar into the open air. This is the effect on us of tropes, fables, oracles and all poetic forms.
    PPh 4.78 26 When we say [of Plato], Here is a fine collection of fables;... we speak as boys...
    PNR 4.83 10 Whatever [Plato] looks upon discloses a second sense, and ulterior senses. His...love of the apologue, and his apologues themselves;... fables which have imprinted themselves in the human memory like the signs of the zodiac;...
    MoS 4.154 2 We shall be fables presently.
    F 6.20 10 In the Hindoo fables, Vishnu follows Maya through all her ascending changes...
    Ill 6.307 12 House you were born in,/ Friends of your spring-time,/ Old man and young maid,/ Day's toil and its guerdon, /They are all vanishing, / Fleeing to fables,/ Cannot be moored./
    DL 7.123 1 In the old fables we used to read of a cloak brought from fairy-land as a gift for the fairest and purest in Prince Arthur's court.
    Boks 7.190 1 ...there are books which are of that importance in a man's private experience as to verify for him the fables of Cornelius Agrippa...
    Boks 7.217 25 The Greek fables, the Persian history...have this enlargement [the imaginative element]...
    QO 8.186 17 There are many fables which...are said to be agreeable to the human mind.
    Dem1 10.7 2 It was in this glance [at an animal] that Ovid got the hint of his metamorphoses; Calidasa of his transmigration of souls. For these fables are our own thoughts carried out.
    Dem1 10.12 10 ...I find nothing in fables more astonishing than my experience in every hour.
    PerF 10.82 15 The story of Orpheus, of Arion, of the Arabian minstrel, are not fables...
    SovE 10.202 8 With patience and fidelity to truth [a man] may work his way through, if only by coming against somebody who believes more fables than he does;...
    SovE 10.212 18 ...all the religion we have is the ethics of one or another holy person; as soon as character appears, be sure love will, and veneration, and anecdotes and fables about him...
    ALin 11.333 20 I am sure if this man [Lincoln] had ruled in a period of less facility of printing, he would have become mythological in a very few years...by his fables and proverbs.
    FRO2 11.489 14 ...do not attempt to elevate [the lesson of the New Testament] out of humanity, by saying, This was not a man, for then you confound it with the fables of every popular religion...
    Mem 12.108 10 The universal sense of fables and anecdotes is marked by our tendency to forget name and date and geography.
    Milt1 12.276 17 Perhaps we speak to no fact, but to mere fables, of an idle mendicant Homer, and of a Shakspeare content with a mean and jocular way of life.

Fabliaux, n. (2)

    Boks 7.220 25 ...how attractive is the whole literature of the Roman de la Rose, the Fabliaux, and the gaie science of the French Troubadours!
    QO 8.181 19 M. Le Grand showed that in the old Fabliaux were the originals of the tales of Moliere, La Fontaine, Boccaccio, and of Voltaire.

fabling, v. (1)

    ET3 5.40 18 ...the Greeks fancied Delphi the navel of the earth, in their favorite mode of fabling the earth to be an animal.

fabric, n. (18)

    MN 1.193 26 ...the sturdiest defender of existing institutions feels the terrific inflammability of this air which condenses heat in every corner that may restore to the elements the fabric of ages.
    MR 1.247 15 If we...say,-I will neither eat nor drink nor wear nor touch any food or fabric which I do not know to be innocent...we shall stand still.
    Tran 1.332 21 ...[the materialist] will perceive that his mental fabric is built up on just as strange and quaking foundations as his proud edifice of stone.
    Comp 2.125 6 ...in some happier mind [these revolutions] are incessant, and all worldly relations hang very loosely about him, becoming as it were a transparent fluid membrane through which the living form is seen, and not, as in most men, an indurated heterogeneous fabric of many dates and no settled character...
    Chr1 3.92 22 [The natural merchant's] natural probity combines with his insight into the fabric of society to put him above tricks...
    ET5 5.89 3 [The English] spend largely on their fabric, and await the slow return.
    ET5 5.94 2 A proof of the energy of the British people is the highly artificial construction of the whole fabric.
    ET10 5.167 26 England is aghast at the disclosure of her fraud in the adulteration...of almost every fabric in her mills and shops;...
    ET10 5.168 9 It is not, I suppose, want of probity, so much as the tyranny of trade, which necessitates a perpetual competition of underselling, and that again a perpetual deterioration of the fabric.
    Bty 6.290 11 ...in the construction of any fabric or organism any real increase of fitness to its end is an increase of beauty.
    PI 8.69 7 I find Faust a little too modern and intelligible. We can find such a fabric at several mills...
    Supl 10.178 7 One of the meters of the height to which any civility rose is the skill in the fabric of iron.
    EWI 11.147 24 The sentiment of Right...pronounces Freedom. The Power that built this fabric of things affirms it in the heart;...
    War 11.155 11 ...whilst this principle [of self-help], necessarily, is inwrought into the fabric of every creature, yet it is but one instinct;...
    War 11.175 16 The proposition of the Congress of Nations is undoubtedly that at which the present fabric of our society and the present course of events do point.
    FSLC 11.182 21 [The crisis over the Fugitive Slave Law] showed the slightness and unreliableness of our social fabric...
    FRep 11.532 6 See how fast [our people] extend the fleeting fabric of their trade...
    MAng1 12.221 20 Those who have never given attention to the arts of design are surprised that the artist should find so much to study in a fabric of such limited parts and dimensions as the human body.

fabrication, n. (2)

    PPh 4.69 24 When an artificer, [Plato] says, in the fabrication of any work, looks to that which always subsists according to the same; and, employing a model of this kind, expresses its idea and power in his work,--it must follow that his production should be beautiful.
    PI 8.19 22 ...Poets are standing transporters, whose employment consists... in producing apparent imitations of unapparent natures, and inscribing things unapparent in the apparent fabrication of the world;...

Fabricii, n. (1)

    Boks 7.192 24 It seems...as if some charitable soul...would do a right act in naming those [books] which have been bridges or ships to carry him safely... into palaces and temples. This would be best done by those great masters of books who from time to time appear,--the Fabricii, the Seldens...

Fabricius, Johann Albert, n (1)

    DL 7.110 4 All [the scholar's] expense is for Aristotle, Fabricius, Erasmus and Petrarch.

fabrics, n. (4)

    ET19 5.313 11 Is it not true, sir, that the wise ancients did not praise the ship parting with flying colors from the port, but only that brave sailor which came back...stript of her banners, but having ridden out the storm? And so...I feel in regard to this aged England...pressed upon by...new and all incalculable modes, fabrics, arts, machines and competing populations.
    Wth 6.89 24 ...the fabrics of his chemic laboratory;...are [man's] natural playmates...
    Bhr 6.176 13 The obstinate prejudice in favor of blood, which lies at the base of the feudal and monarchical fabrics of the Old World, has some reason in common experience.
    Suc 7.289 15 Egotism...seems to be much used in Nature for fabrics in which local and spasmodic energy is required.

fabulous, adj. (7)

    MN 1.213 19 ...we have...in the oracles ascribed to the half fabulous Zoroaster, a statement of this fact...
    Nat2 3.175 8 To the poor young poet, thus fabulous is his picture of society; he is loyal; he respects the rich;...
    PPo 8.241 24 Firdusi, the Persian Homer, has written in the Shah Nameh the annals of the fabulous and heroic kings of the country...
    Prch 10.227 24 ...my discontent is with [Cudworth's, More's, Bunyan's] limitations and surface and language. Their statement is grown as fabulous as Dante's Inferno.
    EWI 11.135 14 Here [in emancipation in the West Indies] was no prodigy, no fabulous hero...
    EdAd 11.383 16 A scholar who has been reading of the fabulous magnificence of Assyria and Persia...takes his seat in a railroad-car, where he is importuned by newsboys with journals still wet from Liverpool and Havre...
    PPr 12.391 5 [Carlyle's style] is the first experiment, and something of rudeness and haste must be pardoned to so great an achievement. It will be done again and again, sharper, simpler; but fortunate is he who did it first, though never so giant-like and fabulous.

fabulously, adv. (2)

    LT 1.286 5 It almost seems as if what was aforetime spoken fabulously and hieroglyphically, was now spoken plainly...
    Dem1 10.28 3 [Man] is sure that intimate relations subsist...between him and his world; and until he can adequately tell them he will tell them wildly and fabulously.

fac, v. (1)

    ET7 5.118 2 The mottoes of [English] families are monitory proverbs, as Fare fac,--Say, do,--of the Fairfaxes;...

facade, n. (1)

    OS 2.270 27 A man is the facade of a temple wherein all wisdom and all good abide.

facades, n. (1)

    MAng1 12.223 24 Nor was [Michelangelo's] a skill in ornament, or confined to the outline and designs of towers and facades...

face, n. (232)

    Nat 1.3 4 The foregoing generations beheld God and nature face to face;...
    Nat 1.14 1 By the aggregate of these aids [of the useful arts], how is the face of the world changed...
    Nat 1.23 10 All men are in some degree impressed by the face of the world;...
    Nat 1.33 1 The laws of moral nature answer to those of matter as face to face in a glass.
    Nat 1.37 17 Debt...whose iron face the widow, the orphan...fear and hate;... is a preceptor whose lessons cannot be foregone...
    Nat 1.38 1 ...Property...is the surface action of internal machinery, like the index on the face of a clock.
    Nat 1.51 3 What new thoughts are suggested by seeing a face of country quite familiar, in the rapid movement of the railroad car!
    Nat 1.51 10 ...a portrait of a well-known face gratifies us.
    Nat 1.64 22 This [spiritual] view...carries upon its face the highest certificate of truth...
    Nat 1.65 16 Is not the landscape...a face of [God]?
    Nat 1.77 1 As when the summer comes...the face of the earth becomes green before it, so shall the advancing spirit create its ornaments along its path...
    DSA 1.140 9 Instantly [the poor preacher's] face is suffused with shame...
    DSA 1.140 25 The village blasphemer sees fear in the face, form, and gait of the minister.
    LE 1.187 11 [Thought] will flow out of...your face.
    MN 1.197 20 ...we explore the face of the sun in a pool, when our eyes cannot brook his direct splendors.
    MN 1.209 14 In all the millions who have heard the voice, none ever saw the face.
    MN 1.213 16 ...[the poet's] will in [his inspiration must be] only the surrender of will to the Universal Power, which will not be seen face to face...
    MR 1.254 9 Love would put a new face on this weary old world in which we dwell as pagans and enemies too long...
    LT 1.267 22 To-day always looks mean to the thoughtless, in the face of an uniform experience that all good and great and happy actions are made up precisely of these blank to-days.
    LT 1.278 5 You have set your heart and face against society when you thought it wrong...
    Con 1.314 16 ...he who sets his face like a flint against every novelty...has also his gracious and relenting moments...
    Tran 1.344 7 If you do not need to hear my thought, because you can read it in my face and behavior, then I will tell it you from sunrise to sunset.
    YA 1.367 27 A well-laid garden makes the face of the country of no account;...
    YA 1.369 11 Whatever events in progress shall go to disgust men with cities...will render a service to the whole face of this continent...
    YA 1.389 13 ...the bold face and tardy repentance permitted to this local mischief [Repudiation] reveal a public mind so preoccupied with the love of gain that the common sentiment of indignation at fraud does not act with its natural force.
    Hist 2.24 12 In [the Grecian state] existed those human forms which supplied the sculptor with his models of Hercules, Phoebus, and Jove; not like the forms abounding in the streets of modern cities, wherein the face is a confused blur of features...
    Hist 2.38 8 No man can...guess what faculty or feeling a new object shall unlock, any more than he can draw to-day the face of a person whom he shall see to-morrow for the first time.
    SR 2.46 22 Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on him, and another none.
    SR 2.48 2 What pretty oracles nature yields us on this text in the face and behavior of children, babes, and even brutes!
    SR 2.55 16 We come to wear one cut of face and figure...
    SR 2.55 20 There is a mortifying experience in particular...I mean the foolish face of praise...
    SR 2.55 26 The muscles...grow tight about the outline of the face...
    SR 2.56 2 ...a man must know how to estimate a sour face.
    SR 2.60 21 Let us...hurl in the face of custom and trade and office, the fact which is the upshot of all history...
    SR 2.68 24 ...when you have life in yourself...you shall not see the face of man;...
    SL 2.135 17 The face of external nature teaches the same lesson.
    SL 2.144 23 ...a few traits of character, manners, face...have an emphasis in your memory out of all proportion to their apparent significance if you measure them by the ordinary standards.
    SL 2.147 7 Our eyes are holden that we cannot see things that stare us in the face...
    SL 2.159 3 What [a man] is engraves itself on his face...
    Lov1 2.175 5 ...no man ever forgot the visitations of that power to his heart and brain...which made the face of nature radiant with purple light...
    Lov1 2.179 5 Who can analyze the nameless charm which glances from one and another face and form?
    Fdsp 2.203 21 ...to most of us society shows not its face and eye...
    OS 2.285 25 ...confronted face to face...men offer themselves to be judged.
    OS 2.285 26 ...confronted face to face...men offer themselves to be judged.
    Cir 2.304 25 The man finishes his story...how it puts a new face on all things!
    Int 2.331 16 I seem to know what he meant who said, No man can see God face to face and live.
    Int 2.337 13 ...a beautiful face sets twenty hearts in palpitation...
    Int 2.341 2 ...the poet...is one whom Nature cannot deceive, whatsoever face of strangeness she may put on.
    Int 2.341 7 ...when we receive a new thought it is only the old thought with a new face...
    Art1 2.362 12 The sweet and sublime face of Jesus [in Raphael's Transfiguration] is beyond praise...
    Pt1 3.11 13 We know that the secret of the world is profound, but who or what shall be our interpreter, we know not. A mountain ramble, a new style of face...may put the key into our hands.
    Pt1 3.29 9 We fill the hands and nurseries of our children with all manner of dolls, drums and horses; withdrawing their eyes from the plain face and sufficing objects of nature...which should be their toys.
    Exp 3.43 20 The lords of life, the lords of life,--/ I saw them pass,/ In their own guise,/ .../ Dearest Nature, strong and kind,/ Whispered, Darling, never mind!/ To-morrow they will wear another face,/ The founder thou! these are thy race!/
    Exp 3.82 15 In Flaxman's drawing of the Eumenides of Aeschylus, Orestes supplicates Apollo, whilst the Furies sleep on the threshold. The face of the god expresses a shade of regret and compassion, but is calm with the conviction of the irreconcilableness of the two spheres.
    Exp 3.84 13 Life wears to me a visionary face.
    Chr1 3.90 15 [The man of character] conquers because his arrival alters the face of affairs.
    Chr1 3.99 11 The face which character wears to me is self-sufficingness.
    Chr1 3.115 27 ...when that love...which has vowed to itself that it will be a wretch and also a fool in this world sooner than soil its white hands by any compliances, comes into our streets and houses,--only the pure and aspiring can know its face...
    Mrs1 3.128 5 [Fashion] usually sets its face against the great of this hour.
    Mrs1 3.136 1 ...Napoleon...was wont, when he found himself observed, to discharge his face of all expression.
    Mrs1 3.149 3 A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face;...
    Nat2 3.171 13 Ever...comes in this honest face [of nature], and takes a grave liberty with us...
    Nat2 3.192 7 Quite analogous to the deceits in life, there is...a similar effect on the eye from the face of external nature.
    Nat2 3.193 23 Are we tickled trout, and fools of nature? One look at the face of heaven and earth lays all petulance at rest...
    NER 3.255 16 ...the country is full of kings. Hands off! let there be no control and no interference in the administration of the affairs of this kingdom of me. Hence the growth of the doctrine and of the party of Free Trade, and the willingness to try that experiment, in the face of what appear incontestable facts.
    PPh 4.71 7 ...the potters copied [Socrates'] ugly face on their stone jugs.
    SwM 4.101 17 There is a common portrait of [Swedenborg] in antique coat and wig, but the face has a wandering or vacant air.
    SwM 4.110 13 These grand rhymes or returns in nature,--the dear, best-known face startling us at every turn...delighted the prophetic eye of Swedenborg;...
    SwM 4.110 15 These grand rhymes or returns in nature,--the dear, best-known face startling us at every turn, under a mask so unexpected that we think it the face of a stranger...delighted the prophetic eye of Swedenborg;...
    MoS 4.149 11 Nothing so thin but has these two faces [sensation and morals], and when the observer has seen the obverse, he turns it over to see the reverse. Life is a pitching of this penny,--heads or tails. We never tire of this game, because there is still a slight shudder of astonishment at the exhibition of the other face...
    MoS 4.149 16 [A man] sees the beauty of a human face, and searches the cause of that beauty, which must be more beautiful.
    ShP 4.211 14 ...[Shakespeare] could divide the mother's part from the father's part in the face of the child...
    NMW 4.246 17 On the shore of Ptolemais, gigantic projects agitated [Napoleon]. Had Acre fallen, I should have changed the face of the world.
    GoW 4.261 20 Every act of the man inscribes itself in the memories of his fellows and in his own manners and face.
    ET1 5.5 18 [Greenough's] face was so handsome and his person so well formed that he might be pardoned, if, as was alleged, the face of his Medora and the figure of a colossal Achilles in clay, were idealizations of his own.
    ET1 5.5 20 [Greenough's] face was so handsome and his person so well formed that he might be pardoned, if, as was alleged, the face of his Medora and the figure of a colossal Achilles in clay, were idealizations of his own.
    ET4 5.48 20 The Methodists have acquired a face; the Quakers, a face;...
    ET4 5.48 21 The Methodists have acquired a face; the Quakers, a face; the nuns, a face.
    ET4 5.48 23 Trades and professions carve their own lines on face and form.
    ET4 5.50 14 A child blends in his face the faces of both parents...
    ET4 5.50 16 A child blends in his face...some feature from every ancestor whose face hangs on the wall.
    ET4 5.51 4 Everything English is a fusion of distant and antagonistic elements. The language is mixed;...the currents of thought are counter...a people scattered by their wars and affairs over the face of the whole earth, and homesick to a man;...
    ET4 5.54 3 ...it is fine for us to speculate in face of unbroken traditions...
    ET4 5.66 12 The bronze monuments of crusaders lying cross-legged in the Temple Church at London...please...mainly by that uncorrupt youth in the face of manhood, which is daily seen in the streets of London.
    ET4 5.67 4 On the English face are combined decision and nerve with the fair complexion, blue eyes and open and florid aspect.
    ET5 5.77 3 Certain Trolls or working brains, under the names of...Gibbon, Brindley, Watt, Wedgwood, dwell in the troll-mounts of Britain, and turn the sweat of their face to power and renown.
    ET6 5.105 24 [The Englishman] does not let you meet his eye. It is almost an affront to look a man in the face without being introduced.
    ET8 5.136 18 There is an English hero superior to the French, the German, the Italian, or the Greek. When he is brought to the strife with fate, he sacrifices a richer material possession, and on more purely metaphysical grounds. He is there with his own consent, face to face with fortune...
    ET13 5.220 26 When you see on the continent the well-dressed Englishman come into his ambassador's chapel and put his face for silent prayer into his smooth-brushed hat, you cannot help feeling how much national pride prays with him...
    ET16 5.277 8 It was pleasant to see that just this simplest of all simple structures [Stonehenge]--two upright stones and a lintel laid across...were like what is most permanent on the face of the planet...
    ET17 5.296 4 [Wordsworth's] face sometimes lighted up...
    ET17 5.296 9 [Wordsworth] had a healthy look, with a weather-beaten face...
    ET17 5.296 10 [Wordsworth] had a healthy look, with a weather-beaten face, his face corrugated...
    ET17 5.297 11 A gentleman in London showed me a watch that once belonged to Milton, whose initials are engraved on its face.
    F 6.9 10 ...the cab-man is phrenologist so far, he looks in your face to see if his shilling is sure.
    F 6.11 4 So [a man] has but one future, and that is already...described in that little fatty face...
    F 6.15 24 The face of the planet cools and dries...
    F 6.47 16 ...when a man is the victim of his fate, has...a sour face and a selfish temper;...he is to rally on his relation to the Universe...
    Pow 6.51 3 His tongue was framed to music,/ And his hand was armed with skill;/ His face was the mould of beauty,/ And his heart the throne of will./
    Ctr 6.152 11 In an English party a man...with a face like red dough, unexpectedly discloses wit, learning, a wide range of topics...
    Ctr 6.159 24 A cheerful intelligent face is the end of culture...
    Bhr 6.167 9 ...Graceful women, chosen men/ Dazzle every mortal:/ Their sweet and lofty countenance/ His enchanting food;/ He need not go to them, their forms/ Beset his solitude./ He looketh seldom in their face,/ His eyes explore the ground/...
    Bhr 6.169 10 Nature tells every secret once. Yes, but in man she tells it all the time, by form...face and parts of the face...
    Bhr 6.169 11 Nature tells every secret once. Yes, but in man she tells it all the time, by form...face and parts of the face...
    Bhr 6.175 16 It is much to conquer one's face...
    Bhr 6.175 24 We had in Massachusetts an old statesman who had sat all his life...in chairs of state without overcoming an extreme irritability of face, voice and bearing;...
    Bhr 6.177 13 The face and eyes reveal what the spirit is doing...
    Bhr 6.181 22 A man finds room in the few square inches of the face for the traits of all his ancestors;...
    Bhr 6.192 9 We watched sympathetically [in earlier novels], step by step, [the boy's] climbing, until at last...the wedding day is fixed, and we follow the gala procession home to the bannered portal, when the doors are slammed in our face...
    Wsp 6.229 18 An anatomical observer remarks that the sympathies of the chest, abdomen and pelvis tell at last on the face...
    CbW 6.245 23 The judge weighs the arguments and puts a brave face on the matter...
    Bty 6.279 1 Was never form and never face/ So sweet to Seyd as only grace/ Which did not slumber like a stone/ But hovered gleaming and was gone./
    Bty 6.287 11 ...there are many beauties; as, of general nature, of the human face and form...
    Bty 6.296 18 Nature wishes that woman should attract man, yet she often cunningly moulds into her face a little sarcasm...
    Bty 6.298 12 Mirabeau had an ugly face on a handsome ground;...
    Bty 6.298 26 Martial ridicules a gentleman of his day whose countenance resembled the face of a swimmer seen under water.
    Bty 6.300 26 Sir Philip Sidney...Ben Jonson tells us, was no pleasant man in countenance, his face being spoiled with pimples...
    Bty 6.304 4 ...[chosen men and women's] face and manners carry a certain grandeur...
    Bty 6.306 15 ...there is a climbing scale of culture...up through...features of the human face and form...
    Ill 6.319 13 As if one shut up always in a tower, with one window through which the face of heaven and earth could be seen, should fancy that all the marvels he beheld belonged to that window.
    Ill 6.324 2 We see God face to face every hour...
    Ill 6.324 3 We see God face to face every hour...
    SS 7.5 13 [My friend]...walked miles and miles to get the twitchings out of his face...
    Art2 7.35 3 I framed his tongue to music,/ I armed his hand with skill,/ I moulded his face to beauty/ And his heart the throne of Will./
    Art2 7.52 3 These [ancient sculptures] are...the face of man in the morning of the world.
    Art2 7.57 13 ...that Eternal Spirit whose triple face [beauty, truth and goodness] are, moulds from them forever, for his mortal child, images to remind him of the Infinite and Fair.
    Elo1 7.62 8 Each patient [taking nitrous-oxide gas] in turn exhibits similar symptoms,--redness in the face...
    Elo1 7.63 7 No one can survey the face of an excited assembly, without being apprised of new opportunity for painting in fire human thought...
    Elo1 7.65 2 The orator sees himself the organ of a multitude, and concentrating their valors and powers:--But now the blood of twenty thousand men/ Blushed in my face./
    Elo1 7.77 5 Face to face with a highwayman...can you bring yourself off safe by your wit exercised through speech?...
    Elo1 7.77 6 Face to face with a highwayman...can you bring yourself off safe by your wit exercised through speech?...
    Elo1 7.77 13 What a difference between men in power of face!
    Elo1 7.77 21 ...any swindlers we have known are novices and bunglers, as is attested by their ill name. A greater power of face would accomplish anything...
    Elo1 7.78 23 With a serene face, [Caesar] subverts a kingdom.
    Elo1 7.78 26 ...[Caesar] changes the face of the world...
    Elo1 7.82 11 ...if there be personality in the orator, the face of things changes.
    Elo1 7.86 18 ...it is the certainty with which...the truth stares us in the face... that makes the interest of a court-room to the intelligent spectator.
    DL 7.103 17 [The nestler's] unaffected lamentations when he lifts up his voice on high, or, more beautiful, the sobbing child,--the face all liquid grief...soften all hearts to pity...
    DL 7.126 12 One is struck in every company...with the riches of Nature, when he...reads new expressions of face.
    DL 7.126 15 There is no face, no form, which one cannot in fancy associate with great power of intellect or with generosity of soul.
    DL 7.126 25 Every face, every figure, suggests its own right and sound estate.
    Farm 7.138 2 ...[the countryman's] independence and his pleasing arts,-- the care of bees...the care...of orchards and forests, and the reaction of these on the workman, in giving him a strength and an plain dignity like the face and manners of Nature,--all men acknowledge.
    Farm 7.153 7 ...[the farmer] changes the face of the landscape.
    WD 7.171 27 It is singular that our rich English language should have no word to denote the face of the world.
    WD 7.177 16 I knew a man in a certain religious exaltation who thought it an honor to wash his own face.
    WD 7.180 9 ...this curious, peering, itinerant, imitative America...will...sit at home with repose and deep joy on its face.
    Boks 7.217 16 ...this passion for romance, and this disappointment, show how much we need real elevations and pure poetry: that which shall show us...a like impression made by a just book and by the face of Nature.
    Clbs 7.235 26 ...in the hagiology of each nation, the lawgiver was in each case some man of eloquent tongue, whose sympathy brought him face to face with the extremes of society.
    Clbs 7.235 27 ...in the hagiology of each nation, the lawgiver was in each case some man of eloquent tongue, whose sympathy brought him face to face with the extremes of society.
    Cour 7.279 6 The other [bear] on George Nidiver/ Came on with dreadful pace:/ The hunter stood unarmed,/ And met him face to face./
    Cour 7.279 12 George Nidiver stood still/ And looked [the bear] in the face;/ The wild beast stopped amazed,/ Then came with slackening pace./
    Suc 7.303 25 ...[the lover] reads omens on the flower, and cloud, and face...
    Suc 7.304 15 ...it has happened that the artist has often drawn in his pictures the face of the future wife whom he had not yet seen.
    OA 7.318 9 If, on a winter day, you should stand within a bell-glass, the face and color of the afternoon clouds would not indicate whether it were June or January;...
    OA 7.320 20 Life is well enough, but we shall all be glad to get out of it, and they will all be glad to have us. This is odious on the face of it.
    PI 8.67 18 Do you think Burns...has opened no eyes and ears to the face of Nature...
    SA 8.82 14 Give me a thought, and my hands and legs and voice and face will all go right.
    SA 8.84 5 ...every change in our experience instantly indicates itself on our countenance and carriage, as the lapse of time tells itself on the face of a clock.
    SA 8.84 10 In Borrow's Lavengro, the gypsy instantly detects, by his companion's face and behavior, that some good fortune has befallen him...
    SA 8.84 15 When a stranger comes to buy goods of you, do you not look in his face and answer according to what you read there?
    SA 8.86 12 In man or woman, the face and the person lose power when they are on the strain to express admiration.
    Elo2 8.114 22 ...you may find [the orator] in some lowly Bethel, by the seaside...a man who...speaks by the right of being the person in the assembly who has the most to say, and so makes all other speakers appear little and cowardly before his face.
    Elo2 8.120 15 The voice, like the face, betrays the nature and disposition...
    Res 8.141 23 When our population, swarming west, reached the boundary of arable land...on the face of the sterile waste beyond, the land was suddenly in parts found covered with gold and silver...
    Res 8.146 19 What a new face courage puts on everything!
    Res 8.151 17 The first care of a man settling in the country should be to open the face of the earth to himself...
    Comc 8.162 15 So painfully susceptible are some men to these impressions [of halfness], that if a man of wit come into the room where they are, it seems to take them out of themselves with violent convulsions of the face and sides, and obstreperous roarings of the throat.
    Comc 8.167 25 ...I was hastening to visit an old and honored friend, who... was in a dying condition, when I met his physician, who accosted me...with joy sparkling in his eyes. And how is my friend, the reverend Doctor? I inquired. O, I saw him this morning; it is the most correct apoplexy I have ever seen; face and hands livid...
    Comc 8.170 23 In fine pictures the head sheds on the limbs the expression of the face.
    Comc 8.170 26 In Raphael's Angel driving Heliodorus from the Temple, the crest of the helmet is so remarkable, that but for the extraordinary energy of the face, it would draw the eye too much;...
    Comc 8.171 3 In poor pictures the limbs and trunk degrade the face.
    Comc 8.171 11 More food for the Comic is afforded whenever the personal appearance, the face, form and manners, are subjects of thought with the man himself.
    Comc 8.172 10 Timur saw himself in the mirror and found his face quite too ugly.
    Comc 8.172 25 Chodscha answered [Timur], If thou hast only seen thy face once, at at once seeing hast not been able to contain thyself, but hast wept, what should we do,--we who see thy face every day and night?
    Comc 8.173 1 Chodscha answered [Timur], If thou hast only seen thy face once, at at once seeing hast not been able to contain thyself, but hast wept, what should we do,--we who see thy face every day and night?
    PC 8.233 7 [Swedenborg] saw in vision the angels and the devils; but these two companies stood not face to face and hand in hand...
    PPo 8.261 11 Is Allah's face on thee/ Bending with love benign,/ And thou not less on Allah's eye/ O fairest! turnest thine./
    Insp 8.291 1 ...Sir Joshua Reynolds...used to say the human face was his landscape.
    Dem1 10.10 22 We doubt not a man's fortune may be read...in the lines of his face, by physiognomy;...
    Aris 10.33 10 The terrible aristocracy that is in Nature. Real people dwelling with the real, face to face...then, far down, people of taste, people dwelling in a relation...and, far below these, gross and thoughtless, the animal man...
    Aris 10.55 2 He is beautiful in face, in port, in manners, who is absorbed in objects which he truly believes to be superior to himself.
    Chr2 10.119 10 ...[the infant soul] finds himself face to face with the majestic Presence...
    Edc1 10.133 1 ...the event of each moment...the passing of a beautiful face, the apoplexy of our neighbor, are all tests to try our theory [of life]...
    Edc1 10.142 3 The solitary knows the essence of the thought, the scholar in society only its fair face.
    Supl 10.166 3 ...a face magnified in a concave mirror loses its expression.
    Supl 10.166 14 Think how much pains astronomers and opticians have taken to procure an achromatic lens. Discovery in the heavens has waited for it; discovery on the face of the earth not less.
    SovE 10.199 15 You may sometimes talk with the gravest and best citizen, and the moment the topic of religion is broached, he runs into a childish superstition. His face looks infatuated, and his conversation is.
    SovE 10.213 8 Now science and philosophy recognize...how each [Spirit and Matter] reflects the other as face answers to face in a glass...
    SovE 10.213 20 [The man of this age]
    SovE 10.213 21 [The man of this age]
    Prch 10.220 26 ...the sober eye finds something ghastly in this [religious] empiricism. At first, delighted with the triumph of the intellect...we are like...soldiers who rush to battle; but...when the enemy lies cold in his blood at our feet;...the face seems no longer that of an enemy.
    MoL 10.251 2 I wish the youth to be...no helpless angel to be slapped in the face...
    Schr 10.262 4 ...in the worldly habits which harden us, we find with some surprise...that the face of Nature remains irresistibly alluring.
    Schr 10.262 21 Stung by this intellectual conscience, we go to measure our tasks as scholars...and our sadness is suddenly overshone by a sympathy of blessing. Beauty...comes in and puts a new face on the world.
    LLNE 10.329 6 ...chemistry, which is the analysis of matter, has taught us that we eat gas, drink gas, tread on gas, and are gas. The same decomposition has changed the whole face of physics;...
    CSC 10.375 7 The still-living merit of the oldest New England families... encountered [at the Chardon Street Convention] the founders of families, fresh merit, emerging...and lighting a clownish face with sacred fire.
    CSC 10.377 2 ...the [Chardon Street] Convention brought together many remarkable persons, face to face...
    MMEm 10.416 19 ...the simple principle which made me [Mary Moody Emerson] say...that, should He make me a blot on the fair face of his Creation, I should rejoice in His will, has never been equalled...
    Thor 10.461 12 [Thoreau] was...of light complexion, with strong, serious blue eyes, and a grave aspect,-his face covered in the late years with a becoming beard.
    Thor 10.484 2 Only he can be trusted with gifts who can present a face of bronze to expectations.
    Carl 10.498 7 [Carlyle] never feared the face of man.
    GSt 10.506 8 ...this sudden association now with the leaders of parties and persons of pronounced power and influence in the nation...never altered one feature of [George Stearns's] face...
    HDC 11.31 24 Mr. Bulkeley, having turned his estate into money and set his face towards New England, was easily able to persuade a good number of planters to join him.
    HDC 11.64 15 The public charity seems to have been bestowed in a manner now obsolete [in Concord]. The town...being informed of the great present want of Thomas Pellit, gave order to Stephen Hosmer to deliver a town cow, of a black color, with a white face, unto said Pellit, for his present supply.
    EWI 11.111 5 Looking in the face of his master by the negro was held to be violence by the [West Indian] island courts.
    EWI 11.146 13 I doubt not that sometimes the negro's friend, in the face of scornful and brutal hundreds of traders and drivers, has felt his heart sink.
    War 11.151 10 Looked at in this general and historical way, many things wear a very different face from that they show near by, and one at a time...
    War 11.157 5 ...trade brings men to look each other in the face...
    FSLC 11.202 20 We delighted in [Webster's] form and face...
    FSLC 11.211 19 ...Massachusetts is little, but, if true to itself, can be the brain which turns about the behemoth [slavery]. I say Massachusetts, but I mean...Massachusetts...as she sees her progeny scattered over the face of the land...
    ALin 11.328 27 Here [in Lincoln] was a type of the true elder race,/ And one of Plutarch's men talked with us face to face./ Lowell, Commemoration Ode.
    ALin 11.331 17 [Lincoln] had a face and manner which disarmed suspicion...
    HCom 11.340 23 Where faith made whole with deed/ Breathes its awakening breath/ Into the lifeless creed,/ They saw [Truth] plumed and mailed,/ With sweet, stern face unveiled,/ And all-repaying eyes, look proud on them in death/ Lowell, Commemoration Ode.
    SMC 11.347 4 They have shown what men may do,/ They have proved how men may die,-/ Count, who can, the fields they have pressed,/ Each face to the solemn sky! Brownell.
    EdAd 11.386 2 We hearken in vain for any profound voice...intelligently announcing duties which clothe life with joy, and endear the face of land and sea to men.
    RBur 11.440 11 ...Robert Burns...represents in the mind of men to-day that great uprising of the middle class...which, not in governments so much as in education and social order, has changed the face of the world.
    Shak1 11.449 12 Men were so astonished and occupied by [Shakespeare's] poems that they have not been able to see his face and condition...
    Scot 11.463 21 In the face of the later novels, we still claim that [Scott's] poetry is the delight of boys.
    FRO1 11.479 18 ...as soon as every man...is apprised that the perfect law of duty corresponds with the laws of chemistry, of vegetation, of astronomy, as face to face in a glass;...then we have a religion that exalts...
    FRep 11.537 12 ...the Genius or Destiny of America is...a man incessantly advancing, as the shadow on the dial's face...
    FRep 11.542 21 ...man seems to play...a certain part that even tells on the general face of the planet...
    PLT 12.11 3 The wonder of the science of Intellect is that the substance with which we deal is of that subtle and active quality that it intoxicates all who approach it. Gloves on the hands...wire-gauze masks over the face...are no defence against this virus...
    Mem 12.94 2 On seeing a face I am aware that I have seen it before...
    Mem 12.98 23 The facts of the last two or three days or weeks are all you have with you,-the reading of the last month's books. Your conversation, action, your face and manners, report of no more...
    Mem 12.105 21 Captain John Brown, of Ossawatomie, said he had in Ohio three thousand sheep on his farm, and could tell a strange sheep in his flock as soon as he saw its face.
    CL 12.138 22 [Linnaeus] found out that a terrible distemper which sometimes proves fatal in the north of Europe, was occasioned by an animalcule...which falls from the air on the face, or hand, or other uncovered part...
    CL 12.154 17 ...the variety of our moods has an answering variety in the face of the world...
    Bost 12.192 17 Any geologist or engineer is accustomed to face more serious dangers than any enumerated [by the Massachusetts colonists], excepting the hostile Indians.
    Milt1 12.245 3 I framed his tongue to music,/ I armed his hand with skill,/ I moulded his face to beauty,/ And his heart the throne of will./
    WSL 12.348 8 There is no inadequacy or disagreeable contraction in [the dense writer's] sentence, any more than in a human face, where in a square space of a few inches is found room for every possible variety of expression.
    AgMs 12.363 6 The true men of skill, the poor farmers, who, by the sweat of their face, without an inheritance and without offence to their conscience have reared a family of valuable citizens and matrons to the state...are the only right subjects of this Report [Agricultural Survey of the Commonwealth];...
    Trag 12.413 10 A man should try Time, and his face should wear the expression of a just judge...

face, v. (18)

    AmS 1.104 17 Manlike let [the scholar] turn and face [fear].
    DSA 1.140 21 If no heart warm this rite [the Lord's Supper], the hollow, dry, creaking formality is too plain, than that [the poor preacher] can face a man of wit and energy and put the invitation without terror.
    Comp 2.113 8 A wise man will...know that it is the part of prudence to face every claimant...
    Mrs1 3.124 13 The courage which girls exhibit is like...a sea-fight. The intellect relies on memory to make some supplies to face these extemporaneous squadrons.
    Mrs1 3.135 23 ...Napoleon...was not great enough...to face a pair of freeborn eyes...
    F 6.5 7 Great men, great nations, have...been...perceivers of the terror of life, and have manned themselves to face it.
    F 6.24 18 Go face the fire at sea...knowing you are guarded by the cherubim of Destiny.
    Wsp 6.232 6 ...man is made equal to every event. He can face danger for the right.
    Cour 7.261 7 Tender, amiable boys...were suddenly drawn up to face a bayonet charge or capture a battery.
    Cour 7.268 3 There is...a courage which enables one man to speak masterly to a hostile company, whilst another man who can easily face a cannon's mouth dares not open his own.
    Suc 7.292 13 The gravest and learnedest courts in this country shudder to face a new question...
    OA 7.319 1 ...seen from the streets and markets and the haunts of pleasure and gain, the estimate of age is low, melancholy and skeptical. Frankly face the facts, and see the result.
    Grts 8.318 6 The Greeks surpass all men till they face the Romans...
    Aris 10.37 18 We like cool people...who can face death with firmness.
    SlHr 10.437 9 ...[Samuel Hoar] was willing to face every disagreeable duty...
    SMC 11.358 2 One [volunteer] wrote to his father these words: You may think it strange that I, who have always naturally rather shrunk from danger, should wish to enter the army; but there is a higher Power that... enables [men] to see their duty, and gives them courage to face the dangers with which those duties are attended.
    FRep 11.514 10 In our popular politics you may note that each aspirant who rises above the crowd...soon learns...that he must often face and resist the party...
    Bost 12.194 20 ...how much more attractive and true that this [Christian] piety should be the central trait and the stern virtues follow than that Stoicism should face the gods and put Jove on his defence.

faces, n. (53)

    Nat 1.24 21 Truth, and goodness, and beauty, are but different faces of the same All.
    Nat 1.77 5 ...[the advancing spirit] shall draw beautiful faces...
    DSA 1.121 24 ...we read [these divine laws] hourly in each other's faces...
    LT 1.284 12 I question if care and doubt ever wrote their names so legibly on the faces of any population.
    Tran 1.343 11 ...[Transcendentalists] will own...that there are...persons whose faces are perhaps unknown to them, but whose fame and spirit have penetrated their solitude...
    Hist 2.15 14 Every one must have observed faces and forms which, without any resembling feature, make a like impression on the beholder.
    SR 2.48 8 ...when we look in [children's] faces we are disconcerted.
    SR 2.56 7 ...the sour faces of the multitude, like their sweet faces, have no deep cause...
    SR 2.56 8 ...the sour faces of the multitude, like their sweet faces, have no deep cause...
    SL 2.156 20 Faces never lie, it is said.
    Lov1 2.176 20 The clouds have faces as [the lover] looks on them.
    Nat2 3.172 21 The fall of snowflakes in a still air...the crackling and spurting of hemlock in the flames, or of pine logs, which yield glory to the walls and faces in the sitting-room;--these are the music and pictures of the most ancient religion.
    Nat2 3.183 6 The cool disengaged air of natural objects makes them enviable to us, chafed and irritable creatures with red faces...
    NER 3.278 26 I remember standing at the polls one day when the anger of the political contest gave a certain grimness to the faces of the independent electors...
    NER 3.282 6 In vain we compose our faces and our words;...
    SwM 4.131 27 ...[Swedenborg] saw...the hell of the revengeful, whose faces resembled a round, broad cake...
    MoS 4.149 6 Nothing so thin but has these two faces [sensation and morals]...
    MoS 4.149 12 Nothing so thin but has these two faces [sensation and morals], and when the observer has seen the obverse, he turns it over to see the reverse. Life is a pitching of this penny,--heads or tails. We never tire of this game, because there is still a slight shudder of astonishment at...the contrast of the two faces.
    ET1 5.4 3 ...my narrow and desultory reading had inspired the wish to see the faces of three or four writers,--Coleridge, Wordsworth, Landor, DeQuincey...
    ET4 5.50 14 A child blends in his face the faces of both parents...
    ET4 5.54 16 I found plenty of well-marked English types...robust men, with faces cut like a die...
    ET7 5.116 5 The faces of clergy and laity in old sculptures and illuminated missals are charged with earnest belief.
    ET11 5.172 15 Primogeniture is a cardinal rule of English property and institutions. Laws, customs, manners, the very persons and faces, affirm it.
    ET19 5.309 22 On being introduced to the meeting [Manchester Athenaeum Banquet] I said:--Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: It is pleasant to me to meet this great and brilliant company, and doubly pleasant to see the faces of so many distinguished persons on this platform.
    Bhr 6.177 9 Men are like Geneva watches with crystal faces which expose the whole movement.
    Bhr 6.182 27 ...it is a point of pride with kings to remember faces and names.
    Bty 6.286 27 The delicious faces of children...we know how these forms thrill, paralyze, provoke, inspire and enlarge us.
    Bty 6.298 13 ...we see faces every day which have a good type but have been marred in the casting;...
    Bty 6.299 2 Faces are rarely true to any ideal type...
    Bty 6.299 5 Portrait painters say that most faces and forms are irregular and unsymmetrical;...
    Bty 6.301 18 There are faces so fluid with expression...that we can hardly find what the mere features really are.
    DL 7.104 4 All day, between his three or four sleeps, [the nestler]...puts on his faces of importance;...
    DL 7.105 17 [The boy] walks daily among wonders...the faces that claim his kisses...
    Suc 7.296 23 Wherever any noble sentiment dwelt, it made the faces and houses around to shine.
    Suc 7.310 12 There is not a joyful boy or an innocent girl buoyant with fine purposes of duty, in all the street full of eager and rosy faces, but a cynic can chill and dishearten with a single word.
    OA 7.320 7 ...in the rush and uproar of Broadway, if you look into the faces of the passengers there is dejection or indignation in the seniors...
    PI 8.5 20 ...we see that things wear different names and faces, but belong to one family;...
    PI 8.44 26 In dreams we are true poets; we create the persons of the drama; we give them appropriate figures, faces, costume;...
    SA 8.83 18 Whilst certain faces are illumined with intelligence...others are marked with warnings...
    SA 8.84 17 Credit is to be abolished? Can't you abolish faces and character...
    SA 8.98 9 ...On the day of resurrection, those who have indulged in ridicule will be called to the door of Paradise, and have it shut in their faces when they reach it.
    Dem1 10.7 15 In a mixed assembly we have chanced to see not only a glance of Abdiel, so grand and keen, but also in other faces the features of the mink, of the bull, of the rat and the barn-door fowl.
    Chr2 10.96 1 Truth, Power, Goodness, Beauty, are...faces of one substance...
    Edc1 10.142 14 ...if it is from eternity a settled fact that [the solitary man] and society shall be nothing to each other, why need he...make wry faces to keep up a freshman's seat in the fine world?
    Schr 10.261 17 ...in coming among strange faces we find that the love of letters makes us friends...
    CSC 10.374 27 The faces [at the Chardon Street Convention] were a study.
    LVB 11.92 1 Men and women with pale and perplexed faces meet one another in the streets and churches here, and ask if this [relocation of the Cherokees] be so.
    EPro 11.321 17 With this blot [slavery] removed from our national honor... we shall not fear henceforward to show our faces among mankind.
    SMC 11.348 3 Think you these felt no charms/ In their gray homesteads and embowered farms?/ In household faces waiting at the door/ Their evening step should lighten up no more?/
    FRep 11.520 9 You rally to the support of old charities and the cause of literature, and there, to be sure, are these brazen faces [of politicians].
    PLT 12.22 26 How lately the hunter was the poor creature's organic enemy; a presumption inflamed, as the lawyers say, by observing how many faces in the street still remind us of visages in the forest...
    PLT 12.38 1 At a moment in our history the mind's eye opens and we become aware...of rights, of duties, of thoughts,-a thousand faces of one essence.
    MAng1 12.222 21 There are now in Italy, both on canvas and in marble, forms and faces which the imagination is enriched by contemplating.

facheux, adj. (1)

    Ill 6.313 9 It was wittily if somewhat bitterly said by D'Alembert, qu'un etat de vapeur etait un etat tres facheux, parcequ'il nous faisait voir les choses comme elles sont.

facial, adj. (1)

    F 6.10 16 At the corner of the street you read the possibility of each passenger in the facial angle...

facile, adj. (4)

    Wth 6.126 10 The way to ruin is short and facile.
    Bhr 6.175 19 Don't be deceived by a facile exterior.
    Bhr 6.195 27 [Beautiful manners] must always show self-control; you shall not be facile, apologetic, or leaky...
    Dem1 10.22 13 A Highland chief, an Indian sachem or a feudal baron may fancy...that...when he dies, banshees will announce his fate to kinsmen in foreign parts. What more facile than to project this exuberant selfhood into the region where individuality is forever bounded by generic and cosmical laws?

facilitate, v. (2)

    YA 1.367 24 ...the whole force of all the arts goes to facilitate the decoration of lands and dwellings.
    Mrs1 3.127 5 Manners aim to facilitate life...

facilitates, v. (1)

    Edc1 10.153 19 [An automaton] facilitates labor and thought so much that there is always the temptation in large schools...to govern by steam.

facilitating, v. (1)

    Pol1 3.210 4 The philosopher, the poet, or the religious man, will of course wish to cast his vote with the democrat...for facilitating in every manner the access of the young and the poor to the sources of wealth and power.

facilitations, n. (1)

    PerF 10.77 10 A few moral maxims confirmed by much experience would stand high on the list [of resources], constituting a supreme prudence. Then the knowledge unutterable of our private strength...of its accesses and facilitations...

facilities, n. (6)

    YA 1.363 11 Who has not been stimulated to reflection by the facilities now in progress of construction for travel and the transportation of goods in the United States?
    Cir 2.322 2 The great moments of history are the facilities of performance through the strength of ideas...
    ET14 5.237 25 The manner in which [the English] learned Greek and Latin, before our modern facilities were yet ready;...required a more robust memory, and cooperation of all the faculties;...
    Ctr 6.134 18 ...the student we speak to must have a mother-wit...which uses all books, arts, facilities, and elegancies of intercourse...
    Schr 10.279 23 These gifts, these senses, these facilities are excellent as long as subordinated;...
    CInt 12.131 3 ...the examination for admission and the examination for degrees and honors may be lax in this college and severe in that, and you may find facilities, translations, syllabuses and tutors here or there to coach you through, but 't is very certain than an examination is yonder before us...

facility, n. (36)

    Hist 2.23 3 At sea, or in the forest, or in the snow, [a man of rude health and flowing spirits]...associates as happily as beside his own chimneys. Or perhaps his facility is deeper seated, in the increased range of his faculties of observation...
    Exp 3.55 12 ...health of body consists in circulation, and sanity of mind in variety or facility of association.
    GoW 4.266 16 It is believed...the negotiations of a caucus and the practising on the prejudices and facility of country-people to secure their votes in November,--is practical and commendable.
    ET5 5.80 2 [The English] are jealous of minds that have much facility of association...
    ET14 5.236 1 The ardor and endurance of [English] study, the boldness and facility of their mental construction...astonish...
    ET15 5.263 5 [Writing for English journals] comes of the crowded state of the professions, the violent interest which all men take in politics, the facility of experimenting in the journals...
    ET18 5.302 19 ...what facility and plenteousness of knighthood, lordship, ladyship, royalty, loyalty;...is indicated in Collins's Peerage, through eight hundred years!
    Pow 6.79 12 Six hours every day at the piano, only to give facility of touch;...
    Ctr 6.137 17 [Man's] excellence is facility of adaptation and of transition...
    Wsp 6.210 3 What [proof of infidelity], like the facility of conversion?
    Bty 6.298 8 ...we fear to fatigue [women], and acquire a facility of expression which passes from conversation into habit of style.
    Civ 7.20 14 In other races [than the Indian and the negro]...the like progress that is made by a boy when he cuts his eye-teeth, as we say...is made by tribes. ... It implies a facility of association...
    Elo1 7.74 15 There is a petty lawyer's fluency, which is sufficiently impressive...though it be...nothing more than a facility of expressing with accuracy and speed what everybody thinks and says more slowly;...
    Boks 7.200 9 Plutarch charms by the facility of his associations;...
    PI 8.11 19 ...the facility with which Nature lends itself to the thoughts of man...is as if the world were only a disguised man...
    PC 8.207 17 Was ever such coincidence of advantages in time and place as in America to-day?...the hungry cry for men which goes up from the wide continent; the answering facility of immigration...
    PPo 8.237 15 Many qualities go to make a good telescope,-as the...facility of sweeping the meridian...
    PPo 8.249 9 His complete intellectual emancipation [Hafiz] communicates to the reader. There is no example of such facility of allusion...
    Insp 8.271 21 Every real step is...by lyrical facility...
    Insp 8.281 23 ...in writing a letter to a friend we may find that we rise to a thought and to a cordial power of expression that costs no effort, and it seems to us that this facility may be indefinitely applied and resumed.
    Insp 8.283 2 I understand The Harbingers to refer to the signs of age and decay which [Herbert] detects in himself, not only in his constitution, but in his fancy and his facility and grace in writing verse;...
    Grts 8.308 16 ...another trait of greatness is facility.
    Plu 10.301 9 [Plutarch's] surprising merit is the genial facility with which he deals with his manifold topics.
    Plu 10.302 11 This facility and abundance make the joy of [Plutarch's] narrative...
    Thor 10.474 22 [Thoreau's] poetry might be bad or good; he no doubt wanted a lyric facility and technical skill...
    ALin 11.333 17 I am sure if this man [Lincoln] had ruled in a period of less facility of printing, he would have become mythological in a very few years...
    ALin 11.337 1 Nations, like kings, are not good by facility and complaisance.
    EdAd 11.389 13 The facility of majorities is no protection from the natural sequence of their own acts.
    FRep 11.527 11 The facility with which clubs are formed by young men for discussion of social, political and intellectual topics secures the notoriety of the questions.
    FRep 11.529 1 We...are are defended from shocks now for a century by the facility with which through popular assemblies every necessary measure of reform can instantly be carried.
    PLT 12.47 21 By and by comes a facility; some one that can move the mountain and build of it a causeway through the Dismal Swamp, as easily as he carries the hair on his head.
    PLT 12.47 24 Talent is habitual facility of execution.
    II 12.82 21 [A man] has a facility, which costs him nothing, to do somewhat admirable to all men.
    CInt 12.127 13 You all well know...the facility with which men renounce their youthful aims and say, the labor is too severe, the prize too high for me;...
    Bost 12.197 14 In the midst of [New England's] laborious and economical and rude and awkward population, where is little elegance and no facility;... you shall not unfrequently meet that refinement which no education and no habit of society can bestow;...
    ACri 12.300 8 The power of the poet is...in measuring his strength by the facility with which he makes the mood of mind give its color to things.

facing, v. (1)

    Imtl 8.341 26 Courage comes naturally to those who have the habit of facing labor and danger...

fact, n. (478)

    Nat 1.25 14 Every word which is used to express a moral or intellectual fact...is found to be borrowed from some material appearance.
    Nat 1.26 10 ...this origin of all words that convey a spiritual import, - so conspicuous a fact in the history of language, - is our least debt to nature.
    Nat 1.26 13 Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact.
    Nat 1.26 14 Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact.
    Nat 1.28 9 ...the most trivial of these [natural] facts...applied to the illustration of a fact in intellectual philosophy...affects us in the most lively...manner.
    Nat 1.33 15 ...the proverbs of nations consist usually of a natural fact...
    Nat 1.36 2 ...we arrive at once at a new fact, that nature is a discipline.
    Nat 1.45 18 In fact, the eye...is always accompanied by these forms, male and female;...
    Nat 1.51 18 ...a low degree of the sublime is felt, from the fact...that man is hereby apprized that...something in himself is stable.
    Nat 1.68 12 Nor has science sufficient humanity, so long as the naturalist overlooks that wonderful congruity which subsists between man and the world; of which he is lord...because he...finds something of himself...in every new...fact of astronomy...
    Nat 1.75 4 We make fables to hide the baldness of the fact...
    Nat 1.75 6 ...when the fact is seen under the light of an idea, the gaudy fable fades and shrivels.
    Nat 1.75 9 To the wise...a fact is true poetry...
    AmS 1.86 10 The ambitious soul sits down before each refractory fact;...
    AmS 1.87 27 [Nature] was dead fact; now, it is quick thought.
    AmS 1.92 14 ...we should suppose...some foresight of souls that were to be, and some preparation of stores for their future wants, like the fact observed in insects...
    AmS 1.96 26 So is there no fact...which shall not...astonish us by soaring from our body into the empyrean.
    AmS 1.97 5 ...many another fact that once filled the whole sky, are gone already;...
    AmS 1.109 8 In fact, I believe each individual passes through all three [epochs].
    AmS 1.109 26 I look upon the discontent of the literary class as a mere announcement of the fact that they find themselves not in the state of mind of their fathers...
    AmS 1.110 18 One of these signs [of coming days] is the fact that the same movement which effected the elevation of what was called the lowest class in the state, assumed in literature a very marked...aspect.
    DSA 1.138 7 Not one fact in all his experience had [the preacher] yet imported into his doctrine.
    DSA 1.138 22 ...of the bad preacher, it could not be told from his sermon... whether he was a citizen or a countryman; or any other fact of his biography.
    LE 1.156 10 ...the fact of [the scholar's] existence and pursuits would be a happy omen.
    LE 1.157 11 I will not lose myself in the desultory questions, what are the limitations, and what the causes of the fact.
    LE 1.159 8 Every presentiment of the mind is executed somewhere in a gigantic fact.
    LE 1.172 6 The book of philosophy is only a fact...
    LE 1.172 7 The book of philosophy is...no more inspiring fact than another, and no less;...
    MN 1.198 6 What difference can it make whether [our glance at the realities around us] take the shape...of passionate exclamation, of scientific statement? These are forms merely. Through them we express...the fact that God has done thus or thus.
    MN 1.199 17 Every natural fact is an emanation...
    MN 1.204 12 ...what has [man] to recite but the fact that there is a Life not to be described or known otherwise than by possession?
    MN 1.204 18 The royal reason, the Grace of God, seems the only description of our multiform but ever identical fact.
    MN 1.204 25 ...the didactic morals of self-denial and strife with sin, are in the view we are constrained by our constitution to take of the fact seen from the platform of action;...
    MN 1.210 25 ...as far as we can trace the natural history of the soul, its health consists...in the fact that enthusiasm is organized therein.
    MN 1.213 20 ...we have...in the oracles ascribed to the half fabulous Zoroaster, a statement of this fact...
    MN 1.221 21 Our health and reason as men need our respect to this fact...
    MN 1.222 9 ...the solicitations of this spirit, as long as there is life, are never forborne. Tenderly, tenderly, they woo and court us...from every fact in life...
    MR 1.229 19 The fact that a new thought and hope have dawned in your breast, should apprize you that in the same hour a new light broke in upon a thousand private hearts.
    MR 1.232 12 I content myself with the fact that the general system of our trade...is a system of selfishness;...
    LT 1.259 9 ...there is a great reason for the existence of every extant fact;...
    LT 1.260 8 Here is this great fact of Conservatism...
    LT 1.261 5 The fact of aristocracy...is as commanding a feature of the nineteenth century...as of old Rome...
    LT 1.263 14 A personal ascendency,-that is the only fact much worth considering.
    LT 1.263 25 Every fact we have was brought here by some person;...
    LT 1.264 1 ...there is [no fact] that will not change and pass away before a person whose nature is broader than the person which the fact in question represents.
    LT 1.267 11 Slowly...it steals on us, the new fact, that we who were pupils or aspirants are now society...
    LT 1.271 12 The history of reform...is the comparison of the idea with the fact.
    LT 1.279 12 The great majority of men, unable to judge of any principle until its light falls on a fact, are not aware of the evil that is around them...
    LT 1.287 21 ...every new thought drives us to the deep fact that the Time is the child of the Eternity.
    LT 1.290 26 Let it not be recorded in our own memories that in this moment of the Eternity...we were afraid of any fact...
    Con 1.297 25 There is always a certain meanness in the argument of conservatism, joined with a certain superiority in its fact.
    Con 1.297 26 [Conservatism's] fingers clutch the fact...
    Con 1.297 27 ...[conservatism] will not open its eyes to see a better fact.
    Con 1.301 13 ...this bifold fact [Conservatism and Reform] lies thus united in real nature...
    Con 1.302 11 What insurmountable fact binds [the conservative] to that side?
    Con 1.302 12 Here is the fact which men call Fate...
    Con 1.303 16 ...here [in the existing world] is sacred fact.
    Con 1.306 6 ...when this great tendency [conservatism]...is challenged by young men, to whom it is...a fact of hunger, distress, and exclusion from opportunities, it must needs seem injurious.
    Con 1.306 9 The youth...is an innovator by the fact of his birth.
    Con 1.309 2 All your aggregate existences are less to me a fact than is my own;...
    Tran 1.330 21 [The idealist] does not deny the sensuous fact...
    Tran 1.330 27 [The idealist] does not deny the presence of this table, this chair...but he looks at these things...as...each being a sequel or completion of a spiritual fact which nearly concerns him.
    YA 1.365 4 The task of surveying, planting, and building upon this immense tract requires an education and a sentiment commensurate thereto. A consciousness of this fact is beginning to take the place of the purely trading spirit and education which sprang up whilst all the population lived on the fringe of sea-coast.
    YA 1.370 17 ...the uprise and culmination of the new and anti-feudal power of Commerce is the political fact of most significance to the American at this hour.
    YA 1.394 5 ...in England, the fact seems to me intolerable, what is commonly affirmed, that such is the transcendent honor accorded to wealth and birth, that no man of letters...is received into the best society, except as a lion and a show.
    Hist 2.3 20 ...the thought is always prior to the fact;...
    Hist 2.4 22 Each new fact in [a man's] private experience flashes a light on what great bodies of men have done...
    Hist 2.5 3 The fact narrated must correspond to something in me to be credible or intelligible.
    Hist 2.6 8 Property also holds of the soul... The obscure consciousness of this fact is the light of all our day...
    Hist 2.7 21 [The true aspirant] hears the commendation...of that character he seeks...in every fact and circumstance...
    Hist 2.9 8 No anchor, no cable, no fences avail to keep a fact a fact.
    Hist 2.9 12 Who cares what the fact was, when we have made a constellation of it...
    Hist 2.10 16 Every law which the state enacts indicates a fact in human nature; that is all.
    Hist 2.10 18 We must in ourselves see the necessary reason of every fact...
    Hist 2.17 4 In a certain state of thought is the common origin of very diverse works. It is the spirit and not the fact that is identical.
    Hist 2.23 20 ...every thing is in turn intelligible to [the individual], as his onward thinking leads him into the truth to which that fact or series belongs.
    Hist 2.28 3 Jesus astonishes and overpowers sensual people. They cannot unite him to history, or reconcile him with themselves. As they come to revere their intuitions and aspire to live holily, their own piety explains every fact...
    Hist 2.28 25 The cramping influence of a hard formalist on a young child... is a familiar fact...
    Hist 2.29 3 The fact teaches [the child] how Belus was worshipped...
    Hist 2.31 4 ...where [the story of Prometheus]...exhibits him as the defier of Jove, it represents a state of mind which...seems the self-defence of man against this untruth, namely a discontent with the believed fact that a God exists...
    Hist 2.32 3 I can symbolize my thought by using the name of any creature, of any fact...
    Hist 2.36 2 [Man's] power consists...in the fact that his life is intertwined with the whole chain of organic and inorganic being.
    Hist 2.39 19 ...it is the fault of our rhetoric that we cannot strongly state one fact without seeming to belie some other.
    SR 2.46 22 Not for nothing one face, one character, one fact, makes much impression on [a man], and another none.
    SR 2.60 22 Let us...hurl in the face of custom...the fact which is the upshot of all history...
    SR 2.62 18 That popular fable of the sot who was picked up dead-drunk in the street...owes its popularity to the fact that it symbolizes so well the state of man...
    SR 2.64 9 In that deep force, the last fact behind which analysis cannot go, all things find their common origin.
    SR 2.65 22 ...my perception of [a trait] is as much a fact as the sun.
    SR 2.69 19 This one fact the world hates; that the soul becomes;...
    SR 2.70 12 ...a man or a company of men, plastic and permeable to principles, by the law of nature must overpower and ride all...poets, who are not. This is the ultimate fact...
    SR 2.71 9 Let us stun and astonish the intruding rabble...by a simple declaration of the divine fact.
    SR 2.82 1 I...at last wake up in Naples, and there beside me is the stern fact...
    Comp 2.101 1 These appearances indicate the fact that the universe is represented in every one of its particles.
    Comp 2.104 11 [The soul] would be the only fact.
    Comp 2.108 27 Still more striking is the expression of this fact [of Compensation] in the proverbs of all nations...
    Comp 2.120 23 There is a deeper fact in the soul than compensation, to wit, its own nature.
    Comp 2.121 10 Nothing, Falsehood, may indeed stand as the great Night or shade on which as a background the living universe paints itself forth, but no fact is begotten by it;...
    SL 2.145 24 ...Napoleon sent to Vienna M. de Narbonne...saying that it was indispensable to send to the old aristocracy of Europe men of the same connection, which in fact constitutes a sort of free-masonry.
    SL 2.155 9 The great man knew not that he was great. It took a century or two for that fact to appear.
    SL 2.155 26 By a divine necessity every fact in nature is constrained to offer its testimony.
    SL 2.157 24 If a man know that he can do any thing...he has a pledge of the acknowledgement of that fact by all persons.
    SL 2.163 1 The fact that I am here certainly shows me that the soul had need of an organ here.
    SL 2.165 5 ...this under-estimate of our own [possibilities], comes from a neglect of the fact of an identical nature.
    Lov1 2.174 17 ...here is a strange fact;...
    Lov1 2.177 16 It is a fact often observed, that men have written good verses under the inspiration of passion who cannot write well under any other circumstances.
    Fdsp 2.196 27 ...I must hazard the production of the bald fact amidst these pleasing reveries...
    Prd1 2.226 27 ...let [a man] accept and hive every fact of chemistry, natural history and economics;...
    Prd1 2.236 19 ...every fact hath its roots in the soul...
    Hsm1 2.257 4 ...the power of a romance over the boy who grasps the forbidden book under his bench at school, our delight in the hero, is the main fact to our purpose.
    OS 2.287 15 The great distinction between teachers sacred or literary...is that one class speak from within, or from experience, as parties and possessors of the fact; and the other class from without...
    OS 2.287 17 The great distinction between teachers sacred or literary...is that one class speak from within...and the other class from without...or perhaps as acquainted with the fact on the evidence of third persons.
    Cir 2.301 19 This fact [that around every circle another can be drawn]... may conveniently serve us to connect many illustrations of human power in every department.
    Cir 2.301 19 This fact [that around every circle another can be drawn], as far as it symbolizes the moral fact of the Unattainable...may conveniently serve us to connect many illustrations of human power in every department.
    Cir 2.302 5 The law dissolves the fact and holds it fluid.
    Cir 2.303 10 A rich estate appears to women a firm and lasting fact;...
    Cir 2.304 20 Every ultimate fact is only the first of a new series.
    Cir 2.304 21 Every general law [is] only a particular fact of some more general law...
    Cir 2.306 5 Does the fact look crass and material...
    Cir 2.310 1 The idealism of Berkeley is only a crude statement of the idealism of Jesus, and that again is a crude statement of the fact that all nature is the rapid efflux of goodness executing and organizing itself.
    Cir 2.314 17 Omnipresence is a higher fact.
    Cir 2.314 19 Not through subtle subterranean channels need friend and fact be drawn to their counterpart...
    Cir 2.314 22 Cause and effect are two sides of one fact.
    Int 2.326 4 Intellect separates the fact considered, from you...
    Int 2.326 14 The intellect...floats over its own personality, and regards it as a fact...
    Int 2.326 22 The making a fact the subject of thought raises it.
    Int 2.327 8 ...any fact in our life...disentangled from the web of our unconsciousness, becomes an object impersonal and immortal.
    Int 2.328 25 We do not determine what we will think. We only...clear away as we can all obstruction from the fact, and suffer the intellect to see.
    Int 2.332 24 Every trivial fact in [the writer's] private biography becomes an illustration of this new principle...
    Int 2.340 19 ...all the laws of nature may be read in the smallest fact.
    Art1 2.361 10 When I came at last to Rome and saw with eyes the pictures, I found that genius...was the old, eternal fact I had met already in so many forms...
    Art1 2.361 20 [At Naples] I saw that nothing was changed with me but the place... That fact I saw again in the Academmia at Naples...
    Pt1 3.4 13 ...the highest minds of the world have never ceased to explore the double meaning, or shall I say the quadruple or centuple or much more manifold meaning, of every sensuous fact;...
    Pt1 3.7 17 Criticism is infested with a cant of materialism...overlooking the fact that some men, namely poets, are natural sayers...
    Pt1 3.17 8 ...there is no fact in nature which does not carry the whole sense of nature;...
    Pt1 3.19 12 ...in a centred mind, it signifies nothing how many mechanical inventions you exhibit. Though you add millions...the fact of mechanics has not gained a grain's weight.
    Pt1 3.19 14 The spiritual fact remains unalterable...
    Pt1 3.19 23 The chief value of the new fact is to enhance the great and constant fact of Life...
    Pt1 3.19 24 The chief value of the new fact is to enhance the great and constant fact of Life...
    Pt1 3.21 6 All the facts of the animal economy...are symbols of the passage of the world into the soul of man, to suffer there a change and reappear a new and higher fact.
    Pt1 3.28 5 All men avail themselves of such means as they can, to add this extraordinary power to their normal powers; and to this end they prize conversation...animal intoxication,--which are several coarser or finer quasi-mechanical substitutes for the true nectar, which is the ravishment of the intellect by coming nearer to the fact.
    Exp 3.53 22 I had fancied that the value of life lay...in the fact that I never know, in addressing myself to a new individual, what may befall me.
    Exp 3.56 9 A deduction must be made from the opinion which even the wise express on a new book or occurrence. Their opinion gives me...some vague guess at the new fact...
    Exp 3.74 8 ...in accepting the leading of the sentiments, it is...the universal impulse to believe, that is...the principal fact in the history of the globe.
    Exp 3.79 5 ...there is no crime to the intellect. That is antinomian or hypernomian, and judges law as well as fact.
    Chr1 3.88 3 Work of his hand/ He nor commends nor grieves:/ Pleads for itself the fact;/ As unrepenting Nature leaves/ Her every act./
    Chr1 3.91 15 [The people] cannot come at their ends by sending to Congress a learned, acute and fluent speaker, if he be not one who, before he was appointed by the people to represent them, was appointed by Almighty God to stand for a fact...
    Chr1 3.91 16 [The people] cannot come at their ends by sending to Congress a learned, acute and fluent speaker, if he be not one who, before he was appointed by the people to represent them, was appointed by Almighty God to stand for a fact,--invincibly persuaded of that fact in himself...
    Chr1 3.91 19 ...the most confident and the most violent persons learn that here [in a man of character] is resistance on which both impudence and terror are wasted, namely faith in a fact.
    Chr1 3.92 16 In the new objects we recognize the old game, the habit of fronting the fact...
    Chr1 3.97 5 Everything in nature...has a positive and a negative pole. There is...a spirit and a fact...
    Chr1 3.97 18 Men of character like to hear of their faults; the other class do not like to hear of faults; they worship events; secure to them a fact...and they will ask no more.
    Chr1 3.101 16 Xenophon and his Ten Thousand were quite equal to what they attempted, and did it; so equal, that it was not suspected to be a grand and inimitable exploit. Yet there stands that fact unrepeated...
    Chr1 3.102 2 I knew an amiable and accomplished person who undertook a practical reform, yet I was never able to find in him the enterprise of love he took in hand. ... All his action was tentative, a piece of the city carried out into the fields, and was the city still, and no new fact...
    Chr1 3.114 14 The ages have exulted in the manners of a youth...who, by the pure quality of his nature, shed an epic splendor around the facts of his death which has transfigured every particular into an universal symbol for the eyes of mankind. This great defeat is hitherto our highest fact.
    Chr1 3.115 14 Is there any religion but this, to know that wherever in the wide desert of being the holy sentiment we cherish has opened into a flower, it blooms for me?...I am aware, if I alone, of the greatness of the fact.
    Mrs1 3.120 22 What fact more conspicuous in modern history than the creation of the gentleman?
    Mrs1 3.123 1 Beyond this fact of truth and real force, the word [gentleman] denotes good-nature or benevolence;...
    Mrs1 3.148 10 High behavior is as rare in fiction as it is in fact.
    Mrs1 3.153 20 [Love] gives new meanings to every fact.
    Nat2 3.183 19 Every known fact in natural science was divined by the presentiment of somebody, before it was actually verified.
    Nat2 3.183 26 Common sense...recognizes the fact at first sight in chemical experiment.
    Nat2 3.189 9 ...one may have impressive experience and yet may not know how to put his private fact into literature...
    Pol1 3.212 4 The fact of two poles, of two forces...is universal...
    NR 3.227 12 Our exaggeration of all fine characters arises from the fact that we identify each in turn with the soul.
    NER 3.281 25 ...man stands in strict connection with a higher fact never yet manifested.
    NER 3.282 24 Every time we converse we seek to translate [Providence] into speech, but whether we hit or whether we miss, we have the fact.
    UGM 4.32 16 One gracious fact emerges from these studies,--that there is true ascension in our love.
    PPh 4.68 9 Our faculties run out into infinity, and return to us thence. We can define but a little way; but here is a fact which will not be skipped...
    PPh 4.76 13 ...[Plato's] writings have not...the vital authority which...the sermons of unlettered Arabs and Jews possess. There is an interval; and to cohesion, contact is necessary. I know not what can be said in reply to this criticism but that we have come to a fact in the nature of things: an oak is not an orange.
    PNR 4.81 22 [Plato] represents...the power...of carrying up every fact to successive platforms...
    PNR 4.81 23 [Plato] represents...the power...of carrying up every fact to successive platforms and so disclosing in every fact a germ of expansion.
    PNR 4.86 7 ...the fact of knowledge and ideas reveals to [Plato] the fact of eternity;...
    PNR 4.86 8 ...the fact of knowledge and ideas reveals to [Plato] the fact of eternity;...
    SwM 4.111 16 This startling reappearance of Swedenborg...is not the least remarkable fact in his history.
    SwM 4.116 24 The fact [of Correspondence] thus explicitly stated [by Swedenborg] is implied in all poetry...
    SwM 4.117 10 Swedenborg first put the fact [of Correspondence] into a detached and scientific statement...
    SwM 4.118 12 Why hear I the same sense from countless differing voices, and read one never quite expressed fact in endless picture-language?
    SwM 4.129 11 In fact, in the spiritual world we change sexes every moment.
    MoS 4.149 1 Every fact is related on one side to sensation, and on the other morals.
    MoS 4.167 2 As I look at [Montaigne's] effigy opposite the title-page, I seem to hear him say...I stand here for truth, and will not, for all the states and churches and revenues and personal reputations of Europe, overstate the dry fact, as I see it;...
    MoS 4.178 11 In fact we may come to accept it as the fixed rule and theory of our state of education, that God is a substance, and his method is illusion.
    ShP 4.195 6 In point of fact it appears that Shakspeare did owe debts in all directions...
    ShP 4.215 15 In the poet's mind the fact has gone quite over into the new element of thought, and has lost all that is exuvial.
    ShP 4.218 11 The Egyptian verdict of the Shakspeare Societies comes to mind; that [Shakespeare] was a jovial actor and manager. I can not marry this fact to his verse.
    ShP 4.218 16 ...had [Shakespeare] reached only the common measure of great authors...we might leave the fact in the twilight of human fate...
    NMW 4.244 25 ...in fact every species of merit was sought and advanced under [Napoleon's] government.
    NMW 4.253 14 ...that is the fatal quality which we discover in our pursuit of wealth, that it...is bought by the breaking or weakening of the sentiments; and it is inevitable that we should find the same fact in the history of this champion [Napoleon]...
    GoW 4.262 3 In nature...the narrative is the print of the seal. It neither exceeds nor comes short of the fact.
    GoW 4.263 23 A new thought or a crisis of passion apprises [the writer] that all that he has yet learned and written is exoteric,--is not the fact, but some rumor of the fact.
    GoW 4.263 24 A new thought or a crisis of passion apprises [the writer] that all that he has yet learned and written is exoteric,--is not the fact, but some rumor of the fact.
    GoW 4.283 20 [Goethe] has the formidable independence which converse with truth gives: hear you, or forbear, his fact abides;...
    GoW 4.284 27 [Goethe] lays a ray of light under every fact...
    ET2 5.32 3 The busiest talk with leisure and convenience at sea, and sometimes a memorable fact turns up...
    ET4 5.49 22 Any the least and solitariest fact in our natural history...has the worth of a power in the opportunity of geologic periods.
    ET4 5.62 16 It is a medical fact that the children of the blind see;...
    ET4 5.71 9 I suppose the dogs and horses [in England] must be thanked for the fact that the men have muscles almost as tough and supple as their own.
    ET5 5.81 24 [The English] kiss the dust before a fact.
    ET6 5.109 17 Mr. Cobbett attributes the huge popularity of Perceval...to the fact that he was wont to go to church every Sunday...
    ET7 5.124 14 ...[Englishmen] affirm the one small fact they know...
    ET7 5.125 16 I knew a very worthy man...who went to the opera to see Malibran. In one scene, the heroine was to rush across a ruined bridge. Mr. B. arose and mildly yet firmly called the attention of the audience and the performers to the fact that, in his judgment, the bridge was unsafe!
    ET9 5.147 5 ...the fact that British commerce was to be re-created by the independence of America, took [the English] all by surprise.
    ET10 5.162 25 The creation of wealth in England in the last ninety years is a main fact in modern history.
    ET11 5.177 8 The pretence is that the [English] noble is of unbroken descent from the Norman, and has never worked for eight hundred years. But the fact is otherwise.
    ET11 5.198 13 [The English] cannot shut their eyes to the fact that an untitled nobility possess all the power without the inconveniences that belong to rank...
    ET12 5.200 16 Still more descriptive is the fact that out of twelve hundred young men [at Oxford]...a duel has never occurred.
    ET12 5.204 23 Seven years' residence [at Oxford] is the theoretic period for a master's degree. In point of fact, it has long been three years' residence, and four years more of standing.
    ET12 5.205 4 The whole expense, says Professor Sewel, of ordinary college tuition at Oxford, is about sixteen guineas a year. But this plausible statement may deceive a reader unacquainted with the fact that the principal teaching relied on is private tuition.
    ET13 5.217 14 ...the gradation of the clergy [in England]...with the fact that a classical education has been secured to the clergyman, makes them the link which unites the sequestered peasantry with the intellectual advancement of the age.
    ET13 5.228 17 The English Church, undermined by German criticism...was led logically back to Romanism. But that was an element which only hot heads could breathe: in view of the educated class, generally, it was not a fact to front the sun;...
    ET14 5.233 17 [The Englishman's] mind must stand on a fact.
    ET14 5.237 17 The unique fact in literary history, the unsurprised reception of Shakspeare...seems to demonstrate an elevation in the mind of the people.
    ET14 5.253 18 ...in England, one hermit finds this fact, and another finds that, and lives and dies ignorant of its value.
    ET14 5.255 3 The fact is, say [the English] over their wine, all that about liberty, and so forth, is gone by; it won't do any longer.
    ET14 5.256 18 The English have lost sight of the fact that poetry exists to speak the spiritual law...
    ET14 5.257 4 The exceptional fact of the period is the genius of Wordsworth.
    ET15 5.267 24 ...the steadiness of the aim [of the London Times] suggests the belief that this fire is directed and fed by older engineers; as if persons of exact information, and with settled views of policy, supplied the writers with the basis of fact and the object to be attained...
    ET15 5.268 21 A statement of fact in The [London] Times is as reliable as a citation from Hansard.
    ET15 5.270 24 ...when [the editors of the London Times] see that [authors of each liberal movement] have established their fact...they strike in with the voice of a monarch...
    ET16 5.280 7 [Carlyle] fancied that greater men had lived in England than any of her writers; and, in fact, about the time when those writers appeared, the last of these were already gone.
    ET18 5.302 5 ...this [English] shop-rule had one magnificent effect. It extends its cold unalterable courtesy to political exiles of every opinion, and is a fact which might give additional light to that portion of the planet seen from the farthest star.
    F 6.22 5 ...though Fate is immense, so is Power, which is the other fact in the dual world, immense.
    F 6.35 4 A learned physician tells us the fact is invariable with the Neapolitan...
    Pow 6.57 9 [A broad, healthy, massive understanding]...anticipates everybody's discovery; and if it do not command every fact of the genius and the scholar, it is because it is large and sluggish...
    Ctr 6.150 21 ...[the man of the world]...hugs his fact.
    Bhr 6.176 7 ...underneath all [the old Massachusetts statesman's] irritability was...a memory in which lay in order and method like geologic strata every fact of his history...
    Bhr 6.176 27 A main fact in the history of manners is the wonderful expressiveness of the human body.
    Bhr 6.180 18 One comes away from a company in which, it may easily happen...no important remark has been addressed to him, and yet, if in sympathy with the society, he shall not have a sense of this fact...
    Bhr 6.191 22 Novels are the journal or record of manners, and the new importance of these books derives from the fact that the novelist begins to penetrate the surface and treat this part of life more worthily.
    Wsp 6.240 9 ...as far as [immortality] is a question of fact respecting the government of the universe, Marcus Antoninus summed the whole in a word, It is pleasant to die if there be gods, and sad to live if there be none.
    Bty 6.287 23 The ancients believed that a genius or demon took possession at birth of each mortal, to guide him;... ... We recognize obscurely the same fact...
    Bty 6.289 21 ...the mythologists tell us that Vulcan was painted lame and Cupid blind, to call attention to the fact that one was all limbs, and the other all eyes.
    Bty 6.293 4 The new mode is always only a step onward in the same direction as the last mode... This fact suggests the reason of all mistakes and offence in our own modes.
    Bty 6.304 21 ...there is a joy in perceiving the representative or symbolic character of a fact, which no bare fact or event can ever give.
    Bty 6.305 17 ...the fact is familiar that the fine touch of the eye...plants wings at our shoulders;...
    Art2 7.43 3 Let us now consider this [natural] law as it affects the works that have beauty for their end, that is, the productions of the Fine Arts. Here again the prominent fact is subordination of man.
    Art2 7.49 4 ...I pointed to the fact that we do not dig, or grind, or hew, by our muscular strength...
    Elo1 7.68 24 ...listen to a poor Irishwoman recounting some experience of hers. Her speech flows like a river...such justice done to all the parts! It is a true transubstantiation,--the fact converted into speech...
    Elo1 7.85 10 ...[the orator]...must have the fact, and know how to tell it.
    Elo1 7.86 7 In every company the man with the fact is like the guide you hire to lead your party up a mountain...
    Elo1 7.86 14 That is what we go to the court-house for,--the statement of the fact...
    Elo1 7.86 15 That is what we go to the court-house for,--the statement of the fact, and of a general fact...
    Elo1 7.88 6 The statement of the fact...sinks before the statement of the law...
    Elo1 7.89 5 Next to the knowledge of the fact and its law is method, which constitutes the genius and efficiency of all remarkable men.
    Elo1 7.89 15 Every fact gains consequence by [the orator's] naming it...
    Elo1 7.90 8 Condense some daily experience into a glowing symbol, and an audience is electrified. They feel as if they already possessed some new right and power over a fact which they can detach...
    Elo1 7.90 14 A popular assembly...is commanded by these two powers,-- first by a fact, then by skill of statement.
    Elo1 7.93 26 ...first and last, [eloquence] must still be at bottom a biblical statement of fact.
    Elo1 7.93 27 The orator is thereby an orator, that he keeps his feet ever on a fact.
    Elo1 7.98 24 ...I esteem this to be [eloquence's] perfection,--when the orator sees through all masks to the eternal scale of truth, in such sort that he can hold up before the eyes of men the fact of to-day steadily to that standard...
    DL 7.107 19 Fact is better than fiction...
    DL 7.107 20 Fact is better than fiction, if only we could get pure fact.
    DL 7.124 2 To each occurs, soon after the age of puberty, some event or society or way of living, which becomes...the chief fact in their history.
    Farm 7.139 26 In the town where I live...most of the first settlers (in 1635), should they reappear on the farms to-day, would find their own blood and names still in possession. And the like fact holds in the surrounding towns.
    Farm 7.145 1 Our senses...do not believe the chemical fact that these huge mountain chains are made up of gases and rolling wind.
    Farm 7.151 10 There has been a nightmare bred in England of indigestion and spleen among the landlords and loom-lords, namely, the dogma that... the land is ever yielding less returns to enlarging hosts of eaters. Henry Carey of Philadelphia replied: Not so, Mr. Malthus, but just the opposite of so is the fact.
    WD 7.159 25 Lord Chancellor Thurlow thought [steam] might be made to draw bills and answers in chancery. If that were satire, yet it is coming to render many higher services of a mechanico-intellectual kind, and will leave the satire short of the fact.
    WD 7.171 19 Could our happiest dream come to pass in solid fact,--could a power open our eyes to behold millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth,--I believe I should find that mid-plain on which they moved floored beneath and arched above with the same web of blue depth which weaves itself over me now...
    Clbs 7.230 2 [Men] kindle each other; and such is the power of suggestion that each sprightly story calls out more; and sometimes a fact that had long slept in the recesses of memory hears the voice, is welcomed to daylight, and proves of rare value.
    Clbs 7.230 10 ...a natural fact has only half its value until a fact in moral nature, its counterpart, is stated.
    Clbs 7.231 17 Among the men of wit and learning, [the lover of letters] could not withhold his homage from the gayety... But when he came home, his brave sequins were dry leaves. He found either that the fact they had thus dizened and adorned was of no value, or that he already knew all and more than all they had told him.
    Clbs 7.231 21 [The lover of letters among the men of wit and learning] could not find that he was helped by so much as...one solid fact...
    Clbs 7.234 6 In fact the only sin which we never forgive in each other is difference of opinion.
    Clbs 7.246 5 [A man of irreproachable behavior and excellent sense] said the fact was incontestable that the society of gypsies was more attractive than that of bishops.
    Clbs 7.248 16 Herrick's verses to Ben Jonson no doubt paint the fact...
    Cour 7.267 11 Of [Charles XII, of Sweden] we may say that he led a life more remote from death, and in fact lived more, than any other man.
    Cour 7.274 16 There are ever appearing in the world men who, almost as soon as they are born, take a bee-line to...the axe of the tyrant, like...Jesus and Socrates. Look...at the folios of the Brothers Bollandi, who collected the lives of twenty-five thousand martyrs, confessors, ascetics and self-tormentors. There is much of fable, but a broad basis of fact.
    Cour 7.277 19 I am permitted to enrich my chapter by adding an anecdote of pure courage from real life, as narrated in a ballad by a lady to whom all the particulars of the fact are exactly known.
    Suc 7.293 22 It is the dulness of the multitude that they cannot see the house in the ground-plan; the working, in the model of the projector. Whilst it is a thought...it is cried down, it is a chimera; but when it is a fact, and comes in the shape of eight per cent....they cry, It is the voice of God.
    Suc 7.300 21 The fundamental fact in our metaphysic constitution is the correspondence of man to the world...
    OA 7.317 9 If we look into the eyes of the youngest person we sometimes discover that...there is that in him which is the ancestor of all around him; which fact the Indian Vedas express when they say, He that can discriminate is the father of his father.
    PI 8.7 23 ...the severest analyzer, scornful of all but dryest fact, is forced to keep the poetic curve of Nature...
    PI 8.11 4 The primary use of a fact is low;...
    PI 8.11 7 First the fact; second its impression...
    PI 8.13 1 When some familiar truth or fact appears in a new dress...we cannot enough testify our surprise and pleasure.
    PI 8.17 11 [Poetry's] essential mark is that it betrays in every word instant activity of mind, shown in new uses of every fact and image...
    PI 8.18 15 The invisible and imponderable is the sole fact.
    PI 8.22 8 Genius certifies its entire possession of its thought, by translating it into a fact which perfectly represents it...
    PI 8.24 5 Slowly...there dawned on some mind a theory of the sun,--and we found the astronomical fact.
    PI 8.29 5 ...imagination [is] a perception and affirming of a real relation between a thought and some material fact.
    PI 8.30 8 The right poetic mood is or makes a more complete sensibility, piercing the outward fact to the meaning of the fact;...
    PI 8.30 9 The right poetic mood is or makes a more complete sensibility, piercing the outward fact to the meaning of the fact;...
    PI 8.30 18 ...colder moods...insinuate, or, as it were, muffle the fact to suit the poverty or caprice of their expression...
    PI 8.31 7 ...high poetry exceeds the fact...
    PI 8.33 10 We detect at once by [style] whether the writer has a firm grasp on his fact or thought...
    PI 8.47 20 The fact is made conspicuous, nay, colossal, by this simple rhetoric [of iterations of phrase]...
    PI 8.53 19 Poetry...runs into fable, personifies every fact...
    PI 8.54 13 Ask the fact for the form.
    PI 8.57 11 [The early bard's] advantage is that his words are things, each the lucky sound which described the fact...
    PI 8.67 10 If [the readers of a good poem] build ships, they write Ariel or Prospero or Ophelia on the ship's stern, and impart a tenderness and mystery to matters of fact.
    Elo2 8.129 26 ...we must come to the main matter [of eloquence]...know your fact; hug your fact.
    Elo2 8.130 26 If [the eloquent man] does not know your fact, he will show that it is not worth the knowing.
    Res 8.153 20 ...the one fact that shines through all this plenitude of [man's] powers is, that as is the receiver, so is the gift;...
    Comc 8.160 9 ...[the man of the world's] eye wandering perpetually from the rule to the crooked, lying, thieving fact, makes the eyes run over with laughter.
    Comc 8.160 17 The activity of our sympathies may for a time hinder our perceiving the fact intellectually...
    Comc 8.168 16 The pedantry of literature belongs to the same category [as that of religion and science]. In both cases there is a lie, when the mind, seizing a classification to help it to a sincerer knowledge of the fact, stops in the classification;...
    QO 8.181 26 ...what we daily observe in regard to the bon-mots that circulate in society,-that every talker helps a story in repeating it, until, at last, from the slenderest filament of fact a good fable is constructed,-the same growth befalls mythology...
    QO 8.189 18 The capitalist of either kind [mental or pecuniary] is as hungry to lend as the consumer to borrow; and the transaction no more indicates intellectual turpitude in the borrower than the simple fact of debt involves bankruptcy.
    QO 8.193 5 In fact, it is as difficult to appropriate the thoughts of others, as it is to invent.
    PC 8.215 19 It is a curious fact that a certain enormity of culture makes a man invisible to his contemporaries.
    PC 8.222 4 When the correlation of the sciences was announced by Oersted and his colleagues, it was no surprise; we were found already prepared for it. The fact stated accorded with the auguries or divinations of the human mind.
    PC 8.222 20 ...when [Newton] saw, in the fall of an apple to the ground, the fall...of the sun and of all suns to the centre, that perception was accompanied by the spasm of delight by which the intellect greets a fact more immense still...
    PC 8.222 21 ...when [Newton] saw, in the fall of an apple to the ground, the fall...of the sun and of all suns to the centre, that perception was accompanied by the spasm of delight by which the intellect greets a fact more immense still, a fact really universal...
    PC 8.226 18 The air does not rush to fill a vacuum with such speed as the mind to catch the expected fact.
    PC 8.227 14 Every soliciting instinct is only a hint of a coming fact...
    Insp 8.271 4 The poet cannot see a natural phenomenon which does not express to him a correspondent fact in his mental experience;...
    Insp 8.293 26 We live day by day under the illusion that it is the fact or event that imports...
    Grts 8.304 9 A sensible man...is content with putting his fact or theme simply on its ground.
    Grts 8.306 18 ...one fact is clear to me, that diamagnetism is a law of the mind...
    Grts 8.320 5 ...people are as those with whom they converse? And if all or any are heavy to me, that fact accuses me.
    Imtl 8.333 25 ...proceeding to the enumeration of the few simple elements of the natural faith, the first fact that strikes us is our delight in permanence.
    Imtl 8.346 21 ...only by rare integrity...can the vision of [immortality] be clear to a use the most sublime. And hence the fact that in the minds of men the testimony of a few inspired souls has had such weight and penetration.
    Dem1 10.7 5 What keeps those wild tales [of Ovid and Kalidasa] in circulation for thousands of years? What but the wild fact to which they suggest some approximation of theory?
    Dem1 10.7 6 What keeps those wild tales [of Ovid and Kalidasa] in circulation for thousands of years? What but the wild fact to which they suggest some approximation of theory? Nor is the fact quite solitary...
    Dem1 10.9 1 In dreams I see [Rupert] engaged in certain actions which seem...out of all fitness. He is hostile...he is a poltroon. It turns out prophecy a year later. But it was already in my mind as character, and the sibyl dreams merely embodied it in fact.
    Dem1 10.12 12 One moment of a man's life is a fact so stupendous as to take the lustre out of all fiction.
    Dem1 10.12 20 The lovers...of what we call the occult and unproved sciences...need not reproach us with incredulity because we are slow to accept their statement. It is not the incredibility of the fact, but a certain want of harmony between the action and the agents.
    Dem1 10.22 24 There is as precise and as describable a reason for every fact occurring to [the so-called lucky man], as for any occurring to any man.
    Dem1 10.22 25 Every fact in which the moral elements intermingle is not the less under the dominion of fatal law.
    Dem1 10.24 24 ...this is not the least remarkable fact which the adepts have developed.
    Aris 10.39 24 ...we are in danger of forgetting so simple a fact as that the basis of all aristocracy must be truth...
    Aris 10.56 1 I am acquainted with persons who go attended with this ambient cloud. ... They seem to have arrived at the fact, to have got rid of the show, and to be serene.
    Aris 10.65 20 I do not know whether that word Gentleman...is a sufficiently broad generalization to convey the deep and grave fact of self-reliance.
    PerF 10.78 9 It would be easy to awake wonder by sketching the performance of each of these mental forces; as...of the Imagination, which turns every dull fact into pictures and poetry...
    Chr2 10.93 9 If from these external statements we seek to come a little nearer to the fact, our first experiences in moral, as in intellectual nature, force us to discriminate a universal mind...
    Chr2 10.97 19 It would instantly indispose us to any person claiming to speak for the Author of Nature, the setting forth any fact or law which we did not find in our consciousness.
    Edc1 10.127 13 [Man's] continual tendency, his great danger, is to overlook the fact that the world is only his teacher...
    Edc1 10.127 18 Enamoured of [sun's, moon's, plants', animals'] beauty, comforted by their convenience, [man]...fast loses sight of the fact that they have worse than no values...
    Edc1 10.130 26 ...what is the charm which every ore...every new fact touching winds, clouds, ocean currents...possess for Humboldt?
    Edc1 10.132 13 Whilst thus the world exists for the mind;...it becomes the office of a just education to awaken [man] to the knowledge of this fact.
    Edc1 10.132 23 ...presently the aroused intellect finds gold and gems in one of these scorned facts,-then finds...that a fact is an Epiphany of God.
    Edc1 10.136 10 One fact constitutes all my satisfaction...viz., this perpetual youth, which, as long as there is any good in us, we cannot get rid of.
    Edc1 10.142 12 ...if it is from eternity a settled fact that [the solitary man] and society shall be nothing to each other, why need he blush so...
    Edc1 10.149 11 One burns to tell the new fact, the other burns to hear it.
    Edc1 10.158 11 If a child [in the school] happens to show that he knows any fact about astronomy...that interests him and you, hush all the classes and encourage him to tell it so that all may hear.
    Supl 10.164 15 ...we may challenge Providence to send a fact so tragical that we cannot contrive to make it a little worse in our gossip.
    Supl 10.164 21 Language should aim to describe the fact.
    Supl 10.166 2 The exaggeration of which I complain makes plain fact the more welcome and refreshing.
    Supl 10.166 5 A little fact is worth a whole limbo of dreams...
    Supl 10.168 20 [The old head thinks] I will be as moderate as the fact...
    Supl 10.172 15 All men like an impressive fact.
    SovE 10.188 3 It is the same fact existing as sentiment and as will in the mind, which works in Nature as irresistible law...
    SovE 10.199 22 God is one and omnipresent; here or nowhere is the whole fact.
    SovE 10.200 6 The word miracle, as it is used, only indicates the ignorance of the devotee...heedless of the stupendous fact of his own personality.
    SovE 10.200 26 You have perceived in the first fact of your conscious life here a miracle so astounding...as to exhaust wonder...
    SovE 10.202 2 [A man] may throw himself upon some sharp statement of one fact...with such concentration as to hide the universe from him: but the stars roll above;...
    SovE 10.204 27 I will not now go into the metaphysics of that reaction by which in history a period of belief is followed by an age of criticism, in which...an excessive respect for forms out of which the heart has departed becomes more obvious in the least religious minds. I will not now explore the causes of the result, but the fact must be conceded as of frequent occurrence...
    SovE 10.208 21 The life of those once omnipotent traditions was really not in the legend, but in the moral sentiment and the metaphysical fact which the legends enclosed...
    SovE 10.212 5 The commanding fact which I never do not see, is the sufficiency of the moral sentiment.
    Prch 10.218 9 I see in those classes and those persons...who contain the activity of to-day and the assurance of to-morrow...a clear enough perception of the inadequacy of the popular religious statement to the wants of their heart and intellect, and explicit declarations of this fact.
    Prch 10.230 14 The simple fact that the pulpit exists...assures that opportunity which is inestimable to young men, students of theology, for those large liberties.
    Prch 10.233 6 ...if the events in which we have taken our part shall not see their solution until a distant future, there is yet a deeper fact;...
    MoL 10.242 17 [The inviolate soul] is...a prophet surrendered with self-abandoning sincerity to the Heaven which pours through him its will to mankind. This is the theory, but you know how far this is from the fact...
    Schr 10.277 23 It is excellent when the individual is ripened to that degree that he touches both the centre and the circumference, so that he...alternates the contemplation of the fact in pure intellect, with the total conversion of the intellect into energy;...
    Plu 10.297 8 Whatever is eminent in fact or in fiction...drew [Plutarch's] attention...
    Plu 10.306 16 The central fact is the superhuman intelligence...
    LLNE 10.331 20 Let [Everett] rise to speak on what occasion soever, a fact had always just transpired which composed, with some other fact well known to the audience, the most pregnant and happy coincidence.
    LLNE 10.331 22 Let [Everett] rise to speak on what occasion soever, a fact had always just transpired which composed, with some other fact well known to the audience, the most pregnant and happy coincidence.
    LLNE 10.341 8 Some time afterwards Dr. Channing opened his mind to Mr. and Mrs. Ripley, and with some care they invited a limited party of ladies and gentlemen. I had the honor to be present. Though I recall the fact, I do not retain any instant consequence of this attempt...
    LLNE 10.344 15 What [Theodore Parker] said was mere fact...
    LLNE 10.349 12 [Brisbane's plan]...strode about nature with a giant's step, and skipped no fact...
    LLNE 10.352 9 Our feeling was that Fourier had skipped no fact but one, namely Life.
    LLNE 10.354 3 ...there is an intellectual courage and strength in [Fourierism] which is superior and commanding; it certifies the presence of so much truth in the theory, and in so far is destined to be fact.
    EzRy 10.389 25 ...[Ezra Ripley] repeated to me at table some of the particulars of that gentleman's [Jack Downing's] intimacy with General Jackson, in a manner which betrayed to me at once that he took the whole for fact.
    MMEm 10.409 2 It is so universal with all classes to avoid contact with me [writes Mary Moody Emerson] that I blame none. The fact has generally increased piety and self-love.
    Thor 10.464 10 I must add the cardinal fact, that there was an excellent wisdom in [Thoreau]...
    Thor 10.466 17 Every fact which occurs in the bed [of the Concord River], on the banks or in the air over it;...[was] all known to [Thoreau]...
    Thor 10.467 13 [Thoreau] liked to speak of the manners of the river...yet with exactness, and always to an observed fact.
    Thor 10.468 4 [Thoreau] seemed a little envious of the Pole, for the coincident sunrise and sunset, or five minutes' day after six months, a splendid fact, which Annursnuc had never afforded him.
    Thor 10.471 19 ...none knew better than [Thoreau] that it is not the fact that imports...
    Thor 10.471 20 ...none knew better than [Thoreau] that it is not the fact that imports, but the impression or effect of the fact on your mind.
    Thor 10.471 20 Every fact lay in glory in [Thoreau's] mind...
    Thor 10.474 11 [Thoreau] was equally interested in every natural fact.
    Thor 10.474 14 ...I know not any genius who so swiftly inferred universal law from the single fact [as did Thoreau].
    Thor 10.475 26 [Thoreau]...liked to throw every thought into a symbol. The fact you tell is of no value, but only the impression.
    Thor 10.479 24 [Thoreau] referred every minute fact to cosmical laws.
    LS 11.6 7 This material fact, that the occasion [the Last Supper] was to be remembered, is found in Luke alone, who was not present.
    LS 11.12 18 It appears...in Christian history that the disciples had very early taken advantage of these impressive words of Christ [This do in remembrance of me.] to hold religious meetings, where they broke bread and drank wine as symbols. I look upon this fact as very natural in the circumstances of the Church.
    LS 11.13 10 Many persons consider this fact, the observance of such a memorial feast [the Lord's Supper] by the early disciples, decisive of the question whether it ought to be observed by us.
    HDC 11.47 12 In this open democracy [in New England], every opinion had utterance; every objection, every fact, every acre of land, every bushel of rye, its entire weight.
    HDC 11.61 2 Concord suffered little from the [King Philip's] war. This is to be attributed no doubt, in part, to the fact that troops were generally quartered here...
    LVB 11.91 4 The newspapers now inform us that...a treaty contracting for the exchange of all the Cherokee territory was pretended to be made by an agent on the part of the United States with some persons appearing on the part of the Cherokees; that the fact afterwards transpired that these deputies did by no means represent the will of the nation;...
    LVB 11.92 16 The piety, the principle that is left in the United States... forbid us to entertain [the relocation of the Cherokees] as a fact.
    LVB 11.93 5 ...would it not be a higher indecorum coldly to argue a matter like [the relocation of the Cherokees]? We only state the fact that a crime is projected that confounds our understandings by its magnitude...
    LVB 11.94 16 One circumstance lessens the reluctance with which I intrude at this time on your [Van Buren's] attention my conviction that the government ought to be admonished of a new historical fact...
    LVB 11.95 20 I will at least state to you [Van Buren] this fact, and show you how plain and humane people...regard the policy of the government...
    EWI 11.99 7 We are met to exchange congratulations on the anniversary of an event singular in the history of civilization;...a day which gave the immense fortification of a fact, of gross history, to ethical abstractions.
    EWI 11.109 21 Every horrid fact [of the slave trade] became known.
    EWI 11.139 3 What happened notoriously to an American ambassador in England, that he found himself compelled to palter and to disguise the fact that he was a slave-breeder, happens to men of state.
    EWI 11.144 26 All the songs and newspapers and money subscriptions and vituperation of such as do not think with us, will avail nothing against a fact.
    War 11.161 5 ...the fact that [the idea that there can be peace as well as war] has become so distinct to any small number of persons as to become a subject of prayer and hope...that is the commanding fact.
    War 11.161 9 ...the fact that [the idea that there can be peace as well as war] has become so distinct to any small number of persons as to become a subject...of concert and discussion,-that is the commanding fact.
    War 11.168 14 In reply to this charge of absurdity on the extreme peace doctrine, as shown in the supposed consequences, I wish to say that such deductions consider only one half of the fact.
    FSLC 11.183 3 The fact comes out more plainly that you cannot rely on any man for the defence of truth, who is not constitutionally or by blood and temperament on that side.
    FSLC 11.205 11 In Mr. Webster's imagination the American Union was a huge Prince Rupert's drop, which, if so much as the smallest end be shivered off, the whole will snap into atoms. Now the fact is quite different from this.
    FSLC 11.206 3 Under the Union I suppose the fact to be that there are really two nations, the North and the South.
    FSLN 11.218 25 There is, no doubt, chaff enough in what [the newsboy] brings; but there is fact, thought, and wisdom in the crude mass...
    FSLN 11.222 6 ...[Webster] saw through his matter, hugged his fact so close...
    FSLN 11.222 16 ...in his argument [Webster] was intellectual,-stated his fact pure of all personality...
    FSLN 11.222 18 ...[Webster's] splendid wrath...was the wrath of the fact and the cause he stood for.
    FSLN 11.224 1 ...[Webster] wanted that deep source of inspiration. Hence... the curious fact that...there is not a single general remark...that can pass into literature from his writings.
    FSLN 11.244 11 I respect the Anti-Slavery Society. It is the Cassandra that has foretold all that has befallen, fact for fact...
    JBB 11.271 6 Great wealth, great population, men of talent in the executive, on the bench,-all the forms right,-and yet, life and freedom are not safe. Why? Because the judges...do not, like John Brown, use their eyes to see the fact behind the forms.
    JBS 11.277 2 Mr. Chairman: I have been struck with one fact, that the best orators who have added their praise to his fame...have one rival who comes off a little better, and that is JOHN BROWN.
    HCom 11.343 4 In fact the infusion of culture and tender humanity from these scholars and idealists who went to the war in their own despite...had its signal and lasting effect.
    SMC 11.354 12 The secret architecture of things begins to disclose itself; the fact that all things were made on a basis of right;...
    SMC 11.369 10 The Colonel [George Prescott] took evident pleasure in the fact that he could account for all his men.
    Wom 11.424 18 ...this appearance of new opinions...is itself the wonderful fact.
    RBur 11.440 3 I can only explain this singular unanimity [to celebrate Burns's anniversary] in a race which rarely acts together...by the fact that Robert Burns...represents in the mind of men to-day that great uprising of the middle class...
    CPL 11.496 20 Our founder [of the Concord Library] has found the many admirable examples...of benefactors who have not waited to bequeath colleges and hospitals, but have themselves built them, reminding us of Sir Isaac Newton's saying, that they who give nothing before their death, never in fact give at all.
    FRep 11.516 1 At every moment some one country more than any other represents the sentiment and the future of mankind. None will doubt that America occupies this place in the opinion of nations, as is proved by the fact of the vast immigration into this country...
    FRep 11.528 14 In Mr. Webster's imagination the American Union was a huge Prince Rupert's drop, which will snap into atoms is so much as the smallest end be shivered off. Now the fact is quite different from this.
    FRep 11.529 24 In this fact, that we are a nation of individuals...in this is our hope.
    FRep 11.532 14 [Our people] follow a fact;...
    PLT 12.5 6 It is not then...animals, or globes that any longer commands us, but only man; not the fact, but so much of man as is in the fact.
    PLT 12.5 7 It is not then...animals, or globes that any longer commands us, but only man; not the fact, but so much of man as is in the fact.
    PLT 12.5 21 Every object in Nature is a word to signify some fact in the mind.
    PLT 12.5 21 Every object in Nature is a word to signify some fact in the mind. But when that fact is not yet put into English words...they are by no means unimpressive.
    PLT 12.9 27 In fact we have to say that there is a certain beatitude...to which all men are entitled...
    PLT 12.11 19 I confine my ambition to true reporting of [intellect's] play in natural action, though I should get only one new fact in a year.
    PLT 12.19 25 Whilst we consider this appetite of the mind to arrange its phenomena, there is another fact which makes this useful.
    PLT 12.20 25 ...a well-ordered mind brings to the study of every new fact or class of facts a certain divination of that which it shall find.
    PLT 12.34 25 Ever at intervals leaps a word or fact to light which is no man's invention...
    PLT 12.38 13 The point of interest is here, that these gates [spiritual facts], once opened, never swing back. The observers may come at their leisure, and do at last satisfy themselves of the fact.
    PLT 12.39 6 A man of talent has only to name any form or fact with which we are most familiar, and the strong light which he throws on it enhances it to all eyes.
    PLT 12.39 26 The senses report the new fact or change;...
    PLT 12.40 1 ...the mind discovers some essential copula binding this [new] fact or change to a class of facts or changes...
    PLT 12.40 8 The philosopher knows only laws. That is, he considers a purely mental fact, part of the soul itself.
    PLT 12.40 17 In all healthy souls is an inborn necessity of presupposing for each particular fact a prior Being which compels it to a harmony with all other natures.
    PLT 12.41 2 ...a thought, properly speaking,-that is a truth held...because we have perceived it is a fact in the nature of things...is of inestimable value.
    PLT 12.41 9 The first fact is the fate in every mental perception,-that my seeing this or that, and that I see it so or so, is as much a fact in the natural history of the world as is the freezing of water at thirty-two degrees of Fahrenheit.
    PLT 12.41 11 The first fact is the fate in every mental perception,-that my seeing this or that, and that I see it so or so, is as much a fact in the natural history of the world as is the freezing of water at thirty-two degrees of Fahrenheit.
    PLT 12.44 20 ...the fact of intellectual perception severs once for all the man from the things with which he converses.
    PLT 12.59 8 We are passing into new heavens in fact by the movement of our solar system...
    PLT 12.59 11 A fact is only a fulcrum of the spirit.
    PLT 12.63 19 The superiority of the man is...that he has no obstruction, but looks straight at the pure fact...
    II 12.74 21 ...the ancient Proclus seems to signify his sense of the same fact, by saying, The parts in us are more the property of wholes, and of things above us, than they are our property.
    II 12.88 18 Our books are full of generous biographies...of men and of women who lived for the benefit and healing of nature. But one fact I read in them all,-that there is a religion which survives immutably all persons and fashions...
    Mem 12.91 12 [Memory] holds us to our family, to our friends. Hereby a home is possible; hereby only a new fact has value.
    Mem 12.91 15 ...a fact that falls under my eyes...has a value at this moment exactly proportioned to my skill to deal with it.
    Mem 12.91 25 Some fact that had a childish significance to your childhood and was a type in the nursery, when riper intelligence recalls it means more and serves you better as an illustration;...
    Mem 12.94 4 On hearing a fact told I am aware that I knew it already.
    Mem 12.99 19 What is the newspaper but a sponge or invention for oblivion? the rule being that for every fact added to the memory, one is crowded out...
    Mem 12.101 5 So is it with every fact in a new science: they are mutually explaining...
    Mem 12.101 23 With every new fact a ray of light shoots up from the long buried years.
    Mem 12.103 12 The poor short lone fact dies at the birth.
    Mem 12.104 18 Of the most romantic fact the memory is more romantic;...
    Mem 12.108 2 ...what we wish to keep, we must once thoroughly possess. Then the thing seen will no longer be what it was...but...a possession of the intellect. Then...we put the onus of being remembered on the object, instead of on our will. We shall do as we do with all our studies, prize the fact or the name of the person by that predominance it takes in our mind after near acquaintance.
    Mem 12.110 8 With every new insight into the duty or fact of to-day we come into new possession of the past.
    CInt 12.114 25 Milton congratulates the Parliament that, whilst London is besieged and blocked...yet then are the people...more than at other times wholly taken up with the study of highest and most important matters to be reformed...and the fact argues a just confidence in the grandeur and self-subsistency of the cause of religious liberty which made all material war an impertinence.
    CL 12.143 5 The light which resides in [Wordsworth's eyes]...under favorable accidents...is a light which seems to come from depths below all depths; in fact, it is more truly entitled to be held the light that never was on land or sea...
    CL 12.147 23 ...I recommend [a walk in the woods] to people who are growing old, against their will. A man in that predicament, if he stands... among young people, is made quite too sensible of the fact;...
    CL 12.147 25 ...[the man growing old against his will] may draw a moral from the fact that 't is the old trees that have all the beauty and grandeur.
    CL 12.160 10 Our microscopes are not necessary. [Nature] shows every fact in large bodies somewhere.
    CL 12.163 13 What truth, and what elegance belong to every fact of Nature, we know.
    CL 12.164 10 Every new perception of the method and beauty of Nature gives a new shock of surprise and pleasure; and always for this double reason: first, because they are so excellent in their primary fact...
    CW 12.178 6 No lesson of chemistry is more impressive to me than this chemical fact that Nineteen twentieths of the timber are drawn from the atmosphere.
    Bost 12.188 26 A capital fact distinguishing this colony [Massachusetts Bay] from all other colonies was that the persons composing it consented to come on the one condition that the charter should be transferred from the company in England to themselves;...
    MAng1 12.223 12 ...it is an essential fact in the history of Michael Angelo that his love of beauty is made solid and perfect by his deep understanding of the mechanic arts.
    MAng1 12.228 3 [Michelangelo] finished the gigantic painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in twenty months, a fact which enlarges, it has been said, the known powers of man.
    Milt1 12.266 13 The indifferency of a wise mind to what is called high and low, and the fact that true greatness is a perfect humility, are revelations of Christianity which Milton well understood.
    Milt1 12.276 4 It is true of Homer and Shakspeare...that...the poet towers to the sky, whilst the man quite disappears. The fact is memorable.
    Milt1 12.276 17 Perhaps we speak to no fact, but to mere fables, of an idle mendicant Homer, and of a Shakspeare content with a mean and jocular way of life.
    ACri 12.295 1 We cannot...give any account of [Shakespeare's] existence, but only the fact that there was a wonderful symbolizer and expressor...
    ACri 12.300 5 The power of the poet is...in using every fact in Nature...as a fluent symbol...
    MLit 12.309 8 When we flout all particular books as initial merely, we truly express the privilege of spiritual nature, but, alas, not the fact and fortune of this low Massachusetts and Boston...
    MLit 12.310 18 In looking at the library of the Present Age, we are first struck with the fact of the immense miscellany.
    MLit 12.312 5 ...the prodigious growth and influence of the genius of Shakspeare, in the last one hundred and fifty years, is itself a fact of the first importance.
    MLit 12.314 26 The great man, even whilst he relates a private fact personal to him, is really leading us away from him to an universal experience.
    MLit 12.316 21 Of the perception now fast becoming a conscious fact,- that there is One Mind, and that all the powers and privileges which lie in any, lie in all...literature is far the best expression.
    MLit 12.317 15 Perhaps no considerable minority, no one man, leads a quite clean and lofty life. What then? We concede in sadness the fact.
    MLit 12.320 11 The fame of Wordsworth is a leading fact in modern literature...
    MLit 12.323 25 ...[Goethe] felt his entire right and duty to stand before and try and judge every fact in Nature.
    MLit 12.324 15 ...a certain greatness encircles every fact [Goethe] treats;...
    MLit 12.326 27 [Goethe] has an eye constant to the fact of life...
    MLit 12.332 4 That Goethe had not a moral perception proportionate to his other powers...is the cardinal fact of health or disease;...
    WSL 12.337 17 [John Bull]...is astonished to learn that a wooden house may last a hundred years; nor will he remember the fact as many minutes after it has been told him...
    PPr 12.387 16 The revelation of Reason is this of the unchangeableness of the fact of humanity under all its subjective aspects;...
    PPr 12.390 26 How like an air-balloon or bird of Jove does [Carlyle] seem to float over the continent, and, stooping here and there, pounce on a fact as a symbol which was never a symbol before.

Fact, n. (3)

    Nat 1.34 25 A Fact is the end or last issue of spirit.
    Tran 1.335 18 ...if you ask me, Whence am I? I feel like other men my relation to that Fact which cannot be spoken...
    EdAd 11.390 5 ...[man] lives in such connection with Thought and Fact that his bread is surely involved as one element thereof...

fact-books, n. (2)

    Insp 8.295 17 ...read...fact-books, which all geniuses prize as raw material...
    Insp 8.295 19 Fact-books, if the facts be well and thoroughly told, are much more nearly allied to poetry than many books are that are written in rhyme.

faction, n. (4)

    Con 1.323 5 The man of principle is known as such [in a state of war or anarchy], and even in the fury of faction is respected.
    ET9 5.152 7 [George of Cappadocia] saved his money...and got promoted by a faction to the episcopal throne of Alexandria.
    MoL 10.258 5 ...on each new threat of faction, the ballot of the people has been unexpectedly right.
    FRep 11.525 11 In each new threat of faction the ballot has been, beyond expectation, right and decisive.

factions, n. (1)

    Art2 7.56 20 ...in Greece, the Demos of Athens divided into political factions upon the merits of Phidias.

factious, adj. (1)

    AKan 11.261 12 The President told the Kansas Committee that the whole difficulty grew from the factious spirit of the Kansas people...

factitious, adj. (10)

    MoS 4.166 13 [Montaigne]...is so nervous, by factitious life, that he thinks the more barbarous man is, the better he is.
    ET3 5.40 6 Factitious climate, factitious position [in England].
    ET4 5.73 18 The [English] gentlemen...have brought horses to an ideal perfection; the English racer is a factitious breed.
    ET5 5.94 3 The climate and geography [of England], I said, were factitious...
    ET5 5.97 20 The crimes [in England] are factitious;...
    ET5 5.98 5 [The English] system of education is factitious.
    ET14 5.256 11 The poetry [of England] of course is low and prosaic; only now and then, as in Wordsworth, conscientious;...or in Tennyson, factitious.
    Bhr 6.174 17 Manners are factitious...
    Bhr 6.176 9 Manners are partly factitious...
    WD 7.181 22 We do not want factitious men...

factitious, n. (1)

    ET14 5.255 19 ...we have [in England] the factitious instead of the natural;...

factor, n. (4)

    MR 1.231 26 In the Spanish islands, every agent or factor of the Americans...has taken oath that he is a Catholic...
    LT 1.273 16 What does [the wealthy man]...but resolve...to find himself out some factor, to whose care and credit he may commit the whole managing of his religious affairs;...
    Chr1 3.92 20 Nature seems to authorize trade, as soon as you see the natural merchant, who appears not so much a private agent as her factor and Minister of Commerce.
    WD 7.162 25 Malthus...forgot to say that the human mind was also a factor in political economy...

factories, n. (10)

    Exp 3.46 3 We are like millers on the lower levels of a stream, when the factories above them have exhausted the water.
    ET5 5.95 10 The rivers, lakes and ponds [in England], too much fished, or obstructed by factories, are artificially filled with the eggs of salmon, turbot and herring.
    F 6.42 20 ...in each town there is some man who is...an explanation of the... factories...of that town.
    Pow 6.81 12 I know no more affecting lesson to our busy, plotting New England brains, than to go into one of the factories with which we have lined all the watercourses in the States.
    Wth 6.94 1 ...how did our factories get built?...except by the importunity of these orators who dragged all the prudent men in?
    Farm 7.142 5 In English factories, the boy that watches the loom...is called a minder.
    Edc1 10.138 16 I like...boys, who have the same liberal ticket of admission to all shops, factories, armories...as flies have;...
    FSLC 11.182 5 The college, the churches, the schools, the very shops and factories, are discredited [by the Fugitive Slave Law];...
    FSLC 11.213 2 Every Englishman...in whatever barbarous country their forts and factories have been set up,-represents London...
    SMC 11.360 8 [The Civil War soldiers]...have farms, shops, factories, affairs of every kind to think of...

factors, n. (3)

    ET4 5.64 20 As soon as this land [England]...got a hardy people into it, they could not help becoming the sailors and factors of the globe.
    Ctr 6.161 2 The orator who has once seen things in their divine order...will come to affairs as from a higher ground, and...he will have...an incapableness of being dazzled or frighted, which will distinguish his handling from that of attorneys and factors.
    HDC 11.70 6 ...if any person or persons...shall...be factors for the East India Company, we will treat them...as enemies to their country...

factory, adj. (1)

    ET10 5.159 16 As Arkwright had destroyed domestic spinning, so Roberts destroyed the factory spinner.

factory, n. (12)

    UGM 4.4 27 The student of history is like a man going into a warehouse to buy cloths or carpets. He fancies he has a new article. If he go to the factory, he shall find that his new stuff still repeats the scrolls and rosettes which are found on the interior walls of the pyramids of Thebes.
    ET5 5.95 8 The agriculturist Bakewell created sheep and cows and horses to order, and breeds in which every thing was omitted but what is economical. The cow is sacrificed to her bag, the ox to his sirloin. Stall-feeding... converts the stable to a chemical factory.
    ET12 5.204 12 Oxford is a Greek factory...
    Wth 6.92 26 The case of the young lawyer was pitiful to disgust,--a paltry matter of buttons or tweezer-cases; but the determined youth...gave fame by his sense and energy to the name and affairs of the Tittleton snuff-box factory.
    Ctr 6.155 15 There is a great deal of self-denial and manliness in poor and middle-class houses in town and country...that...takes two looms in the factory...
    CbW 6.247 7 [Fine society] renders the service of a perfumery or a laundry, not of a farm or factory.
    DL 7.110 8 Do not ask [the scholar] to...join a company to build a factory or a fishing-craft.
    Farm 7.142 8 In English factories, the boy that watches the loom...is called a minder. And in this great factory of our Copernican globe...the farmer is the minder.
    Res 8.139 3 Our Copernican globe is a great factory or shop of power...
    LLNE 10.344 23 I habitually apply to [Theodore Parker] the words of a French philosopher who speaks of the man of Nature who abominates the steam-engine and the factory.
    LLNE 10.367 25 In every family is the father; in every factory, a foreman;...
    FSLN 11.227 15 [The Fugitive Slave Law] was the question...whether the Negro shall be...a piece of money? Whether this system, which is a kind of mill or factory for converting men into monkeys, shall be upheld and enlarged?

factory-village, n. (1)

    Pt1 3.19 1 Readers of poetry see the factory-village and the railway, and fancy that the poetry of the landscape is broken up by these;...

facts, n. (310)

    Nat 1.25 5 Words are signs of natural facts.
    Nat 1.25 6 Particular natural facts are symbols of particular spiritual facts.
    Nat 1.25 7 Particular natural facts are symbols of particular spiritual facts.
    Nat 1.25 9 Words are signs of natural facts.
    Nat 1.28 1 All the facts in natural history taken by themselves, have no value...
    Nat 1.28 6 ...all Linnaeus' and Buffon's volumes, are dry catalogues of facts;...
    Nat 1.28 7 ...the most trivial of these [natural] facts...applied to the illustration of a fact in intellectual philosophy...affects us in the most lively...manner.
    Nat 1.29 8 As we go back in history, language becomes more picturesque, until its infancy, when...all spiritual facts are represented by natural symbols.
    Nat 1.30 26 The moment our discourse rises above the ground line of familiar facts...it clothes itself in images.
    Nat 1.31 12 These facts may suggest the advantage which the country-life possesses...
    Nat 1.33 24 In their primary sense these [proverbs] are trivial facts...
    Nat 1.40 3 ...[man] is learning the secret that he can...conform all facts to his character.
    Nat 1.61 4 ...facts that end in the statement, cannot be all that is true of this brave lodging...
    Nat 1.73 9 Such examples [of the action of man upon nature with his entire force] are...many obscure and yet contested facts, now arranged under the name of Animal Magnetism;...
    AmS 1.85 26 ...since the dawn of history there has been a constant accumulation and classifying of facts.
    AmS 1.98 6 Years are well spent in country labors...to the one end of mastering in all their facts a language by which to illustrate and embody our perceptions.
    AmS 1.100 19 The office of the scholar is...to guide men by showing them facts amidst appearances.
    AmS 1.101 3 ...[the scholar]...watching days and months sometimes for a few facts;...must relinquish display and immediate fame.
    DSA 1.122 5 ...let me guide your eye to the precise objects of the sentiment [of virtue] by an enumeration of some of those classes of facts in which this element is conspicuous.
    DSA 1.123 1 See how this rapid intrinsic energy worketh everywhere... bringing up facts to a harmony with thoughts.
    DSA 1.123 24 These facts have always suggested to man the sublime creed that the world is not the product of manifold power, but of one will...
    LE 1.161 17 I console myself...by...seeing that Plato was, and Shakspeare, and Milton,-three irrefragable facts.
    LE 1.161 19 ...the most hopeless, in view of these radiant facts [Plato, Milton, Shakspeare], may now theorize and hope.
    LE 1.172 13 ...the first word [a man of genius] utters, sets all your so-called knowledge afloat and at large. Then Plato, Bacon, Kant, and the Eclectic Cousin condescend instantly to be men and mere facts.
    LE 1.179 26 ...Napoleon, thus faithful to facts, had also this crowning merit...
    MN 1.198 16 My eyes and ears are revolted by any neglect of the physical facts, the limitations of man.
    MN 1.199 3 How can I hope for better hap in my attempts to enunciate spiritual facts?
    MN 1.200 5 In all animal and vegetable forms, the physiologist concedes that no chemistry, no mechanics, can account for the facts...
    MN 1.207 15 A link was wanting between two craving parts of nature, and [man] was hurled into being as...the mediator betwixt two else unmarriageable facts.
    MR 1.229 5 It is when your facts and persons grow unreal and fantastic by too much falsehood, that the scholar flies for refuge to the world of ideas...
    LT 1.259 22 Nature itself seems...to invite us to explore the meaning of the conspicuous facts of the day.
    LT 1.287 3 I do not wish to be guilty of the narrowness and pedantry of inferring the tendency and genius of the Age from a few and insufficient facts or persons.
    Con 1.295 10 The battle...of old usage and accommodation to new facts... reappears in all countries and times.
    Con 1.302 17 Here is the fact which men call Fate...necessitating the question whether the faculties of man will play him true in resisting the facts of universal experience?
    Con 1.308 6 ...you must show me a warrant like these stubborn facts in your own fidelity and labor...
    Tran 1.329 21 The materialist insists on facts...
    Tran 1.330 10 ...I, [the idealist] says, affirm facts not affected by the illusions of sense...
    Tran 1.330 11 ...I, [the idealist] says, affirm...facts which are of the same nature as the faculty which reports them...
    Tran 1.330 13 ...I, [the idealist] says, affirm...facts which in their first appearance to us assume a native superiority to material facts...
    Tran 1.330 14 ...I, [the idealist] says, affirm...facts which in their first appearance to us assume a native superiority to material facts...
    Tran 1.330 16 ...I, [the idealist] says, affirm...facts which it only needs a retirement from the senses to discern.
    Tran 1.334 3 [The idealist's] experience inclines him to behold the procession of facts you call the world, as flowing perpetually outward from an invisible, unsounded centre in himself...
    YA 1.372 5 [That Genius] indicates itself by...a small balance in brute facts always favorable to the side of reason.
    YA 1.372 6 All the facts in any part of nature shall be tabulated and the results shall indicate the same security and benefit;...
    Hist 2.3 20 ...all the facts of history preexist in the mind as laws.
    Hist 2.3 24 A man is the whole encyclopaedia of facts.
    Hist 2.6 5 Property...covers great spiritual facts...
    Hist 2.9 2 [Each man] must attain and maintain that lofty sight where facts yield their secret sense...
    Hist 2.9 7 Time dissipates to shining ether the solid angularity of facts.
    Hist 2.9 27 We are always coming up with the emphatic facts of history in our private experience...
    Hist 2.21 9 ...all public facts are to be individualized, all private facts are to be generalized.
    Hist 2.21 10 ...all public facts are to be individualized, all private facts are to be generalized.
    Hist 2.21 22 In the early history of Asia and Africa, Nomadism and Agriculture are the two antagonist facts.
    Hist 2.27 20 Rare, extravagant spirits come by us at intervals, who disclose to us new facts in nature.
    Hist 2.30 17 Beside its primary value as the first chapter of the history of Europe (the mythology thinly veiling authentic facts, the invention of the mechanic arts and the migration of colonies,) [the story of Prometheus] gives the history of religion...
    Hist 2.32 25 What is our life but an endless flight of winged facts or events?
    Hist 2.33 1 Those men who cannot answer by a superior wisdom these facts or questions of time, serve them.
    Hist 2.33 2 Those men who cannot answer by a superior wisdom these facts or questions of time, serve them. Facts encumber them...
    Hist 2.33 5 Those men who cannot answer by a superior wisdom these facts or questions of time, serve them. Facts...tyrannize over them, and make the men of routine...in whom a literal obedience to facts has extinguished every spark of that light by which man is truly man.
    Hist 2.33 8 ...if the man...refuses the dominion of facts...then the facts fall aptly and supple into their places;...
    Hist 2.33 10 ...if the man...remains fast by the soul and sees the principle; then the facts fall aptly and supple into their places;...
    Hist 2.38 13 ...in the light of these two facts, namely, that the mind is One, and that nature is its correlative, history is to be read and written.
    Hist 2.40 10 ...every history should be written in a wisdom which...looked at facts as symbols.
    SR 2.49 2 ...looking out from his corner on such people and facts as pass by, [the boy] tries and sentences them on their merits...
    SR 2.77 18 Prayer is the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view.
    Comp 2.96 12 I shall attempt...to record some facts that indicate the path of the law of Compensation;...
    Comp 2.106 7 The human soul is true to these facts [of Compensation] in the painting of fable...
    Comp 2.118 2 When [a great man] is pushed, tormented, defeated...he has gained facts;...
    Comp 2.123 27 ...see the facts nearly and these mountainous inequalities vanish.
    Comp 2.126 13 ...the sure years reveal the deep remedial force that underlies all facts.
    SL 2.133 4 The regular course of studies...have not yielded me better facts than some idle books under the bench at the Latin School.
    SL 2.144 10 Those facts, words, persons, which dwell in [a man's] memory without his being able to say why, remain because they have a relation to him not less real for being as yet unapprehended.
    SL 2.145 2 ...a few incidents, have an emphasis in your memory out of all proportion to their apparent significance if you measure them by the ordinary standards. ... Let them have their weight, and do not...cast about for illustration and facts more usual in literature.
    SL 2.155 24 Our philosophy...readily accepts the testimony of negative facts...
    SL 2.161 12 The epochs of our life are not in the visible facts of our choice of a calling...
    SL 2.164 23 I can think of nothing to fill my time with, and I find the Life of Brant. It is a very extravagant compliment to pay to Brant...or to General Washington. My time should be as good as their time,--my facts...as good as theirs...
    Lov1 2.171 5 ...we must leave a too close and lingering adherence to facts...
    Prd1 2.221 9 ...I love facts...
    Prd1 2.228 19 ...the discomfort...of confusion of thought about facts...is of no nation.
    Prd1 2.230 12 Let [the figures in this picture of life]...give us facts...
    OS 2.273 15 The emphasis of facts and persons in my thought has nothing to do with time.
    OS 2.273 27 ...we say...that a day of certain political, moral, social reforms is at hand, and the like, when we mean that in the nature of things one of the facts we contemplate is external and fugitive, and the other is permanent and connate with the soul.
    OS 2.274 7 ...Boston, London, are facts as fugitive as any institution past...
    OS 2.284 18 It is...in the nature of man, that a veil shuts down on the facts of to-morrow;...
    OS 2.295 17 The position men have given to Jesus...is a position of authority. It characterizes themselves. It cannot alter the eternal facts.
    Cir 2.302 4 Our globe seen by God is a transparent law, not a mass of facts.
    Cir 2.303 26 ...[a man] has a helm which he obeys, which is the idea after which all his facts are classified.
    Cir 2.308 11 Each new step we take in thought reconciles twenty seemingly discordant facts...
    Cir 2.311 13 The facts which loomed so large in the fogs of yesterday... have strangely changed their proportions.
    Cir 2.315 22 The poor and the low have their way of expressing the last facts of philosophy as well as you.
    Cir 2.318 13 No facts are to me sacred;...
    Int 2.329 25 In every man's mind, some...facts remain...which others forget...
    Int 2.330 20 The walls of rude minds are scrawled all over with facts, with thoughts.
    Int 2.331 10 At last comes the era of reflection...when we keep the mind's eye open...whilst we act, intent to learn the secret law of some class of facts.
    Int 2.332 21 Each truth that a writer acquires is a lantern which he turns full on what facts and thoughts lay already in his mind...
    Int 2.333 2 ...[men] have myriads of facts just as good [as the writer's]...
    Int 2.333 20 Perhaps, if we should meet Shakspeare we should...be conscious...only that he possessed a strange skill of using, of classifying his facts, which we lacked.
    Int 2.335 20 We must learn the language of facts.
    Int 2.336 13 In common hours we have the same facts as in the uncommon or inspired...
    Int 2.339 23 Is it any better if the student...aims to make a mechanical whole of...philosophy, by a numerical addition of all the facts that fall within his vision.
    Art1 2.368 12 ...it is [genius's] instinct to find beauty and holiness in new and necessary facts...
    Pt1 3.18 7 Why covet a knowledge of new facts?
    Pt1 3.19 1 ...the poet, who re-attaches things to nature and the Whole... disposes very easily of the most disagreeable facts.
    Pt1 3.21 2 All the facts of the animal economy...are symbols of the passage of the world into the soul of man...
    Pt1 3.21 11 The poet alone knows astronomy, chemistry, vegetation and animation, for he does not stop at these facts, but employs them as signs.
    Pt1 3.32 19 All the value which attaches to...Oken, or any other who introduces questionable facts into his cosmogony...is the certificate we have of departure from routine, and that here is a new witness.
    Exp 3.54 7 But, sir, medical history; the report of the Institute; the proven facts!--I distrust the facts and the inferences.
    Exp 3.81 15 [The life of truth] does not...adopt another's facts.
    Exp 3.81 18 ...I cannot dispose of other people's facts;...
    Chr1 3.89 6 It has been complained of our brilliant English historian of the French Revolution that when he has told all his facts about Mirabeau, they do not justify his estimate of his genius.
    Chr1 3.89 9 The Gracchi, Agis, Cleomenes, and others of Plutarch's heroes, do not in the record of facts equal their own fame.
    Chr1 3.114 10 The ages have exulted in the manners of a youth...who, by the pure quality of his nature, shed an epic splendor around the facts of his death...
    Mrs1 3.152 12 ...this Byzantine pile of chivalry or Fashion, which seems so fair and picturesque to those who look at the contemporary facts for science or for entertainment, is not equally pleasant to all spectators.
    Nat2 3.177 12 ...I suppose that such a gazetteer as wood-cutters and Indians should furnish facts for, would take place in the most sumptuous drawing-rooms of all the Wreaths and Flora's chaplets of the bookshops;...
    NR 3.234 23 Anomalous facts...are of ideal use.
    NER 3.255 8 There is observable throughout [the practical activities of New England]...a steady tendency of the thoughtful and virtuous to a deeper belief and reliance on spiritual facts.
    NER 3.255 17 ...the country is full of kings. Hands off! let there be no control and no interference in the administration of the affairs of this kingdom of me. Hence the growth of the doctrine and of the party of Free Trade, and the willingness to try that experiment, in the face of what appear incontestable facts.
    UGM 4.22 27 I admire great men of all classes, those who stand for facts, and for thoughts;...
    PPh 4.47 26 Two cardinal facts lie forever at the base [of philosophy];...
    PPh 4.57 16 [Plato's] daring imagination gives him the more solid grasp of facts;...
    PPh 4.61 20 Plato apprehended the cardinal facts.
    PPh 4.70 21 ...[Plato] constantly affirms...that the greatest goods...are assigned to us by a divine gift. This leads me to that central figure...whose biography he has likewise so labored that the historic facts are lost in the light of Plato's mind.
    MoS 4.150 5 One class [predisposed to Sensation]...is conversant with facts and surfaces...
    MoS 4.155 15 ...if we uncover the last facts of our knowledge, you are spinning like bubbles in a river...
    MoS 4.175 16 There is the power of moods, each setting at nought all but its own tissue of facts and beliefs.
    MoS 4.183 10 I play with the miscellany of facts, and take those superficial views which we call skepticism;...
    ShP 4.204 24 The Shakspeare Society have...advertised the missing facts... and with what result?
    ShP 4.205 2 ...[the Shakspeare Society] have gleaned a few facts touching the property, and dealings in regard to property, of the poet [Shakespeare].
    NMW 4.254 7 ...[Napoleon] sat...in his lonely island, coldly falsifying facts and dates and characters...
    GoW 4.261 5 [The writer's] office is a reception of the facts into the mind, and then a selection of the eminent and characteristic experiences.
    GoW 4.262 11 The facts do not lie in [the memory] inert;...
    GoW 4.264 15 ...nature has more splendid endowments for those whom she elects to a superior office; for the class of scholars or writers...who are impelled to exhibit the facts in order...
    GoW 4.271 2 There was never such a miscellany of facts.
    GoW 4.271 11 Goethe was the philosopher of this [modern] multiplicity;... able and happy to cope with this rolling miscellany of facts and sciences...
    GoW 4.273 15 [Goethe] was the soul of his century. If that...had become... one great Exploring Expedition, accumulating a glut of facts and fruits too fast for any hitherto-existing savans to classify,--this man's mind had ample chambers for the distribution of all.
    GoW 4.281 24 If [the writer] can not rightly express himself to-day, the same things subsist and will open themselves to-morrow. There lies the burden on his mind...and it constitutes his business and calling in the world to see those facts through...
    ET5 5.80 12 ...[the English] have a supreme eye to facts...
    ET5 5.83 8 ...in high departments [the English] are cramped and sterile. But the unconditional surrender to facts, and the choice of means to reach their ends, are as admirable as with ants and bees.
    ET10 5.155 8 The respect for truth of facts in England is equalled only by the respect for wealth.
    ET14 5.239 17 Whoever...requires heaps of facts before any theories can be attempted, has no poetic power...
    ET14 5.244 7 The absence of the faculty [of generalization] in England is shown by the timidity which accumulates mountains of facts...
    ET15 5.271 24 [The London Times's] existence honors the people who... dare to know all the facts...
    F 6.4 26 ...by firmly stating all that is agreeable to experience on one [topic], and doing the same justice to the opposing facts in the others, the true limitations will appear.
    F 6.5 3 ...let us honestly state the facts.
    F 6.19 25 No picture of life can have any veracity that does not admit the odious facts.
    F 6.23 19 [Man's] sound relation to these facts is to use and command...
    F 6.31 25 Fate then is a name for facts not yet passed under the fire of thought;...
    Pow 6.59 20 ...if [the weaker party] knew all the facts in the encyclopedia, it would not help him;...
    Wth 6.100 5 The right merchant is...a man of a strong affinity for facts...
    Wth 6.100 17 Probity and closeness to the facts are the basis [of commerce]...
    Wth 6.100 21 The problem [in commerce] is to combine many and remote operations with the accuracy and adherence to the facts...
    Wth 6.107 3 ...every man has a certain satisfaction whenever his dealing touches on the inevitable facts;...
    Wsp 6.202 8 If the Divine Providence...has stated itself out...in tyrannies, literatures and arts,--let us not be so nice that we cannot write these facts down coarsely...
    Wsp 6.217 21 ...the heart is at once aware of the state of health or disease, which is the controlling state, that is, of sanity or of insanity; prior of course to all question of...the amount of facts...
    Wsp 6.220 4 ...look where we will...a perfect reaction, a perpetual judgment keeps watch and ward. And this appears in a class of facts which concerns all men, within and above their creeds.
    Wsp 6.229 9 Even children are not deceived by the false reasons which their parents give in answer to their questions, whether touching natural facts, or religion, or persons.
    CbW 6.253 13 In front of these sinister facts, the first lesson of history is the good of evil.
    Bty 6.286 16 [Knowledge of men, knowledge of manners, the power of form and our sensibility to personal influence] are facts of a science which we study without book...
    Bty 6.304 8 Facts which had never before left their stark common sense suddenly figure as Eleusinian mysteries.
    Bty 6.304 12 All the facts in nature are nouns of the intellect...
    Ill 6.321 23 From day to day the capital facts of human life are hidden from our eyes.
    SS 7.12 12 A cold sluggish blood thinks it has not facts enough to the purpose...
    SS 7.12 15 'T is not new facts that avail, but the heat to dissolve everybody' s facts.
    SS 7.12 16 'T is not new facts that avail, but the heat to dissolve everybody' s facts.
    SS 7.12 18 Heat puts you in right relation with magazines of facts.
    Civ 7.33 6 ...in Judaea, the advent of Jesus, and, in modern Christendom, of the realists Huss, Savonarola and Luther,--are casual facts which carry forward races to new convictions...
    Art2 7.47 19 In view of these facts, I say that the power of Nature predominates over the human will in all works of even the fine arts...
    Elo1 7.66 20 If the speaker utter a noble sentiment, the attention [of the audience] deepens, a new and highest audience now listens, and the audiences of the fun and of facts and of the understanding are all silenced and awed.
    Elo1 7.75 23 In a Senate or other business committee, the solid result depends on a few men with working talent. They know how to deal with the facts before them...
    Elo1 7.85 17 ...in any public assembly, him who has the facts and can and will state them, people will listen to...
    Elo1 7.89 10 A crowd of men go up to Faneuil Hall; they are all pretty well acquainted with the object of the meeting; they have all read the facts in the same newspapers.
    Elo1 7.90 21 ...tenacity of memory, power of dealing with facts...are keys which the orator holds;...
    Elo1 7.91 5 If you...give [a man] a grasp of facts, learning, quick fancy, sarcasm, splendid allusion, interminable illustration,--all these talents...have an equal power to ensnare and mislead the audience and the orator.
    Elo1 7.91 21 ...we...might well go round the world, to see...a man who, in prosecuting great designs, has an absolute command of the means of representing his ideas, and uses them only to express these; placing facts, placing men;...
    Elo1 7.94 22 If you would correct my false view of facts,--hold up to me the same facts in the true order of thought...
    DL 7.107 16 If a man wishes to acquaint himself...with the spirit of the age, he must not go first to the state-house or the court-room. The subtle spirit of life must be sought in facts nearer.
    DL 7.108 6 Is it not plain that...in the dwelling-house must the true character and hope of the time be consulted? These facts are, to be sure, harder to read.
    DL 7.108 23 The great facts are the near ones.
    DL 7.124 4 ...it is pitiful to date and measure all the facts and sequel of an unfolding life from such a youthful and generally inconsiderate period as the age of courtship and marriage.
    DL 7.124 15 ...we soon catch the trick of each man's conversation, and knowing his two or three main facts, anticipate what he thinks of each new topic that rises.
    WD 7.164 10 Many facts concur to show that we must look deeper for our salvation than to steam, photographs, balloons or astronomy.
    Boks 7.196 15 ...the scholar knows that the famed books contain, first and last, the best thoughts and facts.
    Boks 7.205 21 The cardinal facts of European history are soon learned.
    Boks 7.211 5 [Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy] is an inventory to remind us how many classes and species of facts exist...
    Clbs 7.225 24 ...the staple of conversation is widely unlike in its circles. Sometimes it is facts...
    Cour 7.276 3 ...there are melancholy skeptics with a taste for carrion who batten on the hideous facts in history...
    Cour 7.276 9 [The hideous facts in history] are not cheerful facts, but they do not disturb a healthy mind;...
    OA 7.319 1 ...seen from the streets and markets and the haunts of pleasure and gain, the estimate of age is low, melancholy and skeptical. Frankly face the facts, and see the result.
    OA 7.327 17 One by one, day after day, [man] learns to coin his wishes into facts.
    PI 8.17 23 As soon as a man masters a principle and sees his facts in relation to it, fields, waters, skies, offer to clothe his thoughts in images.
    PI 8.19 8 Whilst common sense looks at things or visible Nature as real and final facts, poetry, or the imagination which dictates it, is a second sight...
    PI 8.22 5 Men are imaginative, but not overpowered by it to the extent of confounding its suggestions with external facts.
    PI 8.22 19 In the ocean, in fire, in the sky, in the forest, [man] finds facts adequate and as large as he.
    PI 8.24 8 The senses collect the surface facts of matter.
    PI 8.46 4 The universality of this taste [for rhyme] is proved by our habit of casting our facts into rhyme to remember them better...
    PI 8.57 13 ...we listen to [the early bard] as we do to the Indian, or the hunter, or miner, each of whom represents his facts as accurately as the cry of the wolf or the eagle tells of the forest or the air they inhabit.
    PI 8.68 23 By successive states of mind all the facts of Nature are for the first time interpreted.
    PI 8.71 5 Facts are not foreign, as they seem, but related.
    PI 8.71 9 The solid men complain that the idealist leaves out the fundamental facts;...
    PI 8.75 4 Men are facts as well as persons...
    SA 8.96 25 The main point is to...say, with Newton, There's no contending against facts.
    SA 8.97 3 When Molyneux fancied that the observations of the nutation of the earth's axis destroyed Newton's theory of gravitation, he tried to break it softly to Sir Isaac, who only answered, It may be so, there's no arguing against facts and experiments.
    SA 8.103 13 ...[the American to be proud of] was the best talker...in the company...what with the multitude and distinction of his facts...
    Elo2 8.111 16 Who knows before the debate begins...what the means are of the combatants? The facts, the reasons, the logic...all are invisible and unknown.
    Comc 8.159 14 We have a primary association between perfectness and this [human] form. But the facts that occur when actual men enter do not make good this anticipation;...
    QO 8.191 13 ...the worth of the sentences consists in their radiancy and equal aptitude to all intelligence. They fit all our facts like a charm.
    QO 8.201 19 ...[Genius] knows that facts are not ultimates...
    PPo 8.237 21 ...the essential value [in books] is the adding of knowledge to our stock by the record of new facts...
    PPo 8.237 22 ...the essential value [in books] is the adding of knowledge to our stock by the record of new facts, and, better, by the record of intuitions which distribute facts...
    Insp 8.271 7 ...[the poet] is made aware of a power to carry on and complete the metamorphosis of natural into spiritual facts.
    Insp 8.282 10 One of the best facts I know in metaphysical science is Niebuhr's joyful record that after his genius for interpreting history had failed him for several years, this divination returned to him.
    Insp 8.295 20 Fact-books, if the facts be well and thoroughly told, are much more nearly allied to poetry than many books are that are written in rhyme.
    Grts 8.309 3 ...the rule of the orator begins, not in the array of his facts, but when his deep conviction, and the right and necessity he feels to convey that conviction to his audience,-when these shine and burn in his address;...
    Dem1 10.10 7 Every man goes through the world attended with innumerable facts prefiguring...his fate...
    Dem1 10.13 12 For Spiritism, it shows that no man, almost, is fit to give evidence. Then I say to the amiable and sincere among them, these matters are quite too important than that I can rest them on any legends. If I have no facts, as you allege, I can very well wait for them.
    Dem1 10.24 1 Coincidences, dreams, animal magnetism, omens, sacred lots, have great interest for some minds. They run into this twilight and say, There 's more than is dreamed of in your philosophy. Certainly these facts are interesting...
    Dem1 10.24 15 ...suppose a diligent collection and study of these occult facts were made, they are merely physiological, semi-medical...
    Aris 10.53 22 ...I have seen a man of teeming brain come among these men [in a village], so full of his facts, so unable to suppress them, that he has poured out a river of knowledge to all comers...
    Aris 10.53 27 ...I have seen a man of teeming brain come among these men [in a village]...and drawing all these men round him...interested the whole village...in his facts;...
    Edc1 10.126 16 ...when one and the same man...leaves...the stupor of the senses, to enter into the quasi-omniscience of high thought...all limits disappear. No horizon shuts down. He sees...all facts in their connection.
    Edc1 10.129 5 How [the desire of power] sharpens the perceptions and stores the memory with facts.
    Edc1 10.131 2 ...what is the charm which every ore...every new fact touching...the secrets of chemical composition and decomposition possess for Humboldt? What but that much revolving of similar facts in his mind has shown him that always the mind contains in its transparent chambers the means of classifying the most refractory phenomena...
    Edc1 10.132 16 Day creeps after day, each full of facts...that we cannot enough despise...
    Edc1 10.132 22 ...presently the aroused intellect finds gold and gems in one of these scorned facts...
    Edc1 10.132 22 ...presently the aroused intellect finds gold and gems in one of these scorned facts,-then finds that the day of facts is a rock of diamonds;...
    Edc1 10.135 2 We exercise [boys'] understandings to the apprehension and comparison of some facts...
    Edc1 10.144 17 Here are the two capital facts [of education], Genius and Drill.
    Edc1 10.149 5 Not less delightful is the mutual pleasure of teaching and learning the secret...of chosen facts in history or in biography.
    Supl 10.168 13 ...I do not know any advantage more conspicuous which a man owes to his experience in markets and the Exchange, or politics, than the caution and accuracy he acquires in his report of facts.
    SovE 10.208 13 ...natural religion supplies still all the facts which are disguised under the dogma of popular creeds.
    Prch 10.225 3 ...it is clear...is it not, that...when [a man] shall act from one motive, and all his faculties play true...this...will give...not more facts, nor new combinations, but divination, or direct intuition of the state of men and things?
    Prch 10.231 23 We come to church properly...for approach to principles to see how it stands with us, with the deep and dear facts of right and love.
    Plu 10.310 9 You may cull from [Plutarch's] record of barbarous guesses of shepherds and travellers, statements that are predictions of facts established in modern science.
    Plu 10.312 5 Seneca...learned to temper his philosophy with facts.
    LLNE 10.331 17 [Everett] had a great talent for collecting facts...
    LLNE 10.331 25 It was remarked that for a man who threw out so many facts [Everett] was seldom convicted of a blunder.
    LLNE 10.349 8 The merit of [Brisbane's] plan was...that it...was coherent and comprehensive of facts to a wonderful degree.
    LLNE 10.352 27 There is an order in which in a sound mind the faculties always appear, and which, according to the strength of the individual, they seek to realize in the surrounding world. The value of Fourier's system is that it is a statement of such an order...carried outward into its correspondence in facts.
    LLNE 10.357 18 I regard these philanthropists as themselves the effects of the age in which we live, and, in common with so many other good facts, the efflorescence of the period and predicting a good fruit that ripens.
    LLNE 10.358 2 The large cities are phalansteries; and the theorists drew all their argument from facts already taking place in our experience.
    LLNE 10.369 17 I recall these few selected facts, none of them of much independent interest...
    EzRy 10.383 8 To these facts, gathered chiefly from [Ezra Ripley's] own diary...I can only add a few traits from memory.
    EzRy 10.392 26 ...[Ezra Ripley's] knowledge was...the observation of such facts as country life for nearly a century could supply.
    MMEm 10.423 19 For the widows and orphans--Oh, I [Mary Moody Emerson] could give facts of the long-drawn years of imprisoned minds and hearts, which uneducated orphans endure!
    MMEm 10.430 21 Those economists (Adam Smith) who say...that, whatever disposition of virtue may exist, unless something is done for society, deserves no fame,-why, I [Mary Moody Emerson] am content with such paradoxical kind of facts;...
    SlHr 10.445 2 [Samuel Hoar's] ability lay in the clear apprehension and the powerful statement of the material points of his case. He soon possessed it, and he never possessed it better, and he was equally ready at any moment to state the facts.
    Thor 10.452 8 ...though very studious of natural facts, [Thoreau] was incurious of technical and textual science.
    LS 11.4 20 I allude to these facts only to show that, so far from the [Lord's] Supper being a tradition in which men are fully agreed, there has always been the widest room for difference of opinion upon this particular.
    LS 11.5 22 ...observe the facts. Two of the Evangelists...were of the twelve disciples, and were present on that occasion [the Last Supper].
    LS 11.6 6 Two of the Evangelists...were present on that occasion [the Last Supper]. Neither of them drops the slightest intimation of any intention on the part of Jesus to set up anything permanent. John especially...has quite omitted such a notice. Neither does it appear to have come to the knowledge of Mark, who...relates the other facts.
    EWI 11.100 15 ...[the opponent of slavery] feels that none but a stupid or a malignant person can hesitate on a view of the facts.
    EWI 11.108 23 The facts [of the slave trade] confirmed [Thomas Clarkson' s] sentiment, that Providence had never made that to be wise which was immoral...
    EWI 11.110 24 In attempting to make its escape from the pursuit of a man-of- war, one ship flung five hundred slaves alive into the sea. These facts went into Parliament.
    EWI 11.127 24 ...when, in 1789, the first privy council report of evidence on the [slave] trade (a bulky folio embodying all the facts which the London Committee had been engaged for years in collecting...) was presented to the House of Commons, a late day being named for the discussion...Mr. Wilberforce, Mr. Pitt, the Prime Minister, and other gentlemen, took advantage of the postponement to retire into the country to read the report.
    War 11.159 22 This valuable person [Assacombuit]...took to killing his own neighbors and kindred, with such appetite that his tribe...would have killed him had he not fled his country forever. The scandal which we feel in such facts certainly shows that we have got on a little.
    FSLC 11.193 19 Will you...blame the air for rushing in where a vacuum is made or the boiler for exploding under pressure of steam? These facts are after laws of the world...
    FSLC 11.202 23 We delighted...in [Webster's] daylight statement, simple force; the facts lay like the strata of a cloud...
    FSLC 11.206 10 I am willing to leave [the North and the South] to the facts.
    AKan 11.255 19 The printed letters of border ruffians avow the facts.
    AKan 11.256 4 ...all party spirit produces the incapacity to receive natural impressions from facts;...
    TPar 11.285 6 ...every man's biography is at his own expense. He furnishes not only the facts but the report.
    TPar 11.286 14 Such was the largeness of [Theodore Parker's] reception of facts and his skill to employ them that it looked as if he were some president of council to whom a score of telegraphs were ever bringing in reports;...
    TPar 11.286 21 [Theodore Parker] had...a love for facts...
    TPar 11.287 2 A little more feeling of the poetic significance of his facts would have disqualified [Theodore Parker] for some of his severer offices to his generation.
    ACiv 11.300 19 There are already mountains of facts [on slavery]...
    SMC 11.349 7 ...the facts which make to us the interest of this day are in a great degree personal and local here;...
    SMC 11.354 9 ...the moment you cry Every man to his tent, O Israel! the delusions of hope and fear are at an end;-the strength is now to be tested by the eternal facts.
    FRep 11.532 9 See how fast [our people] extend the fleeting fabric of their trade...with the same abandonment to the moment and the facts of the hour as the Esquimau who sells his bed in the morning.
    PLT 12.3 10 ...in listening to...Michael Faraday's explanation of magnetic powers, or the botanist's descriptions, one could not help admiring the irresponsible security and happiness of the attitude of the naturalist; sure of admiration for his facts...
    PLT 12.3 19 Could we have...the exhaustive accuracy of distribution which chemists use in their nomenclature...applied to a higher class of facts;...
    PLT 12.4 5 These [higher] powers and laws are also facts in a Natural History.
    PLT 12.4 24 Every creation...is on the method and by the means which our mind approves as soon as it is thoroughly acquainted with the facts;...
    PLT 12.11 25 ...he who who contents himself with...recording only what facts he has observed...follows a system also...
    PLT 12.20 25 ...a well-ordered mind brings to the study of every new fact or class of facts a certain divination of that which it shall find.
    PLT 12.27 3 A man has been in Spain. The facts and thoughts which the traveller has found in that country gradually settle themselves into a determinate heap of one size and form and not another.
    PLT 12.37 25 At a moment in our history the mind's eye opens and we become aware of spiritual facts...
    PLT 12.38 3 These [spiritual] facts, this essence [Truth], are not new;...
    PLT 12.40 1 ...the mind discovers some essential copula binding this [new] fact or change to a class of facts or changes...
    PLT 12.41 8 Every new impression on the mind is...to be accounted for, and, until accounted for, registered as an indisputable addition to our catalogue of natural facts.
    II 12.66 19 There is a singular credulity which no experience will cure us of, that another man has seen or may see somewhat more than we, of the primary facts;...
    II 12.69 25 Here are we with all our world of facts and experience...all ready to be uttered, if only we could be set aglow.
    Mem 12.91 24 Once [the active mind] joined its facts by color and form and sensuous relations.
    Mem 12.95 11 This command of old facts...is our splendid privilege.
    Mem 12.96 26 ...one [man] rarely takes an interest in how the facts really stand, in the order of cause and effect, without self-reference. This is an intellectual man.
    Mem 12.97 27 A knife with a good spring, a forceps...the teeth or jaws of which fit and play perfectly, as compared with the same tools when badly put together, describe to us the difference between a person of quick and strong perception...and a heavy man who witnesses the same facts...
    Mem 12.98 20 The facts of the last two or three days or weeks are all you have with you...
    Mem 12.99 24 The mind has a better secret in generalization than merely adding units to its list of facts.
    Mem 12.100 1 An act of the understanding will marshal and concatenate a few facts;...
    Mem 12.101 16 ...all the facts in this chest of memory are property at interest.
    CInt 12.120 8 ...I value [talent] more...when the talent is...in harmony with the public sentiment of mankind. Such is the patriotism of Demosthenes, of Patrick Henry...strong by the strength of the facts themselves.
    CInt 12.121 17 ...a larger angle of vision, commands centuries of facts...
    CL 12.157 23 The facts disclosed by Winkelmann, Goethe, Bell...are joyful possessions...
    CL 12.161 15 In a water-party in which many scholars joined, I noted that the skipper of the boat was much the best companion. The scholars made puns. the skipper saw instructive facts on every side...
    CL 12.166 11 ...of the two facts, the world and man, man is by much the larger half.
    MAng1 12.215 2 Few lives of eminent men are harmonious; few that furnish, in all the facts, an image corresponding with their fame.
    Milt1 12.251 24 ...deeply as that peculiar state of society, in which and for which Milton wrote, has engraved itself in the remembrance of the world, it shares the destiny which overtakes everything local and personal in Nature; and the accidental facts on which a battle of principles was fought have already passed, or are fast passing, into oblivion.
    ACri 12.294 6 ...[Shakespeare's] very sonnets are as solid and close to facts as the Banker's Gazette;...
    ACri 12.298 22 ...[Carlyle's History of Frederick II is] a book holding so many memorable and heroic facts, working directly on practice;...
    ACri 12.300 20 Whatever new object we see, we perceive to be only a new version of our familiar experience, and we set about translating it at once into our parallel facts.
    ACri 12.303 2 ...this is the ball that is tossed...in the history of every mind by sovereignty of thought to make facts and men obey our present humor or belief.
    MLit 12.313 22 ...the single soul feels its right...to summon all facts and parties before its tribunal.
    MLit 12.314 13 Nor is the distinction between these two habits [of subjectiveness] to be found in the circumstance of...reciting facts and feelings of personal history.
    MLit 12.314 24 The great always introduce us to facts;...
    MLit 12.315 16 The great lead us...in our age to metaphysical Nature, to the invisible awful facts...
    MLit 12.317 19 There are facts on which men of the world superciliously smile, which are worth all their trade and politics;...
    MLit 12.323 1 ...in [Goethe] this encyclopaedia of facts, which it has been the boast of the age to compile, wrought an equal effect.
    MLit 12.333 23 ...all the hints of omnipresence and energy which we have caught, this man [the poet] should unfold, and constitute facts.
    PPr 12.379 7 [Carlyle's Past and Present] grapples honestly with the facts lying before all men...

fact-speaker, n. (1)

    Elo1 7.94 9 ...a fact-speaker of any kind, [the people] will long follow;...

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